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Posts posted by eude

  1. Bought a neck and some tuners off WarPig.
    A true gent, held on to it for me while I was waiting to get paid.
    Posted it out pronto after payment, really well packed and as described.

    Top guy, thanks War Pig


  2. [quote name='martthebass' post='208003' date='May 28 2008, 01:10 PM']Cheers Eude.
    You're pretty much telling me what I thought - it's just I'm taking up most of the porch with the TE combo and the 151 at the mo and I don't know if I can stand the earache from Mrs MTB for 3-4 months :huh:. Generally the gigs we do are smallish (<100) and if It's bigger then I DI. The TE has more than enough for most of what I do - if the LM250 and 151HR can deliver the same volume then I'd have no problem. I know the 151HR has good sensitivity (100db/w) but the LM250 only delivering 150W into 8 Ohms makes me think it would struggle with a 400W handling cab? I was thinking I need about 300W minimum unless someone can advise me better.[/quote]

    I'm no expert on all that I'm afraid.
    The Aguilar I use is an 8 ohm 300W cab and has 95db/w sensitivity, or so I'm told.
    It certainly cuts through better and appears louder than my ol' 200W Trace Combo, but that's all the advice I can offer on it... :)


  3. [quote name='martthebass' post='207560' date='May 27 2008, 08:35 PM']Well the cab thing has now been sorted in the form of a Mark Bass 151HR. However with less gigs forthcoming than I would like I'm having to consider 'bridging' options on the amp. Ideally I would like to go for a LM11 but I may have to wait a while until the GAS fund is replenished or I can find someone to take my TE GP715SM in px. So, in short would a LM250 be capable of driving this in the meantime or any other (reasonably lightweight) options anyone can suggest for the time bridging option?

    Cheers Mart[/quote]

    I've got away with my LM 250 and single Aguilar 1X12 at small(ish) gigs without PA support, I 'spose it depends on the size of venue though.
    On larger gigs I use the DI out to the PA and run the amp loud too which really fills things out.
    Seems fine on gigs of about 100 people, although I only have an acoustic guitar and a drummer to contend with.
    Anything bigger though, I reckon you'd need a second cab or a bigger amp, it also depends on the sensitivity of your cab though...

    The LM 250 is a great wee amp, but I am aware of it's limitations, if you can afford it's big bro it's probably more sensible going for that.
    I was replacing a 200W trace Combo when I got mine and it seems just as loud even though on paper it's 50W shy...


  4. [quote name='Mike' post='207599' date='May 27 2008, 09:32 PM']Sounds excellent matey. I hope I get royalties for the picture of mine there!

    Interestingly enough, Jon is building me a 33" 5-string. Thread to come!

    Looking forward to seeing this turn out. Interesting you want Sadowsky knobs, I requested Lakland 44/55 style rubber knobs![/quote]

    Hey Mike,
    I do hold you and that bass responsible for me going for a Jazz in the first place :huh:

    Nice to hear the 33" bug is spreading, I'm so so pleased that I went for it on my 6 string, it really makes playing much more comfortable.
    The B string is as good as any high end bass I've played, and it's even better than the B I tried on a 36" high end bass, which shall remain nameless.
    The real nice surprise with it is the way the higher strings seem to sing that little bit more.
    How will you be stringing yours?

    The knobs? I've always just liked the highend chunky look of the Sadowsky knobs, thay look like hi-fi controls to me.
    I think you can buy them direct from Sadowsky, so they're not going to be impossible to get, I just hope they don't add a lot to the cost :)


  5. [quote name='Ant' post='207593' date='May 27 2008, 09:21 PM']When i hold down the button, it'll output noise - it has photoresistors attached and the brighter the light that shines into them; the higher the pitch.[/quote]

    Excellent, that sounds cool!


  6. [quote name='Bassmonster' post='207590' date='May 27 2008, 09:17 PM']Another one! :huh:, the GAS has got you good my friend[/quote]

    It'll have to wait till I've sorted the fretless out first, 33", 6 string in that new shape I mocked up.
    Then it'll be time for the short scale :)

    Yes I think I have a problem...


  7. [quote name='Ant' post='207527' date='May 27 2008, 08:08 PM']a quick update, i'll be getting a light sensitive oscillator synth jobby built into the body of my bass, with controls on the lower horn.[/quote]

    That sounds well cool.
    Excuse my ignorance, but what will it actually do? :)

    On a side note, I've totally fallen in love with the shape you're going for, got a sweet idea for a short scale bass based on it, next year though, next year....


  8. [quote name='Finbar' post='207533' date='May 27 2008, 08:12 PM']Was going to take a few snaps of this, but it just looked like the above pictures! Shiny and black! Didn't see much point. Looking fine either way man :)[/quote]

    No bother mate, Jon kinda stole your thunder on the photos didn't he :huh:
    Thanks so much for offering to take some snaps though.


  9. Wow!
    That's absolutely gorgeous!
    You must be over the moon mate!

    You, and everyone else it would seem, where right about the pickguard too, looks brilliant without it, probably would've spoiled it, albeit a little :)

    Now get away from your computer and get that bad boy plugged in! :huh:


  10. [quote name='Finbar' post='206987' date='May 27 2008, 12:41 AM']Damn right. The hour draws near! Going to phone Jon in the morning to clear that it is alright to drop down, but hopefully you should all get some pictures tomorrow!

    I'm going to be leaving Jon's place with a lighter wallet, but it'll be worth the six months of extra wait on what he quoted me! Hah.[/quote]

    Very excited for you bud, can't wait to see what you did about the scratch plate too, gonna be a surprise :)


  11. [quote name='7string' post='206949' date='May 26 2008, 11:28 PM']Can't go wrong with black, goes with any outfit you care to wear.

    I hate to think what you're going to be like when you see the finished article !![/quote]

    Ha ha, I know, it's gonna be a tricksy one, as I was hopefully going to go down to Jon's to pick it up, might have to invest in some adult diapers!

  12. [quote name='ahpook' post='206920' date='May 26 2008, 11:00 PM']ahhh well, i ordered a set of reds to try them out.[/quote]

    Worth a shot mate.
    I used to use them when I had a Warwick, brand loyalty and all that :)
    They wheren't bad at all for the money, but there are better strings out there, but you need to spend a little more cash to get 'em.

    Hope they work out for you mate,

  13. [quote name='simondee' post='206628' date='May 26 2008, 04:18 PM']Has there been any more news on UK Incase stockists?

    They look awesome and I need something I can wear on my back and also take on the Tube.[/quote]

    Hey man, check out the Protec Contego as an Incase altenative >> [url="http://www.protecmusic.com/items.aspx?ProductID=410&InstrumentID=5&InstrumentGroupID=4&CategoryID=2&subCategoryID=45"]http://www.protecmusic.com/items.aspx?Prod...ubCategoryID=45[/url]

    They get a great write up and are a hell of a lot cheaper, certainly next on my list once my very very disappointing high end Ritter gig bag finally disintegrates, probably only be another couple of months...
    I think our very own Bass Direct stocks 'em too >> www.bassdirect.co.uk


  14. [quote name='Bassmonster' post='206249' date='May 25 2008, 10:52 PM']oooooo looking good eude!, how long until its finished?[/quote]

    Hey man, thanks :)
    I don't have an ETA as yet, but it's been a little over 2 months since I put the deposit down.
    Jon said it'd take less than 4 months, as it's a real simple build, but I thought it'd be safer to take that as, "it'll take about 4 months".
    As far as I know, he's not started the neck yet, I think he did the body first on this to coincide the spraying with all the other jobs he's got on you see.

    I'm not gonna push Jon for a delivery date, at least I'm trying not too, as I know he's uber-busy and I'm not in a crazy rush for the bass, however if I could have it tomorrow I'd be stupid happy!
    How about you, you got an ETA yet on yours?


  15. [quote name='steve-soar' post='205935' date='May 25 2008, 01:04 PM']Nice one and I can highly recommend the EMG JV's. I've put a set in my Jap Jazz and it was transformed. How are you having the tone control set?
    I replaced the supplied cap with a big orange Sprague, as the EMG one made absolutely no difference in tone.
    Mmmmm, gassin' for a black bass now. :huh:[/quote]

    Nice one Steve,
    I'm really excited about them. Really wanted something that sounded quite different from the EMG DCs in my 6 string, for a bit of vintage variety :)
    I hadn't thought about changing the control set up, was just gonna go with the stock stuff, I'll maybe talk to Jon about other options then...
    I have an EMG DC with the stock vol/tone setup on a bass I built myself and I never found a problem with it, however I always run it wide open :huh:
    I do want to keep it simple though, vol/vol/tone (probably) as I might fancy swapping back to passive at some point.


  16. [quote name='Bassmonster' post='205704' date='May 24 2008, 09:18 PM']Just got the latest update from Jon, the body will be getting its final spray this coming week, can't wait to see how it turns out[/quote]

    Nice one, can't wait to see how the colour turns out.


  17. [quote name='Finbar' post='205691' date='May 24 2008, 08:35 PM']Well Jon says the bass is finished! :)

    He said I could pick it up tomorrow, but I'm not around tomorrow, so it'll have to be sometime in this coming week.

    To say I'm excited is an understatement :huh:[/quote]

    Nice one Finbar,
    you must be well excited!
    Can't wait to see the finished article mate, you must be peeing your pants!


  18. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='204909' date='May 23 2008, 12:40 PM']Accugrove Tri-112?[/quote]

    Now you're really not helping my GAS at all bud!
    That things lighter than my Aguilar GS112 too, but not on the wallet...


  19. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='204499' date='May 22 2008, 07:12 PM']You mean just like a Dr Bass 1260? [url="http://www.drbasscabs.com/"]http://www.drbasscabs.com/[/url][/quote]

    Wow, yup, just like that, at least in principle.
    Although, I had envisaged something a bit more upright, as I'd be using it as a standalone cab, kinda like the Hartke 2200, but much much more compact...


  20. Hey man,
    is the black headstocked neck still around?
    If so, can you wait till payday (the 28th) or would you consider swapping for an unused maple/maple P Bass neck bought from Dangleberry music a wee while ago, think it cost £55 but i'd happily do a straight swap.
    If you'd rather have cash and can wait till the 28th, that's cool too though.

    By the way, is your neck a P bass or J Bass profile?
    Doesn't bother me either way though, as it's going on to a bit of a Jazz Bass rebuild to use as a beater bass :)


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