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Everything posted by thatgrantboy

  1. Any advances on a possible date for the amp?
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  3. Finally got my grubby little mitts on his wonderful bronco/musicman conversion jobby bass guitar. Darn its nice, and he's a cracking bloke to deal with! Really friendly not to mention a good packer of basses in boxes!
  4. [quote name='henry norton' post='1286089' date='Jun 29 2011, 09:18 AM']Yes that's because the Harrier neck is a 21 fret neck whereas the Mighty Mite is a 20. You will probably have to move the bridge - it's best to move it anyway as you won't have the full adjustability for intonation otherwise. I would measure the original neck from the nut to the end of the neck, do the same to the new neck, work out the difference and hey presto, that's how far you move the bridge back![/quote] What an oversight! Totally took it for granted there were the same amount of frets when typing up my reply earlier on
  5. I'm no expert, but I cant see why not. As long as the heel fits in the neck pocket, and you've got the correct scale length from nut to bridge, you'd be fine! And in terms of what i've just said, that leaves you open to a lot of combinations! (apart from, obviously, sticking a different scale neck on there. Unless you want to move your bridge to accommodate that aswell!)
  6. Even if you do need to drag your bridge closer to the neck, the bridge will cover the existing holes (if you don't fill them before a respray/polish etc) anyway
  7. I'm not sure how far off it'll be (and how much allowance you have) but with the length difference, you may be able to get away with it on the amount your bridge saddles will travel. I found the easiest way to check (after many close calls similar to this on several of my own projects) is put the new neck in the pocket, tight as you can (as if its bolted on) then, with the bridge screwed onto the body (a screw at either end is fine) whip your measuring tape out. Pull the tape out to 34" (the scale length) and put the 34" mark at the nut, then see where the end of the tape lands at over your bridge. You obviously need the saddles of your bridge to be touching the end of the tape, for your entire bass to be intonated properly (of course apart from minor tweaks). But if the saddles reach the tape, you know you've got the minimum allowance there. Hope this helps
  8. Reverse photos! One Two And its a beaut, isn't it?
  9. I saw that 4x10 as I was browsing through the Trace Porn thread, and noticed I think it's exactly the same head as mine. It gives a beautiful tone to be fair And its really boomy! It's now something like 3rd in line in terms of rigs though. Not that I DO want to sell it, I've just never known the value as I salvaged it from a pub many a year ago. They were throwing ALL the gear out that was there, including loads of PA speakers, light etc. This was amongst it! It was in an absolute state when I had it, so I set about restoring it (sort of!), thus building a new cab for it, tolexing it etc all myself. So sentimentally, its worth a lot to me.
  10. Hopefully this is the right place to post this.... I've got a darn lovely Trace Elliot GP1115 combo that I rehoused not so long ago. Just this weekend I had it back from a good servicing, with resistors, diodes, fuses etc being serviced and/or replaced, so it runs like a beaut. I was just looking to find how much you all think the value of this would be, should I come to sell it etc? Photos are below. Before: After (now): Head is a GP11, and speaker is a Trace Elliot 15", combining to give 150w. I can't find any decent (read:accurate) info online, and I'm reeallly not sure of the year...I think its something like a 1984 one. Perhaps you could all help me with that too? As I'm sure there are a LOT more experienced TE owners amongst us! (and probably someone who has owned/currently owns this same amp). Cheers
  11. thatgrantboy


    Sold Gary a 15" speaker cabinet a week ago. Met up with him in Cardiff to pass it on - great bloke. Really friendly chap, and had a good ol' chinwag about the local music scene! Great transaction
  12. [s]Bought this wah off basskit_case not so long ago, and its been really fun! Unfortunately, it was taking up a fair chunk of space on my relatively small board, and I wasn't (aren't) using it often enough to justify keeping it! Soooo it's up for sale! I bought it off him for £45 (including postage), so that's how much I want back for it. Price is firm. Comes boxed (no instructions - available online). Pics (bloody shedloads of 'em) all in basskit_case's Flickr here: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/48911058@N02/"]http://www.flickr.co...s/48911058@N02/[/url] Thanks to him for taking so many great photos, showing the exact condition of this. I made one very small mod (if you can call it that) to the pedal, by removing the sponge things under the rubber feet at the top of the pedal ([url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/48911058@N02/5596020895/in/photostream"]you can see them in place in this pic[/url]). It means instead of (as I found) pushing down hard etc but no engagement of the effect, you can now simply click it down and wah to your hearts content, then click it off again. Nothing major really, but very effective [/s]
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1279498' date='Jun 23 2011, 11:50 AM']I'm surprised people still buy cases like the one in the OP, given that you can get a Hiscox (which, to be blunt, is a 'proper' case) for seventy quid...[/quote] I think thats part of the problem to be honest, for custom flight case manufacturers. Saying that, I had a flight case made by [url="http://www.dragoncases.co.uk"]http://www.dragoncases.co.uk[/url] some years back, and while it may've cost a bit more than the off-the-shelf types, they were cracking guys to deal with! (not to mention their end product was faultless).
  14. Received Dave's Torque amp today, very happy! Wicked price too, will get me out of trouble while my LG is away for repair, and will be a great backup amp. Happy days!
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  17. Anyone? This'll probably on the 'bay soon otherwise!
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  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  20. Unfortunately not...I work right through any normal hours (8 til 5), so posting, or courier collection, is a pure ball-ache! This should be changing hands Saturday, so its sold pending that tomorrow. I'll update the thread if the situation changes.
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