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Yamaha 02R Digital Mixing Desk..


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Looking great Mike, it's good to see you keeping busy despite it being January. Modern stuff lights up so pretty! ❤️ I've enjoyed all of the Academy gigs - I've worked all three rooms at various points over the last few years and Marius has usually looked after me pretty well although he's not a fan of the Spear / TOH / Ruts / DMW manager.. 😆

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  • 1 month later...
On 21/01/2024 at 22:41, VTypeV4 said:

Looking great Mike, it's good to see you keeping busy despite it being January. Modern stuff lights up so pretty! ❤️ I've enjoyed all of the Academy gigs - I've worked all three rooms at various points over the last few years and Marius has usually looked after me pretty well although he's not a fan of the Spear / TOH / Ruts / DMW manager.. 😆

Marios is a good'un! I'm in the main room tomorrow on house mons. We've got Thrice in, which I'm very much looking forward to as I'm a big fan but have never caught them live.  Won't be mixing anything all day as both the headliner and the support are self contained, so it's a day at work of mostly just watching good bands! 


Just got back home from a couple of weeks around Europe as TM/FOH with a pop artist from South Africa on his first headline tour up these ways. Smallest rooms I've done in a while but we had an absolute ball. Great shows, all sold out, and a lovely bunch of people to be on the road with. Took my trusty little SQ5 out for its first shows of 2024 and it did a cracking job. Doesn't get used too often these days but it's such a great little desk for the money. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
02R DM1000 SMX


02R DM1000 SMX


I've been doing a little work from home today - the 02R performing as well and reliably as ever. 😃


A&H have done so well with the SQ range - they've certainly rattled some cages, no doubt both Behringer / Midas and Yamaha must be cursing them as the SQ has absolutely stormed that end of the market. I wonder if Soundcraft will hit back with something as there's been nothing special from them for a while?

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2 hours ago, VTypeV4 said:

02R DM1000 SMX


02R DM1000 SMX


I've been doing a little work from home today - the 02R performing as well and reliably as ever. 😃


A&H have done so well with the SQ range - they've certainly rattled some cages, no doubt both Behringer / Midas and Yamaha must be cursing them as the SQ has absolutely stormed that end of the market. I wonder if Soundcraft will hit back with something as there's been nothing special from them for a while?

Love to see it still in action! What are you up to with it?


Yeah, the SQ is far and away the best option in thar price range for sure. Really not a fan of the TF and the X/M32 are showing their age.


I think Soundcraft is a lost cause at this point, sadly. Nothing has really happened since Samsung acquired Harman, which they mainly did for the home entertainment end of their portfolio of brands. I don't think they've got any real interest in sustaining a presence in the pro audio sector, but it's a shame to see a historic brand run down like that. Maybe someone will buy it out, who knows?

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2 hours ago, mike257 said:

Love to see it still in action! What are you up to with it?


Yeah, the SQ is far and away the best option in thar price range for sure. Really not a fan of the TF and the X/M32 are showing their age.


I think Soundcraft is a lost cause at this point, sadly. Nothing has really happened since Samsung acquired Harman, which they mainly did for the home entertainment end of their portfolio of brands. I don't think they've got any real interest in sustaining a presence in the pro audio sector, but it's a shame to see a historic brand run down like that. Maybe someone will buy it out, who knows?


Thanks, Mike. 👍 I've started an electronica project with an old friend so I was making some piano / synth loops in Reason - the 02R was simply monitoring today but I do have a live album on the go with that particular desk currently so it's not heard it's last - far from it. ❤️ I've no plans to retire this one or the example at the studio just yet.


100% with you on the current market. I've only used one TF and that was at Colchester pre-Covid but that has since been retired and replaced with a far more capable and useful QL5. X and M32s are fine and anyone that complains about their sonics clearly can't mix a bag of concrete let alone a band but I'm just a bit bored with them now - far more so than my older Yamaha collection - go figure? Do you feel the same with them?


Aa for Soundcraft, I've never really used one I didn't like - even the Spirit stuff was good enough most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I don't much fancy a gig on a Live 4224 now but 20 years ago, I certainly wasn't complaining. Only a little less than 20 years ago, I had the pleasure of one of the very first production GB-8 consoles and it was a lovely thing - it out performed both the Spirit it replaced plus the A&H GL2200 and GL3000 I was also using at the time. I wasn't so keen on the MH series and thought the A&H ML was better all round but it was still ok. I know the original 328 was dogged with issues and didn't do their 'digital' reputation any good but I still feel the later 328XD was a fantastic and mind blowingly capable machine as archived in this topic. As you suggest, hopefully someone will buy the brand and bring it back as the VI and other digital mixers are starting to show their age a little now. 😬  


02R DM1000 SMX


02R DM1000 SMX


The DM1000 got an outing a few weeks back doing the band / orchestra mix (about 20 channels) for a production of 'Grease'.. Not in the shot but to the right is an X32 capably operated by friend and fellow studio owner, Mark - arguably I had the easy job as he was on cues, sfx and handling all vocal channels.

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  • 5 weeks later...
02R pre Qu


It's official, the days of this particular 02R running FOH are numbered. Recently, the venue won a grant to make a number of all-round improvements with some pennies ear-marked for a console upgrade. Whilst it's not yet arrived, an A&H Qu32 will soon replace the high-mileage Yamaha. I was also given the option of a full-fat X32 but thought the Qu is arguably the better quality product, it suits myself and the needs of the venue. In an ideal world, I'd have chosen an SQ although the reality was, it was just a bit too far to reach but I've plenty of good experience with the Qu range. 🥰   

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  • 1 month later...
M32 in 02R out 524


So in a slightly sideways move, neither a an X32 or Qu32 were purchased in the end - I chose an M32 to replace the 02R instead. Built well and feature laden, hopefully it will provide at least as many years service as the Yamaha did. The Midas had it's first show yesterday (18/5/24) and worked perfectly - as expected so all I have to do is teach the apprentice how it all works now. 👍


It felt a little sad removing the Yamaha as it marks the end of an era - 02R's have been used at the RIgger for the best part of ten years which is longer than any other console that's been in service at the venue during the last 25 years. ❤️

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  • 3 weeks later...


It seems we had a bit of a false start with the M32. It did one gig then refused to start ever again so the Yamaha was put straight back in to service for a few shows. Of course, it worked without fault or issue - as ever. The faulty M32 was returned sometime last week with a fresh Midas box arriving at the venue yesterday. You can see the new, new desk under test in the background.




An hour or so later and the replacement M32 is in place awaiting it's first show this coming Saturday. 😃


Ampeg TOH 24


Recent Kirk Brandon tour at the Islington 02 - here I was mixing Ruts DC, Theatre of Hate and Zac Starkey at the Vive le Rock awards.


Ampeg TOH 24


TOH at the Glasgow 02 with a lovely Digico SD12.




TOH at Northwest Calling - Manchester Academy.






KK's Steel Mill hosted this years 'Westworld Weekender' - their brand new A&H SQ was a pleasure to use.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to hear about the M32 problems, hope the replacement is running smoothly!


Had a busy few weeks on production manager/FOH duties for James Marriott and his band. Had a lovely dLive package out and indulged myself with an S5000 surface for this one - started out with a fly show at Rock For People in Czechia and only managed to locate a rental console on the morning of the show, after much hustling - just about got it in to FOH and set up a couple of bands ahead of our slot!




Got back in to the UK and hit Dublin, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh with our own touring package (S5000 up front for me and a C1500 for our monitor guy)...




Then downsized to a C1500 myself for two festival shows, just to make it easier getting in and out. Had a double show day at Isle Of Wight - my regular tour management gig were also playing straight after the band I'm currently touring with. I don't mix that show, but here's my SQ5 set up for our FOH engineer right in front of the C1500 I was carrying. It was a quick dash back to stage after mixing one set to immediately go and guitar tech for the next one!





The next day was more interesting - we were straight off to Pinkpop in the Netherlands. Sadly, although our tourbus made it, our gear van didn't, so 90 mins before our show we were on site without a single guitar to our name, our entire backline and audio kit stranded hundreds of miles away. Thankfully, we managed to borrow enough backline and instruments from other bands we knew at the festival to put our gig on, and the monitor guy and I jumped on the house consoles, Digico SD8 at both ends, and just threw it together on the fly! Ended up being an amazing gig, and we went from thinking we'd have to cancel, to pulling the whole thing out of the bag in less than two hours. Was proud of my team that day!






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Thanks Mike - it seems that the new M32 has been happy to play more than one show and has settled into it's role very well indeed. 🤣


Looks like you've been flat out and I'm really pleased you're flying the A&H flag loud and proud. I still don't really think there's much on the market that can get near the SQ currently - A&H seem to have truly won with them. As for the bigger stuff, the dLive is probably the most intuitive and easy to use flagship - I'd probably choose one over an SD12 and I'd be really hard pressed to pick between a CL5 and the A&H.


I'm loving the picture of the old SD8! It's been a while since I've used one as most places seem to have gone to an SD12 now. The SD8 was the first big Digico I did a show on - it's sea of knobs and buttons but reasonably intuitive once rolling - great board. ❤️ 


Of all the shows I've done recently (or in the last few years to be fair), I only had one nightmare which was in Germany. A Pro-2 which had become very twitchy was the centre of my troubles. In the 15 minutes between bands, whilst the house engineer was double checking what I needed (very helpful, btw) I was putting some presumptious settings in - effects setups, compression envelopes etc when it got 'stuck' in sends on faders so re-boot number one. Now with only about 6 minutes before the show, having re-scrabbled some of the lost settings back in, it then refuses to assign / re-assign any DCA / Pop or subroups nor will it allow me to turn the upper auxes on for FX sends - restart number two. The show gets pushed back by a few minutes as I re-re-scrabble settings and don't really get chance to line check anything - not even gains so it was pretty much a 'check and fix it all on the fly' whilst they're on and playing - very unpleasent. 😐   




On a happier note, a recent pic of the control room. 👍 

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Ouch! Those Pro series desks sound incredible but they aren't half getting temperamental in their old age! I've come across a few worryingly creaky ones and I believe there's issues with parts availability making them harder to keep running now too. Glorious sounding pieces of kit though. Sounds like you smashed it in difficult circumstances mate!


And yeah, been very happy with my choice of dLive for touring recently. There's an immediacy to them that I enjoy. Very quick to get up and running. Busking on the SD8 was good fun though. 


Not much console action for most of my adventures last week. Had my guitar tech hat on for the majority of it. My desk looked like this.....



And the view looked like this....  




I did manage to do a quick monitor gig on my way home though (first one since November, I've been at the wrong end of the multi all year so far) and ended up on an in-house SQ5. Surprising choice for a festival monitor desk but got a show out of it just fine. Was enviously eyeing the headliner's SD9 to my left though 🤣




The control room is looking fantastic! Rare to see such a high fader count in a studio these days, love it

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It was 'challenging' to say the very least! 😬 Those Pro series Midas do sound good although I've never gotten on with their operating system particularly well - especially that patching screen! Given the choice, (as I'm sure you know!) I'd pick Yamaha, A&H or Digico for a 'proper' gig. Having said that, Germany was probably my first nightmare on one..


Looks like you've had some lovely views, Mike - it even seems like the sun came out, too! 🥰😃


As for the control room, thank you - I feel like it's looking (and sounding!) very good indeed although I did add some little Kinsman lamps to both the ML and DM.


Kinsman lamps ML


A&H uses a different pin-out so I had to rewire the four for the ML - it was simply reversing the black and white wires between pins 3 and 4 on the XLR connector. 


DM kinsman lamps


The ones in the DM worked without modification although the filter on the pic makes them look much brighter than they really are. I'd have got some for the 02R but they don't have a lamp socket, sadly. ❤️

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  • 3 weeks later...

A really fun one today....


Radio 1 session at Maida Vale with one of my touring clients. Always love coming through here, can't help but think about the list of names that have walked through these doors before us. Even found a video today of Nirvana set up in the exact same spots as us in this room, back in 1990. 


A great afternoon tracking, followed by a fun mix session with myself, the band's FOH engineer, and the lovely team from the Beeb, on their 72-frame SSL 4000G.


The session goes out on the Jack Saunders show next Tuesday!












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Oh Mike, that really is so cool! 😬 I've never done a proper mix on a big SSL / fancy outboard although there's still time yet. ❤️ By contrast, as I type this I'm sat next to an X32 that I'll be mixing tonights show on at the S & G in Manchester..


@Owen I didn't know many others visited here either - glad you enjoy it! 👍

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Pack 8/24


No 02R on this job, rather an Allen & Heath SQ with a well set up cluster of L'Acoustics ARCS - another enjoyable seesion with Kirk and the boys in Blackpool at the Winter Gardens. Thankfully, we did the Friday night just before Toyah (who was brill) so witnessed nor experienced any of the troubles. ❤️

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  • 2 weeks later...
ML 02r bstock 24


HSL's good old M32 once again doing a sterling job at Bloodstock. Like most by now, I'm a little bored with the interface and graphics but I can't fault them at all really - they sound great, have more than enough toys to do 95% of jobs and are nearly as reliable as a Yamaha. I also had the pleasure of talking to the lovely PR ladies from Midas which was super - I even got some T-Shirts and a hoodie! 🥰


ML 02r bstock 24


ML 02r bstock 24


The ML recieved a bit of love recently, too - I removed the meterbridge and had Kev (K. Edwards Electronics) replace all the bulbs with LEDs. It looks like new! Honestly, I've even convinced myself it sounds better now. 😅


ML 02r bstock 24


And the classic 02R here working on a live recording from home. The recording in question is a band I work with frequently - Captain Stingray who play afro / dub / world / reggae originals. There's now 9 in the band so quite a channel count and it also marked the first recording to be taken from the M32 at The Rigger. ❤️


I've got NHC coming up again plus some more Kirk Brandon dates in September. I'll lay good money on the statement that not one of the shows will be using an 02R (or even a DM) but hopefully I'll see and use plenty of fun stuff along the way. 👍

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On 20/08/2024 at 21:27, VTypeV4 said:

ML 02r bstock 24


HSL's good old M32 once again doing a sterling job at Bloodstock. Like most by now, I'm a little bored with the interface and graphics but I can't fault them at all really - they sound great, have more than enough toys to do 95% of jobs and are nearly as reliable as a Yamaha. I also had the pleasure of talking to the lovely PR ladies from Midas which was super - I even got some T-Shirts and a hoodie! 🥰


ML 02r bstock 24


ML 02r bstock 24


The ML recieved a bit of love recently, too - I removed the meterbridge and had Kev (K. Edwards Electronics) replace all the bulbs with LEDs. It looks like new! Honestly, I've even convinced myself it sounds better now. 😅


ML 02r bstock 24


And the classic 02R here working on a live recording from home. The recording in question is a band I work with frequently - Captain Stingray who play afro / dub / world / reggae originals. There's now 9 in the band so quite a channel count and it also marked the first recording to be taken from the M32 at The Rigger. ❤️


I've got NHC coming up again plus some more Kirk Brandon dates in September. I'll lay good money on the statement that not one of the shows will be using an 02R (or even a DM) but hopefully I'll see and use plenty of fun stuff along the way. 👍

Love to see you're out and about keeping busy mate!


Not much mixing console action from me of late. My regular gig taking up most of the year is tour managing and not getting near a console. Did a weekend of Euro festivals - Lowlands and Pukkelpop - some long and challenging travel days but a cracking couple of gigs. 




I did drop in for my last show of the summer looking after monitors for Peter Hook at the weekend, which is always a pleasure. Another nice Digico package from Solotech on this one. 





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