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Posts posted by Highfox

  1. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1504825376' post='3367679']
    Hi folks,

    Seriously tempted to get one of these little fellas, they seem incredibly light and compact but chuck out some big noise!

    I've searched the forum and found a lot of positive vibes from last year and beyond, but just wondered if everyone's still so positive after using them for a good while? (as I know new shiny things can build a lot of excitement!)

    We are a loud pub/wedding rock band essentially, 100w valve half stack and 50w valve combo, backline only, vocals only through the pa..... would the rumble keep up? Obvs bigger events with a proper pa, everything would go through it, but those are rare.

    Grateful for any experience/insight from owners!

    Cheers all! :D

    I like them a lot, been using it for a couple of years now. As I mentioned I prefer the drive and harmonics that combo gives me over more expensive gear I have.
    I also have the extension cab for when I need it (which is never really) as the combo alone can go silly loud.
    Depends what lind of tone you are after, but it still works for me.

  2. [quote name='medpb' timestamp='1504782053' post='3367247']
    Your right you dont actually! It was one of Petes few last basses too, very sad. He put the Mk3 neck joint on for me as well. Killer bass !
    Very nice.
    I thought it looked a bit hybrid, couldn't work out why, what with the maple neck as well.

  3. I bought a used Darkglass vintage tubes a while ago and alsways had it on my board, a couple of weeks ago it started playing up, unresponsive controlls and distorting through by-pass.
    Contacted Darkglass for a possible solution, they asked me to return it which I did, a few days later I got it back working and they had even cleaned it up after all the road use.
    Great customer service, seem like one of the good companies out there A+
    Just thought I would share.

  4. As Baroniahall mentions, how many of you have had actually failures with your instrument?
    I have had a string go a few times but not much else?
    I have a few basses but (hardly every) carry a spare unless it's a top paid gig. Maybe I should do more often.
    I'm more inclined to think my amp would give up than my bass and I don't carry a spare one of those.

    Just call me an amateur :)

  5. I wouldn't class it anything like chunky. It's not wafer thin or super skinny, but it doesn't feel like much of a leap going from my 90s Stage 1 to the 734a. 38mm to 40mm with a different profile.

    I think the best the for people to do is go out and try one.

    Good advice.
    They say the whole series is thinner (less chunky) than the old BB series, so they must be, just don't feel that great to me somehow.
    I'll stick with what I have for now.
  6. I had a chance to have a go on the BB434M and the BB434 (rosewood) today. Black Maple - Teal rosewood.

    I think they are very good basses for the price.
    Out of the two I tried for some reason the rosewood version seemed to have a little more sparkle in the sound than the mapleboard, could of been down to the setup, the actiion was a little lower on the rosewood. it also seemed a little lighter in weight (my guesstimate) The pickups are pretty hot and noticed no drop off in sound when each one was soloed. Lots of bark out of them.The necks I thought were pretty big and fat a bit larger than I was expecting.. Only spent about 10 minutes with each but impressed. In my opinion the maple board might of looked a bit more atttactive if it had a bit of tint or coating on it..
    I'm now waiting for them to get the 734A in so I can give that a try. The wallet hasn't had to come out just yet.

  7. Did a small Blues festival here in Finland last night and the Guitar and Bass amps were suppliled by a local amp builder. Aparently his Father has been making them from as far back as 69.
    Just wondered if anyone had heard of them before.

    The top had a bit too many switches and dials for me so got the maker Juha to set me up with a basic SVT type sound and tweaked a bit from there, sounded good and full.

    Loved the "More " control.

    I took along my red P to coulour match :)
    A couple of pics.


  8. Hi all,

    My first bass was a Yamaha TRBX504.
    It was the first and the only that made me in love with playing bass.

    Since i have it, i practise and play 3-4 hours per day, until my fingers hurt
    The main spec that I love on the TRBX504 besides the great sound, body design and construction quality, is the neck... the neck size, profile, shape, that gives me an easy, fast and enjoyable sublime playability.

    Months have pass and know I have the need to have a 2nd bass.. one for backup.
    But, dispite everything I feel for the TRBX504, this time I have the opportunity to buy a better bass.

    I bought a Fender American Standard Jazz Bass, and 3 days after I was returning it to the store. Main issue: the neck. Much slower than the TRBX504, thicker, a little more distance between the strings, and dispite of a new setup, I've never got such a low action like my Yamaha.

    Other thing that worries me, is that when I bought the Fender American jazz, the bridge single coil pickup make a lot of static and hum noises.. that was the second reason why I've returned it.
    I'm used to hummbuckers, and know that sometimes single coils make some noise.. but in the Fender, was unbearable.
    Hope this neck single coil yammi pick-up would be silent..

    So, I thought that I'm a Yamaha bass guy.. alternatively.. a Ibanez bass guy.
    I've discover the Yamaha BB series and fell in love by them.
    I'm focused on the 1024x.. the specs on the paper, the web videos.. has.. this is it.

    A difficult decision because I can't find them in the stores to try.
    Now I've discover the new BB series, and my logic choise is the 734.
    Since I can't find one to try, my biggest fear is the neck.

    I don't want to feel what i've experience with the Fender American jazz.
    I want a slim, fast low action neck like my TRBX504 with a similar profile.

    Considering all this issues, will I go wrong with the new BB734?
    The problem is that I can't test one before I buy and I don't know the BB' s neck.

    Other possibility is the Sandberg Basic Ken Taylor 4 strings.. but this is other bass that I can't find in the stores, and I can't test.

    Tiago Silva

    I'm not sure anyone can answer those questions for you!
    If you use a decent on-line shop (like Thomann for e.g.) they will have a good returns policy so you can aways send it back if you aren't happy.
    Or snap up the old BB's now if you like them.
  9. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1502787662' post='3353475']
    I do. But then I always do. I love slap. Or tasty finger style with the occasional pop. Since using Elixirs though I don't get the 'new string feeling' because the strings last forever. They always sound brilliant.

    Those are on my radar to try. These Bass centre elites have been on here a year and a half and I'd guess over 100 hours of playing on this bass.
    Clangy Dunlop Steels now :)

    Think the slap thing comes of being in awe of mark King back in my early formative days of bass playing and the coverage he gave bass players back then.

  10. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1502519852' post='3351916']
    Looks good. Ive worked on a few of these and would say that generally, they are of decent quality, let down a bit by the electronics. I was going to say it's an easy upgrade but actually it's quite a fiddly job.
    Cheers Gary.
    I think for my ambition on guitar it might just stay as is.

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