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Posts posted by eude

  1. [quote name='dood' post='271990' date='Aug 28 2008, 08:05 PM']ha ha ha ha ha!!! Nooooo -hhhhh'way!!!! Yeeee haaa gWasshoppa!![/quote]

    Well if it helps, I was out for several drinks the other night with one of my old pals, a drummer who I used to play with.
    He's in the process of getting some old videos of our original band digitised, including one of us jamming in my parents living room back when we where all 13 - now that will be embarrassing!

    I'll probably have to put up some screen grabs from it once it's done...


  2. [quote name='Sibob' post='271671' date='Aug 28 2008, 12:05 PM']It's the battle of the black/black jazzes to get finished, I think mine might have the edge thought hehe

    Loving the look of yours so far though Eude


    Cheers Si,
    I'm getting right excited, can't wait to get my grubby mitts on it!

    [quote name='alexclaber' post='271674' date='Aug 28 2008, 12:09 PM']I really like the way that changing scale length has such a big effect on the sound - as you've noticed a shorter scale gives the higher strings a more vocal quality whilst making the lower strings rounder sounding. I prefer the more aggressive sound and the feel of a 36" scale but it's a very personal thing. For all the pondering we do about wood choices and so on with custom basses its amazing how the vast majority of customs are 34" scale or 35" for fives.

    FWIW I'm using 38-58-78-104-134 gauge strings on my 36" scale standard tuned five.


    Nice one Alex, there is quite a difference, however I don't really notice a whole lot different between the 33" and 34" in the lower register.
    What strings are you actually using on your bass dude?

    I've been experimenting a bit, with different strings, DR Sunbeams, SIT Nickel, DR LowRider Stainless Steel and Nickel, all in the heaviest gauges I can find. I love the sound of the SUnbeams the most, but they're hard to get hold of and are a little soft, it's a toughy...
    I'm on the Stainless Steel LowRiders just now and they've confirmed to me that I'm a Nickel man from now on...


  3. I'd vote for a refinish and a new neck.
    You could either go with a Warmoth job, but that depends on the RBV neck joint, failing that though, I'm sure Jon Shuker would do the refinish and build you a new neck to your specs.

    I'd always wondered about that Fear Factory bass, very very nice...


  4. [quote name='chrkelly' post='269846' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:33 PM']Hi Eude,

    It's a small world! Love Edinburgh and that club's a great venue. New album sounds great, think it's in for mastering at the mo and should be out soon. Unfortunately I've since left the band so won't be doing the next Japan tour to promote it. Gutted.

    No worries about Thursday but I'll be gigging in France then and won't be back till Monday so can send it after that. If that's ok I'll stick it on hold and we can sort out paypal when I get back?


    Hey Chris, sorry to hear you've moved on from Big Strides, sounds like you're keeping busy though...
    Looking forward to hearing the new album when it's done.

    That's cool if you want to put the cable on hold, much appreciated.
    I'm actually in London on Monday for a funeral, but I'll be back in my computer by Tuesday, so I can PayPal you the funds then if you send me your details on Monday.


  5. [quote name='ped' post='269514' date='Aug 25 2008, 02:41 PM']I have been endorsed by Vigier for a while now and I am thinking about speccing a series 4 6 string in white with red anodised body/headstock logo and a built in V system along with the Delano electronics and seperate pre for each pickup but I won't be doing that for a while![/quote]

    Wow Ped!
    That sounds like an awesome spec, go on order it, go on, you know you want to... :)


  6. Hey man,
    if you can wait till Thursday I'll take the 21 footer off you.
    Need to wait till payday you see.

    If that's cool, how do you like yer reddies?
    PayPal? Bank Transfer?

    P.S. I think I've met you before, here in Edinburgh.
    Your drummer, with Big Strides anyway, Lewis is the big bro of one of my pals, Debbie.
    I came to see guys play at Cabaret Voltaire, last year, or maybe the year before.
    Awesome gig, had a wee natter with Lewis after, so I'm pretty sure we where introduced.

    How's the new album coming along?


  7. [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Gig_Skinz_Gig_Bags.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...z_Gig_Bags.html[/url]

    The DGMS is meant to be perfect, plus a lot cooler looking than the Markbass ones.
    I'm using a laptop bag snaffled from work just now, but I'll probably be getting one of these after pay day!


  8. I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on with this.
    I really miss my big muff, although it did have its limitations, so I might have to get me one of these...


  9. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='262397' date='Aug 14 2008, 01:28 PM']I contacted Alan about it, so may well get it finished, will see what happens![/quote]

    That's what I'd be inclined to do too mate.
    It's got all the woods and ideas you where going for anyway, plus it'll be in your grubby mitts much much quicker than starting again.


  10. [quote name='skelf' post='262317' date='Aug 14 2008, 12:08 PM']Just to chip in on this thread.
    I have no idea what UPS did to the parcel to do what they managed to go to the bass but it must have very large and very heavy as the damage was due to the case being compressed.
    The damage.
    Two stacks were bent and one of the circuit boards was broken.
    Neck pickup had been pushed in so hard that it stripped the retaining screw.
    Strap button on the back of the upper horn had been pushed in and cracked the lacquer.
    Binding had been damaged on the E string side of the neck.
    Mr Bear was not happy with the finish which was a fair point as the lacquer had developed a slight cloudiness in a couple of areas. I was going to re-finish the bass in order to put this right.
    I have since removed the finger board due to the damage to the binding having tried to fix the binding first but it did not look to good so I decided just to remove the whole lot.
    The bass has been partially stripped and I have been watching the neck to see if there has been any movement in it but it seems to be perfectly all right.
    I have put a new finger board on and as time permits I will get the bass back up and running.

    All in all it was a very disappointing episode due to the damage and the finish problem. I hate having disappointed customers.

    The bass was insured but the carrier does not allow insurance to the full value of the bass so I lost a bit on the bass and it took ages to get the money from them needing constant calls and e-mails to finally get them to settle.


    That's awful!
    I take it you're using another courier service now?
    I really don't understand how they would manage to do that much damage through a Hiscox case, it's just crazy!


  11. That's a real shame about your ACG dude!
    The standard of courier/postal services is appalling. I sent a bass out in a Gator Hard Case once, the same one Jon shipped my single cut to me in, in about an inch of bubble wrap and brown paper too, when it got to the other end, via UPS, the case was apparently shattered! Thankfully the bass was OK...

    Surely you'd have to drop a Hiscox case from a great height or drive over it in a van to damage it!

    Can't really comment about build times from other luthiers though, Shukers seem to be taking about 6-8 months on average just now.
    I think Alan at ACG comes in on time, not heard any complaints about Overwater or GB bass build times.

    As far as other luthiers to check out though, have a look at [url="http://www.cbbasses.com"]CB Basses[/url]
    I've been GAS'in' for one of those for ages, think he's got a 12 month waiting list though :)


  12. [quote name='Bigwan' post='262167' date='Aug 14 2008, 08:47 AM']Things have been a bit quiet lately on this, but Jon sent me some pics last night. Took my breath away when I opened them!


    Jon's having a week off next week and should be completing this one the week after that, which'll make it 42 weeks total build (quoted 12 - 20 weeks when I ordered). I'm in no hurry or I would have been a bit more annoyed about the delay, but these pics make up for quite a few of those weeks![/quote]

    Holy crap!
    That looks good enough to eat!
    You must be stoked...

    Are you getting an adjustable ramp like on Dood's Doodle too?


  13. [quote name='Brave Sir Robin' post='261531' date='Aug 13 2008, 01:30 PM']That may be, but I have the nicest back!

    Cant wait to try it on, I'll make sure to post clips too. With that potentially huge range of sound, it will take a while though.[/quote]

    I am so insanely jealous mate!


  14. [quote name='coasterbass' post='260715' date='Aug 12 2008, 11:44 AM']Eude - your band, 10 Storey's High... how long has that been going? I think I might have one of your CD's.[/quote]

    Hey man,
    it's been going a few years, I've been with them since January 2007, which is when we started pushing properly.
    What CD is it?
    Officially there's been a proper single called Good Things and the album just recently, called The Thrill of the Fall.
    There's probably a fair few home made and white labels flying around too though...


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