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My Stingays and my G&L


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Right, about time to do this, especially in the light of the facT that a SR4 has joined the herd this evening.

First up, my G&L 2500 USA. Got on Ebay last year. Great gigging bass this, my fave sounds are the pumpud up precision tone, and the mix of both pups. Not that keen on its Stingray impression though. ChunkY neck, comfy to play, not too heavy. Had to put some foam in the pup mounting springs to stop the "ringing" due to undamped springs (thanks to talkbass USA for that one..) Now fully sorted, and a great function band bass:

Next is my SR5. This is a 2004 envy green limited edition model - one of 100 or so. It has a black headstock and black knobs. A lovely lovely bass to play. Really low action, the best I have played to date. A tad on the heavy side, but manageable. Thinner neck than the G&L, and was my main bass until the G&L came along. Purchased from our very own eubassix. Top bass, will probably own this one forever.

Last up is my freshly acquired SR4. Natural finish, RW neck. Just got it today in a deal on here. Really light bass, super comfy. Better than I recall my last SR4 being, it is full of life. Need to tweak the set-up still, but plays very nicely already. The back of the neck is really smooth and nicely figured - nicer than my SR5. I will use this for my indie/rock band, and for long function band gigs where the heavier 5 stings become tiresome.

So there we go.

You can also see my Godin nylon strung Acousticlassic guitar, my SD loaded Pacifica 812W (proper guitar that one, seymour duncans, superb wilkinson and sperzel hardware - the cheap Pacificas are great, but the top line ones like this are superb guitars), and one of my MB cabs.

These 3 basses will do eveything I need for now.

Thanks for looking.


Edited by nottswarwick
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[quote name='silverfoxnik' post='133366' date='Feb 4 2008, 12:01 AM']Nice collection! :)

I particularly like the look of the G&L; what Roger Waters would pick up if he was a young kid today just starting out...[/quote]


Another thing about the G&L is that the B string is not as strong as the SR5. It is by no means bad, and probably just suffers from the fact that the SR5 is so good!

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[quote name='dub_junkie' post='133414' date='Feb 4 2008, 08:54 AM']+1 on the envy green 5 string. Its gorgeous and the other 2 light my fire as well :)

best porn I've seen in a while

thanks for sharing[/quote]

Thanks everyone - I like them anyway.

Been riffing on the SR4 tonight - taking a while to get used to just 4 strings again. Ultimately, i will be using the 4 string mainly with a pick. Our indie project is is doing typical Kaisers/Fratelis/etc etc, so this will suit ideally. And some chillis etc, so ditto.

Still love the fives tho. All are sufficiently different to mean they will all get played. I will also practice my exercises (finger alternations etc) on a different bass each time, to get as flexible as possible.

Anyway, thanks all for the positive words.


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