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Posts posted by Highfox

  1. 11 minutes ago, FinnDave said:

    I've somehow gone from one Precision (and a couple of Jazz basses) a year or so ago to five precisions, one Jazz and a couple of other makes. I can't even use the 'different colour' excuse as three of my Precisions are sunburst!

    lol Dave, P's really are that good :) especially for the gig playing man or woman.

    I had 4 of them at one point.

    edit: to try not be sexist.

  2. 14 hours ago, Twanger said:

    On the couple of occasions I have tried to play a lined fretless, my fretted habits kicked in, and I kept trying to play behind the line, so always played flat. Could that be it?

    Could be that, all I know is I find unlined versions easier, it could be that I'm just more relaxed without the lines :) 

  3. 6 minutes ago, fleabag said:

    Digging deep into my skills with mathematics ( not ) i make that 5 basses , down from 7

    Then again,  i'm not known for my dexterity in subtraction

    Sorry I wasn't more clear, 2 Fender P's and 2 Ibanez's (the Ibanez's are an ATK and Musician)

  4. Few! I'm down to 4 basses from 7 now :)

    2 Precisions, and 2 old Ibanez's the ATK and a fretless Musician.

    Do I have GAS under control at last? One new incoming in the early new year, but been waiting the better part of 20 months for that.

    Anyone else cutting or collecting?

    Tell us what you have coming?

  5. 27 minutes ago, stu77 said:

    Yeah, you're right, might help though I can't imagine anyone who actually played this bass would've got rid of it knowing what it was! As I've said before I think it was passed down to someone who had no idea, maybe a relative / landlord etc. Funnily enough, I was just in a charity shop earlier chatting to one of the staff about records etc and she told me she'd just given away a couple of banjos that belonged to her late husband that had been stuck under the bed for years. Didn't know what make, could've been anything, Gibson, Vega who knows?! Anyway, 4 string, fretted, rosewood board, South of England, made pre-2000. cheers.

    You'd think everyone is capable of a quick Google nowadays..

    Looking forwards to seeing the bass :)

  6. You bought it in good faith Stu, If it was me I wouldn't try hide it or feel guilty about it.  if someone contacted me about it being stolen or  ripped off I'd take it from there.

    You lucky bugger :)

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:

    Always keen to hear new stuff, I was intrigued enough by the enthusiasm shown in this topic to give 'em a whirl through their Youtube presence. Luckily, I was doing other stuff at the same time, so I didn't completely waste my afternoon. Good gracious; I knew, several decades ago, a few folks that would listen to stuff like this, but they've, for the most part, either stopped smoking that stuff now and got their life back, or are dead from over-use. In any case, I couldn't stand more than half an album or two; I completed none. Would I do it again..? Ha..! :dash1:

    Still, I did learn some new stuff, but I'm not so keen, now. How odd..! :|

    Fair play to you Dad for giving it a spin.

    It's certainly an aquired taste! One thing about Pil is that the sound was nearly always changing and never really stood still.

    They had some catchy tunes at times, like Rise and this is not a love song, but for the most part stayed away from the norm.

    I personally like the first 3 or 4 Albums, but even as a fan stopped buying the records mid-90's :) Anyway for me Metal box and Wobble turned me onto bassplaying and I like a lot of the solo stuff he has done since his Pil days, so not wasted on me .


  8. 15 minutes ago, itsmedunc said:

    Still got mine too. Bought the pic sleeve version as well so I didnt need to play the metal box version anymore. Great album. Well ahead of its time.

    Yes, I did that as well, 2nd Edition had the bonus of lyrics on the sleeve as well.

    My Metal box looking rather sad, like me :)


  9. On 10/10/2017 at 03:35, acidbass said:

    Saw Joe in Dublin and there's also a 1h40m long video of their recent show in Brussels. Almost certain he is now using flats on the Jazz, based on his tone. Anyone else agree?

    I thought that as well listening to the more recent stuff.. mind you he could make rubber bands sound great :)

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