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Gibson Gb-440 Amp


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Hi, I have for sale the rare Gibson GB440 amp - the Thunderfunk predecessor, made in USA.

Reliable amp, honest 440 Watts at 4 Ohms, fully working. Many EQ possibilities with four parametric EQs,
Enhance knob and the unique Timbre knob (ccw reduces bass and adds treble, cw opposite).
Weights approx. 13 lbs / 6 kg.

Price: £350 / €400 + shipping.

Located in Czech.

Photos: [url="http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/nemo970/Gibson-GB440/"]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/n...0/Gibson-GB440/[/url]

Edited by nemo
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[quote name='BassBod' post='1084204' date='Jan 10 2011, 02:52 PM']Does this operate at Euro voltages or American (and was it originally convertable)?[/quote]

[s]I got it with 120 V setting, but after one kind e-mail from Dave Funk and one wire resolder I have easily converted it to 220 V.[/s]

Could be reverted back to 120V, no problem.

Edit: I found the e-mail - it was from 2005 :) sorry for bad memory - the soldering I did was only to remove the 120V fan someone added there.
The voltage conversion itself requires only moving the slider behind the plate on the back panel. No soldering.

Dave Funk's mail:

----- Original Message -----
From: David Thunder Funk
To: xxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: GB-440 question

Simple. Remove the plate next to the fuse and set the slide switches to 220V and 20v = 240 volts. There's no 230 volt setting. Since the EU isn't really 230V you might be able to use the 220V setting for max power. Measure your wall voltage to be sure. Use a 2-1/2 amp slo-blo fuse.

Dave. [/i]

Edited by nemo
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