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Everything posted by Jabba_the_gut

  1. [quote name='nugget' timestamp='1365367781' post='2038721'] Where's the build thread? Sounds interesting! [/quote] Hi Dave. Must admit, I liked the look of the block inlays you did so I though I'd have a go!! I haven't put bindings on the neck though - maybe next time!! I've added a line to the build thread - it had been quiet for a while. Cheers J.
  2. Done a little work on the elm bass. Decided to have a go at a maple neck with wenge block inlays and though it looked nice with the elm. It's all just rough sawn at the moment
  3. Does seem like some people love them and others don't. I've got an ABM500 head at the present but have also has an ABM300 1x15 combo which I traded on here. Wish I hadn't - was a great amp and in great condition. Didn't realise how good it was until I changed it for a head and cab set-up. The ABM500 is great too but the 1x15 cabs are only rated at 300w and the head just exceeds this at 8 ohms so you need to be careful!!
  4. That's an ABM head not a MAG. The ABM has a valve in the pre-amp that is blended by the knob that is missing from the head in the photo.
  5. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' timestamp='1365326780' post='2037966'] I like to use birchwood casey tru oil (gun stock oil) it is very easy to apply and brings out the best in the wood. It is also easy to repair should you need to do so in the future [/quote] Cheers for that. I've got some Tru-oil I'd used on a darker colour bass - just wasn't sure if it was okay for a maple fretboard. I'll get a couple of offcuts and give it a try. J.
  6. Just wondered if anyone could give me a bit of advice as how to finish a maple fretboard. I’ve nearly finished building a maple neck, with a maple fretboard and wenge block inlays. I’m kind of thinking about using oils to finish it, which I have used on darker necks before but wondered how this would work for a maple fretboard. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated! Cheers J.
  7. Or try one of these p-basses....26" scale!! That's a somewhat modified 20 years ago Hohner cricket bat next to it. Looks awful and is a bit knocked about but the neck is really nice. [attachment=130598:DSC03985.JPG]
  8. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1362513167' post='2000643'] I'd love to see this! Pm sent. [/quote] Someone else got ther first I'm afraid but I'll pass your name onto them so they can pass the DVD on when done. Cheers
  9. Got a copy of John Entwhistle 'An Ox's Tale' on DVD if anyone would like it. Can I put in on here in the same way we do with books i.e. have a look at it then pass it on?
  10. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1360959120' post='1979192'] is elm stable enough for a bass body? I've a friend who has elm floorboards and they are renowned for moving quite a lot... [/quote] I'm not sure to be honest - I have seen a couple of posts on the web that suggests the same but there some posts that reckong it is okay. I'm just going to give it a go and see. I got the wood off the 'Recycling' section on here so if it doesn't work at least it won't be an expensive loss! There's s few holes where some little wormy things have been - got to sort that first!! Couldn't see the holes until the wood was cut. I think this wood was an old table top or desk. It is really dry and (hopefully) won't move much once it is sealed. If it does move, I'll make another body and re-use the neck.
  11. Got a speaker from Pete from the Recycling section. Recently nice bloke and interesting to chat to. Thanks again - much appreciated!
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  13. [quote name='scojack' timestamp='1360843533' post='1977200'] Very nice, elm and sycamore are 2 of my favouritist woods. Looking forward to seeing them underway (and #2 finished). you have caught the bug ! Ian [/quote] Yep - think I have the bug. Just need more time and practice!!
  14. Might be worth a look for anyone looking for a bit of a project bass [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/electro-acoustic-bass-guitar/1009513797#gallery-item-full-2"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/electro-acoustic-bass-guitar/1009513797#gallery-item-full-2[/url]
  15. Still not managed to get into the garage to finish off Scratch Built Bass #2 so started this one instead. Got a few bits of wood to make a couple more basses - cut one body from a piece of elm I got off Basschat. Making it the same shape as bass #2 (in the foreground) but will be 4 string with jazz pickups [attachment=127595:DSC03980.JPG]
  16. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1360660818' post='1974012'] It seems there are no hard and fast rules. Just a nice social time. People can bring as much kit as they like and turn up when they like. My practise room is at the Church so pretty much all my kit is there already. Ideally you bring your bass rig with you. Plug in wherever is convenient and make some deep sounds. Meet the people behind the avatars. Try out some other basses & amps etc. [/quote] Cheers for the details. I'll see if I'm free and try to come along. Thanks
  17. It weighs 7.5kg according to the bathroom scales. Would make it about £16 to post by Royal Mail - I'll look for a cheaper option!!
  18. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1360537210' post='1972113'] Are you sure the tobias pickups measure 18k? [/quote] Hi. Just measured these again and one is 18.5k the other is 18.9k. Cheers
  19. I've not been to one of these type of events before - sounds like a nice social event. Just curious really but what's the kind of set-up for the day? What sorts of stuff do folk bring with them and how many folk turn up? Cheers
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