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Everything posted by OldGit

  1. Bump make a nice Christmas present for your granny, specially when plugged into my BAM 500 watt combo
  2. [quote name='loudandclear' post='56782' date='Sep 7 2007, 12:30 AM']been reading this thread with interest - could I ask any schroeder users what are these cabs like as personal monitors - I currently have an epifani ul310 which is a really great sounding cab but the problem I find is that in a lot of venues where space on stage is at a premium and i am DI'ing through a PA the sound from the epi shoots past me at about knee level and it is sometimes difficult to hear myself play. Does the schroeder cab with an angled speaker overcome this - can you hear yourself clearly stood right in front of the cab? be grateful for opinions - thanks[/quote] Oh yes, you'll be able to hear it - as will everyone on stage and in the hall - and without excessive volume. That is by far the most startling characteristic of my 1212L Someone please explain the way this works cos I don't understand how they do it As for the band thinking you are too loud, that's because they have been used to only hearing the bass that clearly when it's way too loud in the mix. I had exactly the same experience with my band. My drummer loves it 'cos it cuts right through all that clatter and crash he is surrounded with. Early days but I think it's going to make us an even tighter unit. Oh and I've booked a few lessons to review my technique a little as now everyone in the hall can also hear my slips, slurs and hen-ups .....
  3. [quote name='stewblack' post='56810' date='Sep 7 2007, 07:56 AM']Hey - some of us have an eye for quality and if you're really completely fed up with it and just couldn't be bothered to ask anyone for money I'd be prepared to take it off your hands. Shall we meet at Magor as per usual? No, no you don't need to thank me.[/quote] Oh Would you really? Thanks, mate
  4. [quote name='stewblack' post='56704' date='Sep 6 2007, 09:23 PM']Have to say mate, even though I only saw it briefly in the boot of your car in a rainy car park - I definitely thought Wow![/quote] Aw ta mate .. could you arrange to be at every gig then? t'average punter only goes wow at the "training lights" on the side of the neck
  5. [quote name='eude' post='56595' date='Sep 6 2007, 04:53 PM']Looking forward to seeing how Jon reworks the standard shape for the 21 frets, it's gonna be a sweet bass regardless![/quote] He's done one already so it's not a prototype (phew!) I trust him though
  6. [quote name='eude' post='56512' date='Sep 6 2007, 01:45 PM']Nice one Si, you kept quiet about this one! Really cool specs. What body style are you gonna go for then? Fancy joining is Single Cut Perverts? For your purdy wood top, if I was you, I'd maybe go for a dark figured wood to contrast with the maple board, maybe a nice bit of cocobolo... Something like this? Reckon that's looks the mutz! Cheers, Eude[/quote] Yeah well I wasn't entirely certain it would go ahead .. had to swing a few things ... Single cut? ha ha nah look daft with 21 frets It will be a version of his modern bolt on shape but modified because it's not a two octave. The requirements also need the strap pivots, bridge, 5th fret at to all be in the same place as the precision to minimise teh change over adjustments, and cos the P5 works so well, so it will have to be a bit different ..
  7. [quote name='Tinman' post='56457' date='Sep 6 2007, 12:38 PM']Nice specs Si. If only I was in your position and talking about a new build (and I haven't even got the first one - the wife will kill me haha)[/quote] Give it time How's your 14 week sojourn looking?
  8. I've had a few of these down the years.. I realise it's not genuine but what is the scam? Email text ---------------------------------- Greetings, My name is Mr. Peter Thomas; I reside in San Jose California in the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA. My wife and I came across your advert online concerning your Music Band and we are highly impressed. Basically, our only son is getting married first week next month and we would like you and your band group to come perform at this memorable event. My son as always been a fan of different musical bands there in the United Kingdom and he would be highly flabbergasted to know that I went through thick and thins to have a Musical Band perform on his evergreen event of his life time. At the event the will be a lot of highly respected Dignitaries and a whole bunch of renowned people, like other Artist & Comedians. That I supposedly believe that you would love to meet. Allow me keep their name, so I won’t let out all the surprises this event is going to bring for everyone. I would be grateful if your esteemed presence is recorded here with us on this coming special day. I would like to inform you that all necessary expenses of your (Band) coming here, will be personally taking cared of. Such as: Your Traveling Ticket Fees, Hotel Reservations, Feeding and every other thing. Regardless of your charging fee for your performance. So if you are interested please quickly send us an email with the following details: YOUR FULL NAME......... AGE......... ARE YOU A SINGLE SINGER? ORCHESTRA? OR ARE YOU GROUP SINGERS? (IF YOU ARE A GROUP, HOW MANY ARE YOU IN YOUR GROUP?) ARE YOU A DANCER..................? WHAT KIND OF MUSIC DO YOU SING (e.g. Rock, Urban, Country, Techno, Oldies, Jazz) DO YOU PLAY ANY KIND OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENT (IF YES: WHAT KIND OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENT) HOW MUCH DO YOU CHARGE TO BE HERE? Please send your soonest reply to: [email protected] Mr. & Mrs Thomas. --------------------
  9. [quote name='paul h' post='56304' date='Sep 6 2007, 01:00 AM']this thread was playing up for me too! all better now. well, i have taken OG's advice to heart and i have changed a couple of my sites. my own site [url="http://www.paulharckham.com"]www.paulharckham.com [/url]is now all on one page, with a nifty sliding scroll script. talk about search engine friendly, i am getting a lot more relevant traffic from search engines now, which is very cool. i have dumped the flash from [url="http://www.nightdragon.co.uk"]www.nightdragon.co.uk[/url] and gone for text links, i haven't really done anything else to help that one yet. i haven't got access to site stats so it's hard to tell what's happening traffic wise. i have also just taken over this one [url="http://www.eotpfilmfestival.com"]www.eotpfilmfestival.com[/url] which is completely dead as far as search engines are concerned. i am pretty sure that it's the php "include" statement for the header and a lot of the content that's killing that one. so i am going to add a site map when i do the next update. so a big thanks to OG, i am almost enjoying this SEO lark. i said almost. [/quote] You are welcome. I'm glad it helped. With the EOTP you might consider putting your geographical location into the <title> tags .. Just to make it bleedin' obvious it's not Cannes, San Francisco or Brooklyn ... (It's in Bognor, if anyone was wondering) Meanwhile check to see if you have a long leather coat and engineer boots on and think Matrix is the best film ever ... You me be turing seriously webbie ...
  10. Number Two Shuker's on the way. The brief was about playability and sounds rather than the tech spec. One of Jon's Super Powers is to take a list of sound and playability requirements and to convert that into exactly the right bass. I told Jon I was so happy with the feel and pure enjoyment I get from playing the P5 that I wanted it to be just like that. As we had gone through the very difficult defining process for the Precision build, Jon and I have a very good idea of what that entails for me. However I don't want a Precision body for this one so that adds some fun challenges. So I just said "I want one that feels the same but sounds totally different - modern, Marcus, with loads of possible tonal variety. It also has to have a whole lot more visual [size=4][b][color="#8B0000"]WOW![/color][/b][/size] factor for the general public" Call me shallow but the public (and even bass players) don't look at the P5 and go "wow" .. Not surprising as the brief was to make it look like James Jamerson's '62 Precision. So to most people it just looks like another Fender or Squier or Jim Deacon. That was the plan and that was what we achieved. I just didn't realise I wanted people to notice it as much as I do .. See, get a custom bass made and discover unknown bits of your personality. Will the benefits never cease? So ... what will it have? 5 strings, 21 frets, same profile neck as the P5 - That's very wide and very slim. Figured maple fingerboard on a maple neck with no dots but orange sidelights. (thanks to Rich for the example ) White Ash body with an as yet undecided upon purdy top (That's purdy as in "hey you got a purdy mouth, boy" rather than a picture of Joanna Lumley, though I have still to rule that out as an option ...) Still considering headstock facing in the same wood .. or maybe a picture of Emma Peel in that leather cat suit ... hum now there's an idea ... Plain back with plastic cavity covers. 3 over 2 "Shuker Shape" headstock with lightweight tuners probably Gotoh's. Straplocks of course... Monorail bridge with 19mm spacing. Electronics will be a pair of Nordstrand DC5 pickups with the Serial option (switchable), Jon's 3 band EQ and Active/Passive switching. The knobs will be around the outside of the body to avoid colliding with them during pick play. I notice I'm not alone in that one eh Mr Russ? The hardware will be black but I may be tempted to emulate Rich further (he is my hero!) and get some wooden knobs... However as I like minimal knobs and switches I may see if we can use stacks so I may not be able to use woodies ... The light switch will be hidden on the back as per my P5 .. This bass has actually been on Jon's order book for a while and the neck is already well progressed but as I have the delightful P5 already, and Jon is busy with lots of orders, being flooded, summer vacs etc I said there's no rush. So .. My dilemma now is to choose a front wood from the virtual version of THE WOOD STORE Jon has sent me .. That chewing gum front on EntropicLQD's left-handed bass is truly stunning - loads of WOW there .... Tricky ...
  11. [quote name='EntropicLqd' post='56103' date='Sep 5 2007, 05:50 PM']Well, as far as I know Jon only had the single piece of Bimblebox ..[/quote] Yeah he mentiond something about something called Beeblebrox ..
  12. [quote name='steve-soar' post='56197' date='Sep 5 2007, 07:35 PM']She said, there's something in the wood shed....[/quote] Yeah, The Jon Shuker Tractor Beam Generator
  13. "bimble box bookmatched top and coolibah bookmatched rear face" Waaaaaaaah! Damn damn damn damn! Damn you Mr Shuker and your gorgeous way with wood .. Well I thought I had my next one all specced out but having seen that I'm changing my mind again ...
  14. [quote name='Rich' post='55903' date='Sep 5 2007, 01:05 PM']And there's the feminist version "Your Husband Loves His Jon Shuker Bass More Than He Loves You (Which Makes Him An Even Bigger Bastard Than The Rest Of The Men, All Of Whom Are Of Course Bastards Anyway)" by Germaine Gruesome and Fem Braburner.[/quote] Maybe there's scope for a self help group, blog and meetings for all the Shuker Widows and Widowers .. (are there any Shuker Widowers?)
  15. As yes a common problem. may I suggest you buy her a copy of [url="http://www.mikelull.com/images/Lull_jackson.jpg"]"My Wife Thinks I Love My Jon Shuker Bass More Than Her (and I think she may be right)"[/url] by Sheila Kitsinger and Anna Raeburn Published by Relate ISBN 1-040-130
  16. [quote name='OldGit' post='55399' date='Sep 4 2007, 05:06 PM']Explains the hairstyle ... [/quote] For Moondance you really need to sit down with the record (and chord chart) and get that swing walking bass feel it has. It's one of those tunes where you almost have to do a karaoke version or the feel goes out the window .. Sorry mate but there's not really an easy way to do it...
  17. [quote name='dood' post='55351' date='Sep 4 2007, 03:59 PM']but strangely nice smelling too![/quote] Explains the hairstyle ...
  18. [quote name='Russ' post='55224' date='Sep 4 2007, 12:58 PM']Buy it... I was going to, but circumstances have dictated otherwise. They sound HUGE, there's an SVT, an Eden Navigator, an SWR SM-400 and any combination thereof in there... do the Old Git a favour! [/quote] Ha ha cheers Russ You know as I've written all this I'm trying to work out how to justify keeping it
  19. A rare opportunity ... For sale: my really fabbo Peavey BAM 210 combo. My solid main rig since 2003 or so. Only now superseded by light stuff (MB / Schroeder) as my back is moaning... It's great but it's not the lightest combo on the block. 350 [b]Loud[/b] Peavey watts on its own or 500 with an extension cab. There's reams of info on this box as it is one of the best of the emulator combos when it was current. Very few made it to the UK and they very rarely come up for sale. Start here: [url="http://www.peavey.com/products/browse.cfm/action/detail/item/102868/number/00456360/cat/11/begin/1/BAM%3F+210.cfm"]Peavey Bam 210 Product page. [/url] The wheels are different on mine. It has the trolley dolly thing. [url="http://www.peavey.com/products/demos/bam210.cfm"]Stu Hamm demonstrates the stuff it can do on the Peavey Website[/url] [url="http://www.bgra.net/2004/review.php?id=312&type=combo"]BGRA review (by me in 2004 - warts and all)[/url] [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Peavey-Bam-210-Bass-Combo-?sku=481377&src=3SOSWXXA"]Musician's Friend Specs and reviews - it's discontinued though ...[/url] [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Bass+Amp/product/Peavey/BAM+210+Combo/10/1"]Harmony Central Reviews "I've been playing for 21 years .." etc[/url] It comes with 16 factory set channels and 16 user channels for your own settings. Each of these also has a "B" setting you can switch to. So that's like 32 channels. Oh and midi too ... It can do a very passable impression of many a great amp and cab including an SVT + 8x10, Acoustic 360 + 1x18 (outstanding!), Fliptop + 1x15 (James Jamerson's stage rig), Eden, Hartke, Redhead etc. or you can mix 'em up and have a 500 watt Fender bassman through a 8x10 try that with the real thing... The sounds are allegedly better than those from things like the Boss GT6B footboard as they are integrated into the combo and its "nutrally tuned" enclosure. This adds no colour to the sound and gives a closer emulation. It also has a tuner, loads of digital effects and a compressor built in, all with a sparkly and sometimes spectacular light show on the front panel. The whole lot is programmable and then switchable between 32 variations via the footboard that comes with it. It's also got the equally rare and exotic Peavey cover. No storage room and the need to pay for the Schroeder demands that this goes to a nice home where it will be appreciated - or just someone with the right amount of dosh. A review from the Musician's friend website: "A friend recommended the Bam 210 by Peavey to me & I have been blown away with the amount of amp this is for the money. The sound is so clean & amazing, the features are many. I needed a studio amp that I could hear over live drums. The bam keeps on delivering. I'm thrilled with it. I couldn't be happier. Stunning. Posted by Lauren Passarelli/Berklee Guitar Professor from Boston, MA on Mar 3, 2007" All this for just £500 ... OG
  20. New website to me [url="http://www.preloved.co.uk/fuseaction-adverts.listadverts/sec-Health%20and%20Leisure/cat-Making%20Music/subcat-Electric%20Guitars/keyword-bass/8a73ea56.html"]preloved.co.uk bass guitar and gear sales[/url] Some very interesting piecs of kit for sale here inc an Overwater fretless "C bass" [url="http://www.preloved.co.uk/fuseaction-adverts.showadvert/index-1031218395/3d73a369.html"]http://www.preloved.co.uk/fuseaction-adver...5/3d73a369.html[/url] and a MM Jazz 5 string [url="http://www.preloved.co.uk/fuseaction-adverts.showadvert/index-1031197438/969f4b55.html"]http://www.preloved.co.uk/fuseaction-adver...8/969f4b55.html[/url]
  21. [quote name='The Funk' post='50437' date='Aug 24 2007, 10:54 PM']Could you give our myspace page a follow-up inspection please? Link is in the logo in my signature. Thanks![/quote] PM sent
  22. Yeeeeeeeeeha PhatAdmin fixed the thread so I can see all of it again Thanks matey So if I owe you a reply, please accept my apologies , twas Bill Gates demon software playing up and not me ... OG
  23. [quote name='andyonbass' post='54890' date='Sep 3 2007, 07:02 PM']Welcome, Seymour, I dunno how you manage it - I'd be rolling around the floor most of the time. What a great gig to get. If anyone on here is unfamiliar with Otway, do a search on you tube, theres quite a bit on there[/quote] Ha ha yeah I doubt he has the same rules as Ken Dodd .. Someone I know used to bass for Ken's show band and the rules were "laugh at all of the jokes or you are fired" even after 100 repitions ...
  24. [quote name='seymourfluid' post='54669' date='Sep 3 2007, 12:03 PM']Yep. No 9 in the charts, Top of the Pops, Party and gig at the Palladium…………..It was a blast! Got pissed at TOTP’s in the “Star Bar” with Badly Drawn Boy. The bar staff where really happy to see us because in the last few years of the show, most of the artists where too young to drink in there. We kept them busy. :-)[/quote] Wow a star in our midst! Well I hope you can share your experiences with us ~
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