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Posts posted by LukeFRC

  1. Art college is a funny experience. You think, when you go that you spend 4 years learnig to be good at art. All the technical skills, all the knowledge.
    But it doesnt end up like that.
    If you go all the way down that route you end up making art for other artists, art that nobody likes- technically and conceptionaly brilliant but with a stinkof death to it. And you graduate and sit there in your death mask genius.
    Striving so hard for something you won't get, cos your striving disqualifies you- and as someone once sang 'ambition makes you look pretty ugly'

    But thats not what most folk end up doing. Mostly you spend 4 years learning with people boncing off other folk. Some you agree with, others not. Learning how to make art and also make art that comunicates.
    Its not about money, or fame, or being brilliant.
    Its about communicating, fun, and spending time making things, in the gap between you and me. Thoes relationships where thing happen out of the joy of creation.
    Its the buzz of getting a load of people who you kinda respect and making thing happen that wouldn't otherwise and showing that to some of the 6 billion of us.
    With the motto (glasgow accent) "juz do eit!"

    Music at its best shares a lot of the same attitudes.

  2. a few things:
    that bill clip is 8 minutes long.... thats a long solo! is that why the crowd is making the same noise you hear at football gronds when the away player is taking a penalty?

    The bill one is flipping fast, but watching it he never plays any notes you dont expect him too. so he seems to me to be doing fairly standard things very very fast. If i practiced enough im sure i could do that.
    The Jaco one is going all over the place in terms of melody scales and also rhythm. For me to do that i would have to know a hell of a lot more about music.
    Ill also throw it out there that Jaco seems to be using the space between notes better! :)

  3. soundmen are great (i do a bit me self!)

    I also have basses that I know sound awsome whether through amp or DI.
    My P bass espacially sounds so good through DI i dont care, it would tak a very special soundman to much the tone of that up!

  4. soon! Moving house on sunday so after that.
    i used bluey live on last sunday for the first time. I felt ill so the whole experience was a bit traumatic! Theres something about it that is so musical, i was able to come up with some lovely wee lines. It was so efortless 'feeling' where the note would be that i forgot it was a different bass and a wee run in Bm went very wrong!
    I love it! And also strangely it also makes me love my fender and what that can do more!

    Btw what strings are on it?


  5. my old status shark through my wee vox t25 amp. Warm and lovely.

    I really think if vox had made a t250 or something i would never have had to buy another piece of gear again.

    but they didnt.
    and ive sold the status now....

    i once had to borrow glasvagas' fender bassman stack (the one he used on later) that was awsome. In another league. :) Same the sound was so bad i was the only thing that sounded good!!!!

  6. Ok generalisations here but does it seem that the US has a good grasp on making good players?
    Like theres all these awsome musicians in different genres who are technacclly great. In the UK we dont seem to have such a great focus on musicianship or if we do it is in quite small circles, like the Jazz circle.
    if that makes sense?

  7. i think dancing is good. Not enough of it generally in our society! Your band sounds like a whole load of fun (to dance too, i have no idea about playing that sorta stuff)
    I have seen scottish Ceilidh bands that had the loud lively electric and eclectic badge, up here they would be lumped in the same group as the trad ones.
    I went with a group of friends to South Uist for new year a few years ago, we go invited to the local new years day ceilidh, that was something else. Everyone knows the dances, flings hard and no calling, not even the name of the dance- you recognise it fae the introduction.... oh and you get the mothers introducing you to their daughters!

  8. [quote name='BassBod' post='206208' date='May 25 2008, 09:39 PM']Worth mentioning that the "highest profile" job I've auditioned for didn't involved any reading - not even chord charts. [i] You just get a phone call, a time and place, and a CD posted to you by the management.[/i] Then you don't so much get judged on your playing, but everything else (sound, gear, looking for cues, coping with key changes..) as well as looking the part, getting on with people etc.


    and then you are wondering, what is the matrix...? It's all simulation, to look, sound and feel real, but its all a lie Neo....

  9. I know where you are. nightclub, forget its name, old cinema now a club of old(er) folks.
    Chelmsford used to have tthe army and navy, our own wee venue/gay bar which was great, then they turne it into a 'sports bar' it had no customers and shut. i have no idea where you find music now bar the jazz club.... but hey ho, this essexboy lives in edinburgh now. (so can go through to Glasgow for the music! :) )

  10. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='206508' date='May 26 2008, 12:54 PM']On a slight tangent, but still firmly on the subject of excessive distance to gigs, the most illogical piece of scheduling I've ever been involved with ([b]ALL [/b]from the same agent) was:

    Thursday night: Gig in Chelmsford.
    Friday night: Gig in Aberdeen (that's what teminded me!!)
    Saturday/Sunday/Monday: Gigs in Belfast.

    [b]There's[/b] a man who desperately needed an Atlas.[/quote]

    ... there's somewhere to play in chelmsford?

  11. [quote name='The Burpster' post='206326' date='May 26 2008, 07:57 AM']Thats some sound advice....


    Record player,

    Record player?

    You sound like you're from the Dansette era.... :huh:[/quote]

    i have a few phonograms but no dansettes :)
    also have a hi-fi stereo turntable- wooo modern technology!

  12. my advice to you and other new players (and myself) is turn off basschat and your computer with all the talk of better bass.
    And turn on your bass amp and record player.

    It's better that way.

    (also untill you either buy a decent amp or play places with good amps you wont hear the diference if you have also have a cheap amp- ergo keep what you have until you are playing live in situations where you need a 'better' or different tone.)

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