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Posts posted by Kev

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='58240' date='Sep 10 2007, 03:21 PM']bump

    This is one of Dave's goodies.
    It costs £170 for the pedal (and you have to wait a month for it to be built and delivered) and about 15 for the special power unit so this is a deal ..

    nice one mate :)

  2. hey

    im thinkin of buying myself one of john's preamps, the 2 stack knob version, for my musicman sub 4, but i have no electronical knowledge whatsoever, and dont trust myself to try n fit it myself, im in the kind of financial situation that cant allow for MESSIN things up


    i was wondering if anyone in Bristol could possibly get it fitted in for me, if i did decide to buy it? it would be a great help to me, and we'l come up with some kind of pay for it.

    if anyone feels up to the task, throw me a pm please!

    thanks in advance

  3. [quote name='BassBalls' post='56682' date='Sep 6 2007, 08:24 PM']I like using my unibass with the solo button engaged. Mix it with a bit of delay, pitchshift and fuzz. Makes a totally unnatural sound but its a nice little flavour to add to a song.

    I owned a DI aswell for a while. It was amazing, the best synth pedal i have used, but i sold it to buy another bass. :huh:[/quote]

    the solo function and pitch shifitng?? dude its a bass! :)

  4. [quote name='Basszilla' post='56342' date='Sep 6 2007, 08:31 AM']Zoom ultra fuzz bro. Mammoth on a budget and also works with active or passive.[/quote]

    is it really that good?

  5. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='56114' date='Sep 5 2007, 05:58 PM']Quick question: Is the Whammy 4 [i]polyphonic [/i]or [i]monophonic[/i]?[/quote]

    if you want polyphonic, go for a pog

    if you want the original pitch shifitng greatness, go for a whammy

  6. active bass or passive?

    active = dont even think about the woolly mammoth

    passive = id wait to try n find a second hand one

    im currently selling a dha vt-2 (well maybe), now that is an awesome fuzz with tubes maxed

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