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Everything posted by bassist_lewis

  1. You're right! What I meant is when you shift the alignment of the waves so you get a chorus-y effect.
  2. Another mini board iteration. This saves me lugging my big board around when I only need a few sounds, but is still pretty versatile, especially with the C4. I can also swap it out for a drive if/when that is required. I'm also super proud of the power supply. It's pretty tricky to find one small enough for the Nano but the Gigrig stuff is the best as ever (though I'm using it very much against their recommendations).
  3. I was using a EHX Micro Synth for most of this year and just got the Source Audio C4. The Micro Synth is great fun and can do a helluva lot for a single analogue pedal. I managed to get a great 80s Moog-esque downward filter sound for songs like 'I Wanna Dance with Somebody', and coz its analogue the tracking was pretty solid, though still required some adjustment to 'play' the synth effectively. The C4 is a far more versatile piece of kit. the software editor is reasonably straightforward if you've spent anytime with software synth, though a steep learning curve if you haven't. Where it surpasses the Micro Synth is in adding voices, PWM, having a million filter options, sequencer etc etc etc. However, the tracking is, while in no way bad, more temperamental than the Micro Synth. I have to adapt my playing to the pedal quite a bit to make sure it triggers every time, and if I play a fast run it gets lost. Like most things, it's a compromise: you're either closer to the desired sound or get to play more intuitively (but like I said you can learn that). I'm currently favouring the C4 as the songs I use it for (covers) have more need for the right sound than my noodling.
  4. Yeah, seems to be part of the territory for synth pedals. My EHX Micro Synth tracks better, but doesn't quite nail the sounds, and obviously can't do arpeggios. The C4 being Boss-sized means it wins a place on the board.
  5. I haven't had any issues like that so far, just the odd failure of the tracking to keep up with my shred! I'm mainly putting it off coz the Gigrig high current adaptor puts out 1000mA and that just feels like overkill 😂
  6. Morning guys, I just got a C4 last week and so far I'm really enjoying building sounds, though its been a while since I last programmed a synth! I have a question about power. The manual says it needs 150mA at 9v. I use the Gigrig power system, and the isolator puts out 135mA per output. To my ears, the C4 works perfectly at that amperage, but are those 15mA reducing the functionality of the pedal? thanks L
  7. Sorry! It kept telling me it couldn't be posted 😅
  8. What are you using the Moog expression pedal for?
  9. What are you using the Moog expression pedal for?
  10. What are you using the Moog expression pedal for?
  11. Yeah, its a fantastic pedal. Initially I thought it was too weird sounding to be much use, but I now end up using it more than my overdrive on wedding gigs. I use it as a compressor/boost when I'm using a pick, but with the same setting and rolling the tone off on the bass it makes a great B15 sound. The LED is horribly bright though.
  12. I remember playing one of these when I was shopping for my JMJ Mustang and it was a lovely instrument. Like you say, lightweight and real easy to play. I will be googling them imminently...
  13. I finally got my Schmidt Array XDM350 board on Thursday and I've been working on it ever since. It's still not quite finished, the cable runs are very long, I think I've used some 25 feet so far! Only one more to go for the Jive and I'm fully operational!! I also have a Noble Preamp on order, it should make it onto the board in November.
  14. For a long time I was obsessed with getting the bass sound from I Wanna Dance with Somebody/How Will I Know/We Can Work it Out (Chaka's version). Before I got the EHX micro synth the closest I got was a octave>chorus>filter, in particular the 3Leaf Chromatron, which gave me the down sweep sound I was looking for. I also found that my Malekko B:Assmaster into my Moog 101 was a great Stevie Wonder-esque synth sound, though oddly I couldn't get the same sound with any other fuzz pedal. I also got a great atmospheric David Lynch's Dune-esqe sound with octave>fuzz>moog filter w/expression pedal>delay.
  15. CASE HAS BEEN SOLD! After getting my Schmidt Array this board is no longer needed. It's a great lightweight board, plenty of space underneath for power. I've cleaned up the underside as best I can, but there's still some residue and scratches. Loop side velcro will be left on topside. Dimensions: WxDxH - 45.72cm x 31.24cm x 9.4cm Postage to mainland UK included
  16. I think its great minimalist no bulls**t setup. All basses covered: octave (mega jealous of the octabvre mini btw), filter (C4 is a filter?), fuzz, overdrive, comp, tuner. I wish I could be so discerning!
  17. My band just released a 2 track EP. Here's one of them. https://youtu.be/I8i-zGpbwd0
  18. I too have a Noble on order (roll on November), and I found a website that did detailed calculations based on the price of the item, cost of postage, VAT etc (can't be bothered linking it right now, might add later) and it came to around £250 duty on top of the price of the preamp. Even if its sounds like s**t, for that price I'll be singing its praises forevermore 😂
  19. Do you trust it with that lovely bass?
  20. A Schmidt Array pedalboard (due in a couple of weeks), Noble Preamp (due in November), and a Serek MW 5 (due in November/December).
  21. Probably have too much on order to afford another valve amp but I'm watching with interest
  22. Agree and agree. I really like the bridge pick up sound, its mid-rangy and cuts but isn't too bright, as you say. On my other bass with a bridge pick up I don't tend to use it solo'd but on the Acinonyx it really works. And I kind of prefer having the preset tone settings, less faffing around! I agree in the same ball park, and I use them a such, but there is a little extra something' something (which I love btw). It was why I bought in, its got a unique sound I'd never heard before (on something I could afford!)
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