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TheGreek last won the day on April 5

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About TheGreek

  • Birthday 28/12/1962

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    Hatfield, Herts..

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  1. Puppy just back from the Vet after being spayed - firstly it was weird her not being here, now she's acting weird.

    Would come as no surprise if aliens landing tonight..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bridgehouse


      She's just feeling a bit ruff

    3. Rikki_Sixx


      Ours was all about cuddles after being done, but was so doped up she left drool all over us. Bouncing around the house the following day as if nothing had happened! She was allergic to the stitches though.. O.o

    4. Hellzero


      She'll be acting weird for the day, that's the way animals fight drugs by recovering faster than us. Some are running all over, other are simply staying without moving, but focusing very not to to fall. Running like crazy will make the drugs pass faster in the liver where it's modified and destroyed. And hyper concentration has the same effect, making the blood run faster because your brain needs more oxygen. Strange way to act, but very clever.

      We are cats and dogs lovers and they all recovered fine after this. Cats even faster and they all have their technique. 

      Don't worry, Mick, she'll be fine, but don't let her get outside for a day or two at least.

      And keep on posting informations

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