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Posts posted by Bassnut62

  1. [quote name='rogerds' post='966474' date='Sep 24 2010, 10:27 AM']appreciated '62 - i thought i'd priced it to go the first day! now i may *have* to let it go to the dark side and see if there's any interest in the (ahem!) guitar forum... or just let it slide down the list for a couple of months then see if anyone wants a christmas prezzie!
    looks like you have the bassman 15 cab? - now the two together look and sound great - there's one (cab) going locally.... hmmm... am i tempted?? of course not!!!

    Hey, it is dark over there with guitards; but i bet they would appreciate it. I know that alot of well-respected middle-of-the-mix-dwellers rate these amps very highly for their night-time activities. I bet you'd sell it quick there; but i hope your deal with our Belgian cousin goes thru to rock the bottom of the low countries.

    actually that cab in my pic is an ancient MusicMan cab with a serious bit of porting.
    I refaced it to match the head.
    this is my small rig tho.
    i do have the deep and vertically-loaded matching Bassman 2x15 cab at my rehearsal space.
    It sounds equally good but different thru each.

    anyway, I can't imagine parting with the sound my Bassman gives me; so I'm dying to know what is replacing your Bassman in your sound?

    I don't mean to derail your thread here, so do PM me if you like.
    have another bump while we're at it!!

  2. WHAT!!!! This amp hasn't sold already?!!!
    Are you all mad?
    this is the best bass sound money can buy and Rogerds is mugging himself for you.
    You don't even have to hit him over the head to take his fine fine amp!

    Have another free bump on me, Rog!

  3. [quote name='Wud' post='961060' date='Sep 19 2010, 11:56 AM']Argh,

    If only this was posted two weeks ago!
    I've ordered one of these recently.
    It's due to be delivered tomorrow after being in customs for a while.
    I ended up having to pay more in postage than the pedal actually sells for.

    Feedback Loops are good fun[/quote]

    sorry about that. It would've been up sooner; but I've been too distracted by bad GAS for a guitar, that this sale is actually aiming to part-fund.

    hope you enjoy your looper when it shows anyway.
    bad luck about customs too.
    i must've been lucky and didn't get tapped up by the Feds

    you're right too, they are a lot of fun and a great musical distraction from reality!

  4. [quote name='funkgod' post='960760' date='Sep 18 2010, 08:57 PM']pm sent,
    for the god of funky chickins
    go rufus go,,,,,,,[attachment=59132:The_Funky_Chicken.jpg]


    Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout y'all....DO.....THE FUNKY......[b]CHICKIN'[/b]!!!!

  5. Up for sale is this great piece of boutique madness from those loons at Oh No Ho Pedals.

    This Chick Chick Boom is a feedback looper.
    It feeds your effected signal back into the input of the effect or combination of effects in the loop; the results are often utterly insane.
    It works especialy well with flanges, delays and filters. You can colour the signal up with other effects outside the feedback loop too.
    Hours of fun for those with an unhealthy obsession with sound.

    This Chick Chick Boom has the handy optional extra of a bypass switch, so you can choose to include the original FX signal or just have the fedback FX signal.
    The switch is a momentary one, ie. no latch, so it just stays fedback while you have your foot on the pedal - very cool and useful.
    It can also be used as a momentary A/B switch - just turn the feedback level to zero.

    here's a link to what Lawrence the maker has to say about it:

    this pedal is nuts and a lot of fun.
    It was made in April 2010, I am the only owner and it has not been out of the house.
    I'm selling cos I have another feedback looper too and need to raise some funds for a guitar.

    I was looking for £50 posted in UK for this bad boy.
    To get one of these new from the States will cost around £100 after import duties and shipping.
    It's now on EBay and bid for only £30 at the moment and it will sell at that price.
    The auction ends 16.30 on Tues.
    Here'http://musical-instruments.shop.ebay.co.uk/?_from=R40&_trksid=p4712.m570.l1313&_nkw=feedback+looper&_sacat=619s the link

    grab yourselves a bargain boyz n girlz

  6. Up for sale is this Boss LM2 Limiter. It's basically a compressor/limiter that works great for setting max or minimum volume limits on your signal.
    It's not as in your face as a standard compressor, it doesn't squash your signal, it just gently maintains it where you want it to sit.
    Handy little bugger this one!
    Here are some reviews:

    After £35 posted in UK for this one
    Paypal, BACS or cleared cheque are fine, or you can collect with cash.
    If Paypal, buyer pays Paypal fees.

  7. This is a rare chance to get hold of a great EQ pedal for bass at an unbelievable price.

    This is a Japanese GE7B with a custom Road Worn finish, carefully applied by yours truly over many years of happy ownership, i.e. it has been well used!

    You can accurately filter out unwanted frequencies with this baby and boost desired ones to create the sound you want in the environment in which you are playing.

    Please be aware that there is a very slight buzz when the effect is activated. This buzz is small enough that it never bothered me, as I found it was completely unnoticeable in a live situation.

    The red LED has stopped working though; but the pedal still works fine.
    I think this would be a very cheap and easy fix, probably even a DIY job if you or a mate have a soldering iron.

    So here's the [b][u]rock-bottom price [/u][/b]of only £25 posted in UK for this sought-after pedal.

    Grab a bargain, while you can for a great Japanese-built Boss bass EQ.

    Paypal, BACS or cleared cheque are fine, or you can collect with cash.
    If Paypal, buyer pays Paypal fees.

  8. Selling this Boss DS2 Turbo Distortion, which works well with bass as well as guitar.

    It has a two fuzz channels that can be selected with any standard pedal latch switch (not included)

    Here's a link to some reviews:

    I'm looking for £35 posted in UK for this fuzz-box.
    Paypal, BACS or cleared cheque are fine, or you can collect with cash.
    If Paypal, buyer pays Paypal fees.

  9. Up for sale is my trusty Boss AW2 Auto Wah.
    This is a nice easy to use filter that will make your bass or guitar quack and wobble like a funky chicken!

    Here's a link to some reviews that will give you a good balance of views on this pedal:

    I'm looking for £35 posted in UK for this box of fun

  10. I love the vintage Fender tones too; but I tried a Sandberg JM4 15 months ago and it blew me away - it was better than any Fender I've ever played. Awesome quality.
    You can tell they've got Fender DNA in their somewhere and they can do traditional sweet & round Fender tones in single coil passive mode; but they are definitely modern basses.
    That's actually why I ended up buying it. It wasn't as predictable as the USA Std Jazz I had been considering.
    It offers so much more than the obvious.
    Nice bass and worth the cost too IMO

  11. [quote name='1976fenderhead' post='950056' date='Sep 8 2010, 11:01 PM']So you mean the SFT already comes with a stated option to use 18v instead of 9v? I thought you just tried 18v coz you felt like it and it sounded better...[/quote]

    Yes the SFT is designed to run on anything from 9v to 18v thru the same standard Boss power input and it sounds really good at 18v - bigger somehow.

  12. OK here's another Bump!

    In reply to fenderhead.....

    I don't know about comparison with the TRex, but yes I guess there are a lot of Drive/Boost pedals anyone could use to drive a valve head.
    I've tried quite a few OD pedals, but not the Trex. What I found was that the SFT is very amp-like and seems to work well for me. I like that vintage amp vibe. Also I found the SFT worked better than any others at low gain hair settings. The tone paramaters are very well set up and tweakable too, with a bunch of nice sounds with both treble and bass tone pots set quite low. Just my opinion, but I think the Catalinbread pedals are especially well tought out and put together. The 18v option is a good extra as not all drives have that kind of headroom. The SFT seemed to respond to picking dynamics better than most for me too.

    Good luck with the sale - someone will get a very nice pedal IMO and at a very fair price.

  13. Have another free Bump on another Bassman fan
    Great great great amp that will brighten anyone's day to play through it.
    So what if it's heavy, we're all bass players here, so we'll be down the chyropractors before 45 yrs old anyway.
    Good luck with the sale................and yes, you are of course completely mad to sell this beauty, but you know that already and what's it got to do with me anyway.
    No doubt you must have a very good and hopefully musically exciting reason to sell it.

  14. Have a bump on me, just because we share great taste and I feel for you with not being able to play your P enough.

    I have a 63 Lake Placid Blue P, which looks exactly the same as yours of course and does have a lovely warm mellow tone too; but I daren't play it out, so it lives in its case too much too.

  15. you can pick up original Asats a lot cheaper than that, if you look on TalkBass or ebay in States.
    also they can be active or passive and they have a lot more sound options than a Jazz.
    they really are high quality instruments too, built like a panzer and unbelievably punchy pups.

    also while the Tributes are very good indeed, in fact better than most cheaper versions, they do not play as well as an original IME. the sounds is hard to distinguish, but there is a difference, mostly in punchiness of Tribute pups being less than USA G&Ls

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