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About andybassdoyle

  • Birthday 10/02/1973

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    Creative cul-de-sac

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  1. Just completed an overseas sale. Lots of extra issues now post-brexit of course but what I wanted to mention was the inclusion of an Apple AirTag.


    For £29 we were able to keep an eye on the progress of the bass as it left the Country, got held at customs (very helpful because the courrier tracking suggested it was being delivered at the time), and then tracking in the destination country all the way to it's new home.


    Clearly a few quid extra cost but for a higher value transaction a lot of added piece of mind!!! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ead


      Good to know, not that I've any plans to do this in the immediate future.

    3. adamg67


      Very good plan. Couriers and their employees seem happy to lie about what happens to parcels. What gets me is that even when they are caught in the lie, nothing happens to them. 

    4. dodge_bass


      Sounds like a number of politicians as well…

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