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Two different cabs - what Amp?


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Assuming both of your cabs are 8 ohm (about 90% of cabs are), then any amp that will operate at 4 ohms (about 99% do) will be fit for purpose.  Just out of interest why did you choose 2 different manufacturers and 2 different speaker configurations?  If you have a PF 115HE why not get another identical it makes more sense.  


500w output is a sensible power rating, you'll rarely need more and if you do you should be using PA support.  


The only unknown is what sound / tone you are trying to achieve.

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"2 different manufacturers and 2 different speaker configurations? "

It's Simple🙂

Ampeg i have found on great price 😎 200£ for cab, old GK Amp, all with cases 💪

markbass was always my goal, and at first, i wanted traveller and little Mark II 250W. For light weight and mobility 🙂


Ampeg poped up, i bought it, and now i try to couple both of  cabs.

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One time I mixed cabs and it was fine.

Another time I literally thought the 2nd cab wasn't plugged in because it was much less loud than the first with the same amount of power applied.


So you never know what you are going to get with mixing cabs until you try them together.


Even then the one on top will be the one you hear tone from when you are on stage.


500w amp will do fine but don't make the mistake of thinking you can't blow up 800w worth of cabinets. At that sort of volume it's getting hard to hear complaining sounds from them.


You're going to need earplugs or you will be damaging your hearing.

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Two different cabs might sound fine to you on stage or in the rehearsal room, where you are probably only really hearing the one closest to your ears, but unless your FoH sound is from the PA they will sound very different out front and different in different locations in the venue.

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