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What should be the price???:|


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I started up this thread because I want to sell my bass but I don't really know how much it's worth.


I hope someone could give an indication but it'll be quite strange because the folks who'd like to buy are also lieïng in wait :)

I do have proof that these are real! They are well protected, and I've got to say: the bass sounds really good for the original price...

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Its a tricky one isnt it.

As you have to put a price in your add why not start high and see what happens.
People will be very quick to point out if its too high or two low.
End of the day, its worth whatever you can get for it. The signatures will of course add to its value but by how much is anyone's guess.

Im not sure but you might be able to get it valued by a local auction house.

I would also advise you to fill in your profile so people know where you are based. Its a bit of a sore point here at the moment but i think a lot of people agree that the seller will be the one who looses out if they dont give this info. Its not compulsory though.

Im thinking of getting one of these myself soon, by all accounts they play and sound great, especially for the money.

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VMJs usually go for about [s]£200[/s]* second hand. For some people, the signatures may increase its value. For others, they may detract.


[size=1]* I vastly overestimated the current price for a new one. Please ignore me.[/size]

Edited by Stylon Pilson
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Hello, I am Mr. Cynical

I can only see a solid return, [i](meantime you hang on to it and keep it safely stored)[/i] if one day any of the 3 who signed happens to pass on, then you'll see the value of it seriously going up.


Hello I am Mr. Cynical (again)

My PRS bass was signed by Paul Reed Smith (see pic attached) and... if you follow my train of thoughts...

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If you don't know the value, stick it on eBay with international shipping offered as an option and see what you get for it.

You can only sell here if you know what your asking price is.

To be honest I think big fans of those sorts of players will be in the market for a more expensive bass. Not necessarily a better bass, just one that they think is better because it's more expensive.

Edited by thisnameistaken
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