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Posts posted by LukeFRC

  1. That should sort you out! I hope you enjoy.

    [quote name='pete.young' post='243635' date='Jul 20 2008, 09:01 AM']There are two kinds of Japanese Fenders. The export variety have basswod bodies and hardware from i know not where. The 'Not For Export' models have alder or ash bodies and US pickups, and are generally built to a very high standard of quality. You might like to talk to John Blackman of Far East Guitars and see what he has in stock - he imports very low mileage not-for-exports and the one I have looks new. He seems to have a nice '57 with a maple board at the moment, if that's your thing.[/quote]

    not quite true. There are different types of "Not for Export" Jap fenders. a standard range. a Reissue range and the 'US' reissue range. It's the 'US' ones that have the ash/alder and US pups.
    +1 for Far east guitars though. Email him with what you are looking for to get first dibs

  2. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='249748' date='Jul 28 2008, 04:25 PM']As an example I have a 2005 USA Fender Precision - I paid £550 for it and I reckon, even in a crappy market, that marketed properly I could get £550 for it, even though if you look hard enough you can get lucky and pick one up for maybe £450?
    I'm not saying go out and buy a new one for what, £900? and expect it to still be worth 900 quid in 12 month's time - but do you know what I mean?

    Does that make sense or am I talking out of my bottom?[/quote]

    It does make sense but you forget inflation.
    I bought a bass of here second hand for 600 off warwickhunt a few months back. Now say next year i chop my hand off and want to sell it. At the current interest rate selling it for less than around 630 is a loss. 661.5 the year after and so on.
    the reality is that apart from 'vintage' stuff ie premium stuff that already has had a value system mapped out (and that will ramp up) you are at best guessing it will not depreciate too much.
    buy stuff that is well made, will last and you enjoy and the rest will look after itself

    EDIT: Thats an example btw- bluey is MINE!

  3. In my old band we used to normally do a 20 min to half hour set or original stuff. Once we could all play the songs we used to sit down and in our 3 hour slot in the studio and just practice our set. All the songs all the way through with no gaps between them, no arsing around. At the end of a set we would go back and any songs we had fluffed we would do again a few times. Then we would repeat the whole set again. and again and again. (with breaks) At the end we would spend some time playing new stuff and just making noise. Before a big gig we would try and do this 2/3 days a week.
    It was good at geting tight.
    One song we recorded for a film project we all practiced at home for hours and then spent 3 hours playing the same 3 minuite song again and agian. We were sick of it! But in our live set after the film shoot it sounded so much better than the other stuff.
    Practice does make perfect. Be disciplined but keep it fun.

    Be ready t soundcheck when you need to. HAve stuff ready to shift and plugin. Impress this on your guitarist. (Have him/her sort out what settings they want on their pedals before the gig)
    Have space things like power supplies and cables. Esspecially cables. It wont be broken till you get to the gig!
    Soundchecks are for the sound guy, not for you. Set up, turn on check you are working then shut up. Same for everyone. Then ask the soundguy what he/she wants you to do. If he takes 15 of your 20 min soundcheck doing levels on a kit, thats fine. Tell him what you want more or less of in the monitors.
    When you cant hear summit in the foldback you need stop and think before you ask for "more vox please" listen- is the problem that something else is way to loud? see if you can ask for less of something first.

    Have fun, smile and prepare to perspire lots.

  4. [quote name='Matt_UK' post='248946' date='Jul 27 2008, 03:27 PM']Thats the best photo I've seen in such a long time, gave me a proper chortle :)!

    There was a black Jazzman?! That would be sweet...in Glasgow they had a Natural Jazzman for £599...but it had a "sheared off switch" (WTF?!?!?!) Seriously, how hard must someone have pranged that (and not damaged the rest of it) to shear off a METAL switch!? Still, cheap price if you factor in a new switch (£20)![/quote]

    i did this to my Presision. Lightly knocked it while picking it up on a chair and the one of the two metal prongs in the rotary swich sheared off. Its now held in place with a tiny shim of cork in it!

  5. its an instrument that someone has played a bit. you dont buy a rick for your first bass. also if you just get given a really good bas you dont stick (quite well done) stickers on it. So its something someone at some point has played live. enough to ding, bend the tuner and make one of the knobs fall off.
    so a fair bit.
    but the guy/girl doesnt seem to realise how much it should be selling for?

  6. [quote name='thebeat' post='248236' date='Jul 26 2008, 01:49 AM']Well I've worked with a lot of people from other 'cultures' as you put it and yes, they can be fascinating. On the other hand, Americans and i mean the man on the street, not artists/writers/musos etc, seem disconnected from reality in some ways. They live in one of the largest and most advanced countries on the world but the majority have never been outside the state they were born in...so i suppose they are going to be disconnected somewhat if all they know about the world is what CNN tells them. I'm not saying per se that Americans are bad, well not as bad as the Serbs anyway...just that they're strange and no amount of semantic tomfoolery is gonna change that....nosirreee bob.[/quote]

    surely you could level that at any culture including your own?
    The view of the world/culture you have will be formed from/in your own culture.
    So the americans will have certain cultural predjuces we will find strange. some we would even say wrong.
    But then so do we, I mean we live in one of the largest and most advanced economic communities on the world but the majority of us have never been outside the EU (and when we do go abroad its in safe packaged ways)...so i suppose they are going to be disconnected somewhat if all they know about the world is what the BBC tells us.
    when we get down to it we are all strange to everything but ourselves.

    (I also have no reason and evidence to suggest the Serbs as a race are any better or worse than anyother group of people)

  7. yep, im slowly getting it to like me too.
    new (thicker) strings and raise the action from what you had it set at, lower the pups... and im away, i realise i must play quite hard with my right hand. Played a few times with it before I set it up and it was great (appart from the face i had to try and be light fingered), then went back to hitting my P bass hard for a while. can't wait to try it again now, the P bass still feels like home but im looking forward to the streamer challenging my playing ability. I sorted the intonation today.

    anyway im blethering.

    bam badda bam!

  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='246928' date='Jul 24 2008, 02:58 PM']There have been a few SSIs on eBay of late and most have achieved around the £700 (which is pitiful but a bit more than what I sold one for recently)[/quote]

    which is lovely thanks! :)

  9. not sure if anyone had posted this yet

    i would like one! cannae afford it though

  10. Warning: may be wrong

    think of it like this, your middle C sound comes out of you amp at 264Hz (or whatever it is) that 264 'soundwaves' a second. Now given that the speed of sound is a constant 340m/s (for example- it varies) we can work out that the sound waves you are making have a wave length of 1.2m.
    So your bass puts out one 'wave' every 1.29m.
    now say that your bass amp is set up on a stage in a big wooden room which is say 25.8m long. now 25.8 is a multiple of our 1.29m wavelength so when the sound reflects off the wall it is going to do so in such a way that it will be in the same phase as the original signal. It will be like the two signals are overlapping and adding to the amplitude of the sound wave. This is what causes it to appear louder.
    C notes in other octaves will have wavelengths which would also be multiples of the middle C (i think)
    All rooms will have resonant frequencys. Frequencies that will appear louder. If you are really unlucky (or sods law) they will be frequencies on the chromatic scale.
    Really you want a parametric EQ to cut out the frequencies that resonate in the room. (Big long I unit rack thing you'll find somewhere near the sound desk with lots and lots of sliders on it, usually at least two of them sat there.) As a bass player though often you will want to use your amp (which doesnt have a big parametric EQ system - though some have a notch filter which does the same thing) so turning the cabs in different directions to try and get reflections off different walls. or something

  11. if you go for one of the jap 'US' version reissues you get alder or ash rather than basswood and also US pups rather than cheaper (i guess) jap ones.
    Possibly worth the extra- my 57 'US' p is excellent and has one of the best necks i have ever felt on any bass.
    look around though there are a few folk importing them at slightly different prices.

  12. well i used to have a shark 2 bass.... they had graphite rodsc in the neck like the newer fender basses do. look on the back of it, the neck will be made of 3 bits of maple and the fretboard on top. somewhere in there there will be some graphiteness.
    which is besides the point except that we bump this up agian so someone will buy it off you! P

  13. bass.
    We used to practice in someones bedroom. I used his 20w £30 practice amp (drum machine see, we could keep it quiet) but it sounded awfull. He had a cheap P bass copy, sounded bad, i had a status shark sounded bad. I then got my fender P andit was amazing that it actually sounded alright with it.

  14. So, just popped into town and walked past what was soundcontrol in the grassmarket. There is a new store that has opened there, they were freindly without trying to sell me stuff.

    Anyway got a few bargins, and old secondhand Ibanez hard case for £20
    And they have a load of ashdown strings at £10 each... but buy one get one free. (Wide boys fatties fives 45-130 nickel)


    I got a set of Wide boys fatties fives 45-130 nickel and Wide boys billy bunters and fattie fives. anyone know anything bout these strings any good?

  15. from the look of it it is a nice bass thebeat. The secondhand market up here in scotland (well edinburgh anyway) is so small i would have thought you would be better offering it around locally, gumtree etc?
    Im not sure it is correct that you should sell it on here and lose out -just because its caused a bit of a barney before.

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