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Lord Sausage

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Posts posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1454419051' post='2969523']
    Lest we forget:

    I don't understand why you'd post this!

  2. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1454275503' post='2968213']
    David Lee Roth from Van Halen days to swap places with Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden.
    Oh God no! There is only one place for the Diamond One and that is VH! He's to upbeat for Maiden and their one trick song(s)!

    Unless you mean it just for the purpose of Dickinson being in VH. I wouldn't like that either. There would be no fun in early VH then.

    Each to their own though, it is your choice. I'll shut the f*** up!

  3. [quote name='Bikenbass' timestamp='1454247653' post='2967801']
    I didn't.
    He demanded payment for Children In Need when all others gave their time for free. He shamelessly plugged artists and bands he had an interest in on his radio show.
    Sorry for any offence taken.
    [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1454264582' post='2968032']
    I guess that his fee would have been worth it as he was one of the few presenters that was high profile and seemingly universally liked, and could get you to part with your money. You could also say that the people who did it for free were shamelessly plugging themselves on such a high profile show, which I would imagine the free publicity would outweigh the potential future earnings. I wouldn`t hold that against them though.
    Also, it was the BBC's discretion to give him a fee. He didn't ask, the put it in his salary as an honorarium payment. They give it him for the first one and never stopped. they said they weren't ashamed of it, saw no reason to hide it and wouldn't stop. It came out of the Beebs money not Children in Needs. He didn't demand it. Plus if those two things are the only things that make him an horrible person then most people are Hitler!

  4. [quote name='steantval' timestamp='1454253333' post='2967855']
    A bit out of order I would say.
    How many bands would not have made it if John Peel had not "shamelessly plugged artists and bands he had an interest in" ?
    [/quote]I know, what a **** wogan was!

  5. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1454231391' post='2967593']
    Like him or not, he was a wit and a music fan
    Had cancer apparently, more very sad news
    Who doesn't like him?
    You'd have to be a sad, bitter **** of a person to not like him.

  6. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1451768105' post='2943329']
    Hmmm... it's not that good I'm afraid...

    Hasn't aged well but by contrast ST has matured nicely... Wry, subtle and clever.

    Horses for course I guess but the Wogan thing was just embarrassing.

    I think for me, Ade Edmonson hasn't ever been funny outside of the Young Ones.

    I'll disagree as the first two series of Bottom are legendary. I think Eddie hitter is a better character than Vivian!

  7. Honestly, i would have told him to f*** off! What a prick!

    I got up at a jam night once and jammed Sweet Child o mine. It was the first tune I'd learned to play like 20 yrs earlier. I was just jamming on it, put some of my own stuff in but nothing detracting from the line. A guy come up to me and said "Quite good that, I'll show the exact part if you want"

    I told him to f*** off too!

  8. I was on tour of a musical once and all the band were discussing their horror stories. My mate told how he was doing Panto somewhere and it was pretty high tech. The bass and strings and guitar etc were on track. Just drums and two keys live. All the score was on tablets and synced obviously. One night a few tunes in, he said over the PA you heard the windows shutting down motif and it all went off and there was just drums and vocals left playing. ha ha. excellent!

  9. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1451341077' post='2939756']
    I'm sure the band always has more fun than everyone else.

    Even with a score and having practiced your part the MD will always make adjustments on the fly, and there's always a bit of comping to do when the 'talent' goes off script or miss an entrance. :D
    [/quote]or shoots 1 and a half bars in front of the band!

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