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Hullo, I'm here now but I'm moving


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Hello all,

I must admit I've joined primarily to find a nice new home for my Warwick FNA Jazzman but after reading through some threads I think I might be visiting more frequently.

I've played bass since a spot of popping and slapping was considered enormously sexy and have covered a lot of genres on the way. I've now largely swapped speed for scales and find most enjoyment smashing out some pretty obscure jazz along with a few django wannabees.

Kit wise, I'm running various basses (Warwick FNA Jazzman, Sundgear SR1200 and an absolutely knackered 88 PBass that I adore more than most of my family members) through a Trace Eliott AH-600 12 band head with either a Markbass 4x10 or homemade 1x12. One thing to note, I can't get enough of spending ridiculous amounts of money on cables.

I'm actually moving to New York from London in the next two months so am looking to reduce my freight bill by introducing a couple of things to the sale section. I'm about to put my Warwick on there but after a few reads it wouldn't seem as if there's a huge amount of demand for them. This revelation upsets me a bit as I consider that bass to be the best all round gigging and recording basses I've come across. Can anyone tell me why no one like them anymore?

Hope that was enough introduction.


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Hello A,

Welcome to basschat. I hope you stick around, there are lots from the US here, maybe even from where you are going.
I like Warwicks, but I'm not in the market for another bass. It'll be like that film..............If you sell It they will come.

Cheers Leen.

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Hi A,

As Leen says: Stay!
Good boy!

Yeah, there's a lot of wondering about WW prices these days. I wouldn't know how the market became like that, but nowadays your FNA won't get the price it deserves. The same goes for very much gear. It's buyers' market without buyers, it seems.

Anyway, enjoy the site, and remember: "There's no shame in moving back" (old jungle proverb)


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[quote name='LLCoolA' timestamp='1361289700' post='1983992']
I can't get enough of spending ridiculous amounts of money on cables.

Then the Planet Waves website be the place to be for ye!

I love Planet Waves. Nearly sold off all my stuff the other day to fund buying EVERYTHING they have on the website. I even started a thread about AAS, which is Accessories Acquisition Syndrome, which is something i suffer from far more than GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome).

Anyway, enjoy the site. :)

PS- Bert, i love your member title. Where did you think of such a witty thing to put there? Must have come from some superior mind, eh? :D

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[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1361297939' post='1984159']
Must have come from some superior mind, eh? :D

Yup, a superior musician as well as superior human being, reportedly on people skills sabbatical these days.

But this is nothing. Did you see Roland Rock's programming language sig?
It's awesome:


Edited by BassTractor
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[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1361300472' post='1984222']
Yup, a superior musician as well as superior human being, reportedly on people skills sabbatical these days.

But this is nothing. Did you see Roland Rock's programming language sig?
It's awesome:


Yes, i saw that and laughed my ass off. (yes, literally. I have surgery on monday).

God, where do they get them from? When i think about it now, i just laugh. And laugh. and laugh. To think, he included his youtube channel in his signature *cough cough* (hint hint) then started taking down the videos when people were actually going to watch them. That's how superior he was. The inferior minds weren't allowed to even watch his videos! OH WISE ONE, WHY HATH YOU FORSAKEN US!? :D

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[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1361300472' post='1984222']
Yup, a superior musician as well as superior human being, reportedly on people skills sabbatical these days.

But this is nothing. Did you see Roland Rock's programming language sig?
It's awesome:

[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1361301129' post='1984234']
Yes, i saw that and laughed my ass off. (yes, literally. I have surgery on monday).

God, where do they get them from? When i think about it now, i just laugh. And laugh. and laugh. To think, he included his youtube channel in his signature *cough cough* (hint hint) then started taking down the videos when people were actually going to watch them. That's how superior he was. The inferior minds weren't allowed to even watch his videos! OH WISE ONE, WHY HATH YOU FORSAKEN US!? :D

So the thread hijackers strike again :yarr:

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361303034' post='1984292']

Are they bothering you? Don't worry - it's time for their medication, that's all.

Hah! Inti went mad at me for suggesting that he seek advice from a medical health professional :D

In all honesty though, i do need to shoot up right about now...

I'm just joking, i don't inject opiates. I ingest them :)

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[quote name='LLCoolA' timestamp='1361537723' post='1987124']
An incredibly warm welcome, thanks chaps!!

If I'm in the market for arse repair, opiate advisory or diverson I now know where to look!!

@ milty... try some Pete Cornish. They do for planet wave what broadband did to the tin can and string!!

Oh, i'm going to google that! i love innovation and simple fixes to common problems.

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[quote name='LLCoolA' timestamp='1361289700' post='1983992']
I can't get enough of spending ridiculous amounts of money on cables.

If you want an extremely high-quality cable (or ten), you could do much worse than Basschat's own [b]obbm[/b].
He will make any cable to your specifications. A lot of love for them on this forum. Best you'll get at ANY price. :)

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