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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. And relaaaaaaax! I owe Pete & Kevin at Strings & Things huge thanks & a pint or two I think. Still not got to the bottom of the correct size key(though I do have one that fits & works), [i][b][u]BUT[/u][/b][/i] in response to a first email they provided a couple of grub screws at the beginning of last week, and when I found the old screws would not come out a phone call yesterday lunchtime found a spare saddle which hit my door mat this morning (Saturday) and is now fitted and working. All hail S&T
  2. [quote name='paul, the' post='60516' date='Sep 14 2007, 06:13 PM']So he has! I'll be the only person without one soon.[/quote] [size=7][font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#FF00FF"][i]DO IT!!!![/i][/color][/font][/size] You know you want to
  3. I definitely find that it is not until I have the bass line pretty much sorted, so that it just rolls without me having to think about it, that I can start to properly get the b vox going - but as silverfoxnik will find tomorrow that is a very moot point
  4. [quote name='richy316' post='60581' date='Sep 14 2007, 08:28 PM']Hey Walman, i had the same problem with my SUB when i wanted to adjust the saddle height. First i thought the screws were knackered so ordered some replacements, alas they did'nt work! Basically the 1/16" hex key they recommend on the EBMM site is incorrect information. Speak to Kevin at StringsandThings and request a hex key set, he sent me one for free! and yes i can now adjust my SUB saddles.[/quote] Funnily enough I spoke to him at lunchtime today. They had sent me a couple of replacement screws, but I cannot get the old one out. Had a quick word & I am hoping a replacement saddle will drop through the door tomorrow morning or Monday. So far as it goes it is set up sitting on a washer protem and is working fine - it will just be nice to sort it
  5. And I suppose I should add the scores on the doors [list] [*][b]Features[/b] - 9[indent]A pair of inputs (including one balanced), gain with a clip light, EQ = low, low mid,mid high & high, VLE & VPF filters and master on the front (explained above & in the [url="http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua=en&cat=3&vedi=40"]manual[/url]). On the back a second speaker out on a speakon, balanced line out & ground lift, effect loop & tuner out. 300W on its own, but 500W with an extension cab @ 4 ohm. 1 x 12" + 1" HF compression driver and a rear facing port on the cab Freq resp 45Hz - 20kHz & 99dB sensitivity There might be some control on the tweeter, but I have never had occasion to use such a control in the past and can see no great need with this combo. Could also have a compressor, but I have never really used one of those either so I was not too bothered. No level controls on the line out or loop, but again no biggie[/indent] [*][b]Sound[/b] - 10[indent]There seems to be plenty of range in tone shaping with the 4 way eq & 2 x filters, but that said both my basses into the front with the tone controls flat and filters off sound great.[/indent] [*][b]Reliability [/b]- No opinion, it's too soon [*][b]Customer Service[/b] - No opinion, I've had no need to call on them yet and hope I never will! [*][b]Overall [/b]- 10[indent]First impressions are of a cracking little amp that weighs next to nothing, but happily cranks out a good sound all night long - at least that is the impression gained on the first use in anger. Time will tell. I have marked it down slightly on features, but for me loads of bells & whistles are not necessarily a requirement. Far batter to achieve a good musical tone with the controls flat with the ability to tweak if needs be for a room, etc., and this combo does seem to do this well.[/indent] [/list]
  6. [quote name='theheed' post='59832' date='Sep 13 2007, 12:56 PM']There's also a guy raving about his new CMD121P combo, which looks incredibly small in the photo of him holding it - unless he's a dwarf of course! There's one of those going on ebay at the moment too.[/quote] If you mean me I'm 6'5" ish I shall post more after a gig tomorrow night, but it more than held its own at rehearsal last week. It's not incredibly tall, but is a;most as deep as high. That said there is no weight to it at all and it handled low B's on the 5 with no problem [quote name='theheed' post='59756' date='Sep 13 2007, 10:48 AM']I've ruled out a 1x12 combo. as I think it may 'fart' at the volumes needed. (As a rule we only fart in out band if the audience request it and the venue has the required ventilation.)[/quote] I think you might be surprised. It certainly seemed MUCH louder than my old Trace 122H 2x10 combo and, probably because of the rear port, was plenty deep enough and shook the hall we practice in.
  7. [quote name='paul, the' post='60458' date='Sep 14 2007, 04:23 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5484&hl=love+it!+great+buy"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...!+great+buy[/url] Then get the [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/mark_bass_traveler_121h.htm"]extension[/url] so it comes up to your shoulders[/quote] What he said and with your budget you would have enough for both straight away [quote name='Jazzman' post='60402' date='Sep 14 2007, 01:45 PM']Went to the Markbass CMD121P combo. I was blown away straight away! I bought it.[/quote] Oh wait. You've done the dirty already
  8. [quote name='theosd' post='60347' date='Sep 14 2007, 12:25 PM']I want an Orange!![/quote] - and a truss I should think unless they bring out a Tiny Terror for bass. #2 son has a TT amongst other things and it is great [quote name='theosd' post='60347' date='Sep 14 2007, 12:25 PM']The only qualm I had is that it is still quite boxy (about 1" difference in terms of not fitting in my boot, it travels on the back seat)[/quote] - Yes. One of my "requirements" was that it would slot in the back of the estate alongside the rack and so that I could easily pull the boot cover over to hide everything. As it stands it is about 1/4" too tall the way I think it needs to go, but taking everything else into account I don't really care!! I shall have another go at rearranging the boot tomorrow. [quote name='theosd' post='60347' date='Sep 14 2007, 12:25 PM']I'd rather have seen a handle on the side, so you don't havta lift the amp so high up when you're going upstairs).[/quote] Agreed. That would certainly seem a better place for it [quote name='theosd' post='60347' date='Sep 14 2007, 12:25 PM']Soundwise this amp is faultless; still haven't found my ideal tone through it, just because there's so much variety, yet when you want clarity and honesty of your bass's tone, just set everything to 0 and what comes out is still astounding![/quote] +1 to the last. It really needed no tweaking at all at r/h on Tuesday evening. I had thought of getting the extension 12 cab, or building a BFM Omni 12, but I really do not think I need either.
  9. I think that I have found a key, but have no idea of the size (bigger than 1.2), it just seems to work on the other saddles. That said Strings & Things who distribute MM have come up trumps and supplied some replacement saddle screws so a major tick & gold star for that Now all I have to do is fit one. [Edit] :wacko: OFFS!! I can't get the old one out, there's nothing to grip either end. I SHALL NOT BE BEATEN
  10. [quote name='OldGit' post='59249' date='Sep 12 2007, 01:13 PM']This all sounds good. A friend is considering one of these so I'll be reporting back.. Were you going to get the little MarkBass thing to go under the cab? That looks liek a good idea .. May stop it trotting around the stage too ...[/quote] If you mean the fold away kick back stand then yes I was thinking of it to get the combo pointing in the vague direction of my ears rather than my knees. However, I wonder whether it would affect the reflex port at the rear, and based on last night alone it really didn't need it. That said it was in a hall that is notorious for how it affects the sound (adversely). It will be interesting to see how it works on Saturday in a tight gig situation, funny shaped room and carpets & chairs and hopefully bodies.
  11. [quote name='paul, the' post='59061' date='Sep 12 2007, 12:43 AM']Yay, love it! Great buy[/quote] [quote name='Telebass' post='59124' date='Sep 12 2007, 10:06 AM']Used exactly this amp for a year now - tremendous piece of kit![/quote] Yup. Based on last night it certainly seems so. Time & extended use will tell! I rather doubt I need to bother with the kick back stand that I had though of getting. Interestingly it seems to work particularly well with the Stingray, and the chap in GAK at the weekend said the same was his experience. The Wal also sounds good through it but may need a little more fine tuning.
  12. So the first "used in anger" review and some photos Rehearsal tonight and the new MB CMD121H and SUB5 come out to play. Boy does it shift some air and shake the ground, and in a good way considering it is a single 12 and horn. I presume that the rear reflex porting must help extend the bottom end. I ran it pretty much flat and about half way up (until requested to rein it in a bit - well quite a big bit actually!). I may need guy ropes as it did go for a little walk through the evening, but it was on wooden flooring, carpet will probably be different. The combo is very light, which probably did not help with walkies, but this does not seem to compromise the sound at all. It works really well with the MM SUB5 and is quite happy down to the B, though obviously there is rather more in the way of speaker excursion Up against a Bonham replica kit, Marshall TSL combo (60 I think), keyboards through a Behringer combo and vocals in the foldback doing rock covers (Whitesnake, Tubes, Gary Moore etc) and it held its own easily even 1/3 way up on the master, no VLE - Vintage Loudspeaker Emulator, which filters HF as you turn it up - and no VPF - Variable Pre-shape Filter which basically boosts lows & highs and scoops mids, a bit like the pre shape button in Trace Elliot but variable as you turn up the wick. The room was a large village hall. Photos Alongside a couple of basses for scale Closer & the Boss pedal tuner box on top With the top opening open to show access to the back of the amp. The cut out is held in with velcro, but is quite a snug fit anyway Back of the combo which shows the alternate access to the back of the amp. Better to open the top as the opening is narrow. The reflex port at the back has not come out too well ...and finally the handy carry out How good is that! Bass over your shoulder, amp in one hand and a hand free for doors!! More details and the manual [url="http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua=en&cat=3&vedi=40"]HERE[/url] More thoughts after the first gig on Saturday - now I must either relearn the songs I have got so used to playing on the Wal with the D-Tuner switched down OR make sure I can change basses quickly for those detuned number where I was still getting thrown using the SUB5 as the shapes have all changed. Much muttering along the lines of "Are you going to know this on Saturday Al?" Hmmmm we shall see
  13. [quote name='odub' post='58466' date='Sep 10 2007, 10:13 PM']A trace Elliot GP7 1x15 amp (green carpet era)[/quote] Not sure about the basses, but the amps seem to have been going at around £250-300 on eBay. Have you tried sticking it/them on Gumtree near you. That was how my TE 122H went in the end. Don't pay too much attention to the BIN prices quoted by [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/sms-pro-music"]THIS[/url] guy. He tends to snaffle Trace stuff that turns up on eBay and then shortly thereafter ramp the price up and list it in his eBay store. Of course there is [u][i]NOTHING[/i][/u] wrong with that, it's just business, but having been watching a lot of Trace stuff to try and gauge a price for the 122H I do not think they are really indicative of the true value for a non "trade" sale
  14. [quote name='WalMan' post='54265' date='Sep 2 2007, 04:40 PM']The chap I have used in the past on the south coast quoted me a starting price of £150 to refinish the MM Sub with a tobacco burst to match my Wal - depending on the current finish[/quote] Just got the MM back from a set up and Graham has confirmed £150 if I wanted to add a tobacco sunburst. I guess it must depend where you are. He is on the recommended list elsewhere - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=253&hl=wheeler"]Graham Wheeler[/url]
  15. Good luck with it. I sort of learnt it from Bass Player a few years back. Some of those harmonics are a swine to find as the ones down around frets 2-4 have a much tighter area to hit to get them to ring than 5,7 & 12. Good when you nail it though!!!
  16. [quote name='paul, the' post='57766' date='Sep 9 2007, 03:42 PM']Will you be putting a picture up? It would be great to see it scaled up next to something. I find it hard to imagine in the pictures.[/quote] If I don't get a chance beforehand I shall take some photos at r/h on Tuesday & post them. It is small but deep, presumably for the rear porting
  17. [quote name='OldGit' post='57694' date='Sep 9 2007, 11:52 AM']Whats the deal with GAK education prices? Any idea what they need .. I may or may not still have an undated Uni card from a previous life as a lecturer .. gets me into gigs cheap ...[/quote] I think you need to be signed up for a course and get a tutor to sign off on it, so it may require a relevant course as well. Son is starting a sound production course having finished the guitar course at BIMM and is looking at things like Logic Pro & Pro Tools to put on the Mac once he knows what they will be using on the course. We had been thinking of some of the fleabay offers for this but GAK Education dept is at least as good as the Bay so it seems easier and in many ways to go there to get definite legit copies
  18. So here we go then. Everyone's back from hols and we are back on the road again - some months better than others [u]2007[/u] 15 Sept - The Crown Littlehampton - Including the first outing for two new "toys" Gosh this is so exciting, I haven't had a new toy for ages & then two come along at once 28 Sept - Red Lion Stubbington 05 Oct - Cheers Bar Bognor Regis 06 Oct - The Crown Littlehampton 12 Oct - The Fountain Chichester 13 Oct - Admiral Drake Portsmouth 19 Oct - The Heroes Waterlooville 16 Nov - The Swan Woolston, Southampton 23 Nov - The Crown Littlehampton 01 Dec - The Fountain Chichester 07 Dec - Red Lion Stubbington [u]2008[/u] 04 Jan - Cheers Bar Bognor Regis Rock covers along the lines of Aerosmith, Deep Purple, Billy Idol, Whitesnake, Gary Moore, The Tubes, etc. We tend to [i]try [/i]to do slightly different than the standard numbers. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. MySpace with examples below. Say hi if you happen to make one. Cheers Al
  19. [quote name='paul, the' post='57492' date='Sep 8 2007, 07:37 PM']The H&K is a funny amp, I don't think there's an extension cab that matches it and I don't think you can run another cab in parallel, suggesting the original twelve wouldn't be driven as its intention when using an extension or not at all.[/quote] Indeed. Having decided to spend that bit more the option to use an extra cab - not possible with the SWR, or the EBS I think - was another factor I took account of. Even so far as thinking of perhaps building a [url="http://www.billfitzmaurice.com/Omni12.html"]BFM Omni 12[/url] sometime in the future. My woodworking skills proved sufficient to build a pair of EV design 15 cabs years back - so long as the wood was all cut to size for me at the merchants - so it's a thought.
  20. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='57514' date='Sep 8 2007, 08:33 PM']excellent work. i am considering replacing my mb separates with one of these. how much did you pay in the end?[/quote] PM'd I'm sure it's not top secret but not wishing to upset anyone I'll do it that way. Or thinking about it try somewhere between their web price and their education department price. Of course I suppose what I [u][i]should[/i][/u] have done is get #2 son to buy it at the education department price when he gets signed up on his sound production course next week
  21. T shirt & a pair of long shorts even in winter. Have done for years now after starting in a hot summer & it feels really weird to do a gig in jeans now
  22. [quote name='paul, the' post='57470' date='Sep 8 2007, 06:48 PM']Sounds like a great buy to me[/quote] I certainly hope so. Time will tell. [quote name='paul, the' post='57470' date='Sep 8 2007, 06:48 PM']are you in pillaging distance of me? [/quote]Thankfully no if that was for a raiding party to relieve me If its for a try out well my son is due to move down to Blandford in November so no doubt we shall be heading that way on occasion [quote name='paul, the' post='57470' date='Sep 8 2007, 06:48 PM']Had you tried the Hughes and Kettner(sp?) QC 412 or whatever it's called? Would love to compare those two.[/quote] Hadn't even thought or considered that one and looking at it now it could have been a contender, but its too late now the deed is done
  23. So the TE 122H went last night and off to GAK today for a final try of the Markbass 121H. It is a bit of overkill for my purposes as most of my gigging is straight through a Line6 Bass Pod XT Pro direct to the PA, and I was after a small bass amp just to shift a bit of air on stage rather than just rely on monitors. That said I tend to just use an amp at r/h and you never know I might get the odd dep where I just want an amp. I have considered all sorts from cheaper Behringer, Hartke & GK Kickback combos to somewhat more expensive things like the Phil Jones Briefcase, SWR Workingman 12, EBS Drome 12 and the Markbass 121H. In the end I decided to spend a bit more than just the kickback type combos so that put me up to the PJB, SWR, EBS & Markbass PJB got discounted from reading some other reviews here. EBS was considered as I have a contact, but he never got back to me so......I could not be bothered to wait and with gigs coming up SWR, well I had a head before & it had some reliability "issues" so did not stay long So we were down to the Markbass, which I had already tried and liked the sound, weight and size. Another criteria was that it needed to slide into the back of the estate alongside the rack and light boxes, which the MB also seemed to meet having measured the boot & compared with the on line dimensions. So this afternoon it was off to GAK but what to take, the Wal of the MM SUB. In the end took the latter to check reaction to the B and I have to say that based on the blast it had in the shop it sounded sweeeeeeet even with the tone set pretty much flat. A bit of bartering later (but not much as the price quoted when I tried it out before beat both the GAK webshop & Thomann, indeed any price I could find with an online search) and the combo left the shop and a dent in the Mastercard. Unbelievably when I got it to the car and slid it in the way I think it will need to go it was about 1/2 in too tall for the boot cover, but I think I can get around that with a little rearranging. Still I don't care. It sounded really nice. I shall post back more when it has had a r/h and gig under its belt.
  24. Just been in there this afternoon to spend the money from the TE sale, having already been in before trying out various amps. Took in a bass I knew for a final try out and had the combo for a price better than both their webshop & Thomann.
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