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Everything posted by skej21

  1. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' post='946641' date='Sep 5 2010, 08:33 PM']Anyone else with a slightly smaller ego might just have asked for something else to be used!!! [/quote] I don't think most of us bass chatters can talk considering our photos/sigs display the expensive gear we all own/long for!
  2. [quote name='dood' post='946635' date='Sep 5 2010, 08:29 PM']Here's the cheeky little chappy: [url="http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=2042&brandID=3"]http://www.samsontech.com/products/product...2&brandID=3[/url][/quote] Is it sad that the weight (only 30lbs! 12lbs less than my aguilar!) excites me more than anything?
  3. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' post='946627' date='Sep 5 2010, 08:26 PM']Also who really wants to watch a video of all of Jay Kay's toys? We all know he has a Ferrari and fking great big house so don't need to be shown it all the time thanks.[/quote] The video is like that because they only JUST finished the track and haven't produced the official video, so they just set it to montage of stuff that was easy to shoot/photograph.
  4. [quote name='JFielden' post='946608' date='Sep 5 2010, 08:05 PM']I also have seriously incurable G.A.S Cheers![/quote] UH-OH! Bass chat will not help you overcome this problem. If anything, it'll make it worse lol P.S. WELCOME!
  5. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='946616' date='Sep 5 2010, 08:13 PM']I think, like most artists, Jamiroquai reached their peak years ago.[/quote] And like most artists past their best, they're making as much out of the horrible big-wig C**TS at the record label as they can before they are forced to stop lol!
  6. Can't explain it mate. You'll have to wait and view it some other time.
  7. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='946580' date='Sep 5 2010, 07:43 PM'][/quote] Haha Genius! Nearly as good as this [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0...feature=related[/url]
  8. Doesn't say whether it's in stock, but try this? [url="http://www.chamberlainmusic.com/productdetail.asp?ProductID=HGC-VB"]http://www.chamberlainmusic.com/productdet...roductID=HGC-VB[/url] Might end up being a little bit closer to £70 though :S
  9. [quote name='dood' post='915186' date='Aug 4 2010, 05:33 PM']Anyone want to fill in my post for me? You know what I'm gonna say!!!! :wub: I adore the Hartke 4.5XL cabs. I used to run two with an Ampeg SVT 2 Pro. I now own the LH1000 with a pair of HyDrive 410's. Brilliant bits of kit - and I am expecting the rig to show up with me on Channel 4 in coming weeks! I'll keep you posted when it's due to happen. My danveall.com pic! [/quote] Someone has stolen your headstock!!!
  10. [quote name='dood' post='946522' date='Sep 5 2010, 06:54 PM']They do! There's a GS112 sized HyDrive cabinet in the offing! - Though I'm not 100% on the release date. I'm looking forward to giving one a whirl.[/quote] WOAAAAAH! I can see the perfect space in my teaching room for it Let me know when this comes out and I'm THERE!
  11. I had a Hartke 410tp (which I have since passed on to CHRISDABASS) and it was awesome. Had it for 4 years and never had a single problem, as well as it being in mint condition when it eventually sold it! All of my students used to love the sound too. As has been mentioned though, it was a little bit too big for me and I have since downsized to an Aggy GS112 which is incredible. If Hartke made more compact gear, I would definately buy more for my teaching/recording space, as they are great for letting students use and all round reliable products
  12. [quote name='ahpook' post='946314' date='Sep 5 2010, 04:11 PM']and somebody might have grassed him up... (sorry)[/quote] Well, at least he didn't get taken for a ride... (sorry, it was too tempting!)
  13. Isn't "good example of whammy bar on a bass" the most obvious oxymoron EVER?
  14. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='946294' date='Sep 5 2010, 03:58 PM']Oh yeah I was thinking of their drummer. Too many Derricks![/quote] Oh yeah, drummer is also a Derrick Mc(Kenzie). It's weird because i'd never even heard of anyone spelling it as "Derrick" and then you get two in the same band... madness.
  15. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='946264' date='Sep 5 2010, 03:39 PM']I thought he still played for them? He wasn't as important to their sound anyway.[/quote] Nah, they have Paul Turner on bass at the moment. He joined in 2005 just after Dynamite (which Derrick played on). Don't Give Hate a Chance is a cracking bass line!
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='946235' date='Sep 5 2010, 03:20 PM']Remember when they had Toby Smith and Stuart Zender and their records were interesting?[/quote] OOoooooOOOO, "controversial"! You have forgotten to put Derrick McIntyre on that list!!
  17. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='946212' date='Sep 5 2010, 02:54 PM']Neck pickup solo'd Marketing says that series switching makes jazz pups sound like P pups. Not in my experience, but you get 6db extra output less highs and more lows and low mids.[/quote] +1. A friend of mine swore blind that his S1 switching made his Jazz sound like a P. Until I let him play my P, flats and all. He now owns 3 P's of his own lol.
  18. [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='946199' date='Sep 5 2010, 02:43 PM']This has actually just made my day. If you havn't seen the original just youtube Double Rainbow. [/quote] This is genius! Reminds me of this I love Charlie's little "yeaaaah" at 21 seconds lol
  19. [quote name='neilb' post='946079' date='Sep 5 2010, 12:30 PM']No doubt he will be back defending his position. N[/quote] Yup. Too little, too late I'm afraid. Bass chat is supposed to be a friendly environment that helps people (including newbies) to buy, sell and trade with the assistance of other (experienced) bass players who can offer advice. This seller should be thanking you (neilb) for trying to extract missing information that might aid the sale, but has chosen to possibly alienate prospective buyers/traders by arousing suspicion through such irrational behaviour. I do (as i'm sure others do too) appreciate the input from neilb, but have spent my money elsewhere. Cheers neilb.
  20. How about this? [url="http://www.newser.com/story/89177/man-tries-to-trade-baby-for-beer.html"]http://www.newser.com/story/89177/man-trie...y-for-beer.html[/url] I know it's not bass related but still CRAZY.
  21. This - [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/clips/p009mczz/edinburgh_2010_david_odoherty_my_beefs/"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/clips/p009mczz...herty_my_beefs/[/url] Or anything by Tim Minchin
  22. [quote name='MarkusWarwick' post='944852' date='Sep 3 2010, 06:59 PM']dude no offence, but if your not interested, dont post. its not an opinion forum, its for buyers and sellers only, and your basically wasting peoples time.[/quote] Dude, no offence, but if you're trying to sell something, being a total douche isn't going to help. I was actually VERY interested in this and I'm glad I read the posts before making a decision because your overly defensive attitude actually makes me doubt that you bought this new. Why would you get so snappy if you didn't have something to hide? The other poster was just trying to work out when you bought the bass because your description and "details" are very vague. Your bad attitude towards another BC member who was simply trying to find out important information on behalf of anyone who might be interested has totally turned me away from showing any interest in this and my money will be staying safely with me.
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  24. I don't know if anyone else is excited about the release of Jamiroquai's 7th studio album 'Rock Dust Star Light' in November 2010, but if you are here's a taster; So, what do people think?
  25. [quote name='spike' post='944170' date='Sep 3 2010, 08:05 AM']The music I have for it has it with 5 flats which is Db, same as C#.[/quote] Went back and had a look, you're right. It's Db. I was only one out (and it was about 4 years ago that I last read it) lol
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