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Aria pro II super bass + amp and effects pedal


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I smell a rat with this one:

[url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190370865092&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]Aria pro II super bass + amp and effects pedal[/url]

Especially the "I will deliver it all myself once sold (UK only!!)" bit worries me!

I'm not interested in bidding anyway, plus not even sure what model it is so haven't asked him any questions. I suspect some scammer may have hijacked an old unused ebay account. What say you guys?

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Not sure that I'd be overly suspicious!

The bit about delivering after sale is a bit 'non-standard English' but there aren't the usual alarm bells going off; yes the user hasn't had much activity of late but then again loads of users are like that. I'd probably be happier if I could collect it but if you pay via paypal it's a lot safer these days. :)

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It didn't leap out at me as being dodgy. I'm watching with interest to see where it finishes.

Oh, it's a 1980 (ish) SB-900 in Walnut finish. Through neck, Passive, twin 4-wire humbuckers, Series/Parallel, & a coil tap for the back p/up. V V T & a 3-way p/up selector switch. I've got one, it's a fantastic instrument.


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Perhaps I'm just getting too old, grumpy & suspicious!

Perhaps also I should have asked seller some questions before posting on here? - didn't mean to accuse anyone & feel a touch guilty now :blush:

Or, perhaps I should go and find something better to do like practice playing!!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with a newbie though chaps, appreciated!


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[quote name='Tyron' post='745014' date='Feb 14 2010, 05:36 PM']Perhaps I'm just getting too old, grumpy & suspicious!

Perhaps also I should have asked seller some questions before posting on here? - didn't mean to accuse anyone & feel a touch guilty now :blush:

Or, perhaps I should go and find something better to do like practice playing!!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with a newbie though chaps, appreciated!


Don't feel bad Tyron... EVERYBODY is guilty until proven innocent in my eBay world! :)

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[quote name='Annoying Twit' post='746052' date='Feb 15 2010, 04:26 PM']It went for £670. It failed to sell before with a reserve of £600. I bet the owner's pleased.[/quote]

That's not bad at all. I was guesstimating the combined value of the Trace & the Zooom at around £150 or thereabouts, so £500-ish for a seemingly rather nice SB-900 with a branded case. Gives me some hope for mine (apart from the fact mine's a common as muck colour with boring grain, it's dinged up, missing its original knobs, has been re-wired & I don't have a branded case!).


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