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Posts posted by Bassnut62

  1. oh alright then.....79 Ray with mojo applied almost entirely by my own blood, sweat n tears
    swapped 2 not very good late 70s Fenders for this in 84, when it was in near mint condition - it was worth every ounce of that trade too.
    26 years later I would still save the Ray ahead of anything else if the house was burning down.

  2. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='918118' date='Aug 7 2010, 04:36 PM']You are wrong, I'm not saying 250k won't work with other pedals but for the M9/M13 you need the 25k EB or the boss ones that work at 10k[/quote]
    thanks, thought that might have been a botty burp!

    but I guess the key point is if you're going to use a volume pedal for expression, make sure you know whether the frequency/impedance/whatever of your volume pedal matches the requirements of the effect pedal to be expressed upon.

  3. you might want to think about second hand to get some quality under 500 Greens.
    a few places to try for second-hand and for new would be
    - Music Inn on Alfreton Rd (Bev and Carol the owners are both very safe people to deal with)
    - Hot Rox near Sneinton Market (Matt and Mark the owner are both sound blokes)
    - Electro Music in Doncaster (definitely worth the trip - Dave is a good man)
    - Fat Cat in Mansfield (keep your wits about you though or you may get the short end of the stick; but he does have good gear)
    - Another instrument shop in Mansfield not far from the Market Square (can't remember the name though; but you'll get a fair deal there)
    - I would avoid that outrageously over-priced guitar shop for tourists and rich kids in Hockley; you won't get anything good there for under £500
    - Millenium Music at bottom of Hockley might be OK, as might The Drum Centre shop round the corner; but all a bit mediocre in those shops I reckon.

    Good luck

  4. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='916603' date='Aug 6 2010, 01:39 AM']Needs to be the 25k version to work


    Actually I believe this isn't necessarily so; but I am no expert.
    However I am awaiting a custom ring mod build, for which i am told I will be able to use one channel of my high gain 250k stereo EB volume pedal, with a Y-cable, for expression control.
    I think I was told by both Mario at Robot Factory and by Adam at CoPilotFX that it all depends what the frequency range is of the pedal to be expressed upon.

    Someone please correct me if I'm talking out of my bottom.

  5. [quote name='scalpy' post='916808' date='Aug 6 2010, 10:58 AM']Oooh steady now, some of us G&L fans don't take to the P/Jazz/Stingray not quite business! Part of G&L's problem has been that obviously the fenders came first and were great, the stingray came along and consolidated the success of active basses around at the time, and bass players haven't seen G&L as an evolution of those 3, but as a summary. Well, I don't think I'm alone in preferring the former attitude, the G&L sound is a development of what came before, and if you can get over what your ears have become used to when using or listening to the ancestors, can offer a great deal in terms of tone and different character. Leo said they were the best instruments he ever made![/quote]

    i agree - there is a direct line of inspiration & DNA that can be drawn starting with P, then J, then Ray, then Asat or L2k.
    This next bit might be a leap too far for some.................then Sandberg California JM4 [i](Bassnut stands back and waits for bricks and raspberries to be thrown and blown)[/i]

    I honestly believe Sandberg have extended Leo's principles quite brilliantly in a production bass that the Big Man himself would've been proud to have created. Here's one to have a look at below.

    Anyone want to agree/disagree? - maybe this should be a fresh thread; so please feel free to ignore this last bit.

  6. [quote name='rosco' post='917273' date='Aug 6 2010, 06:27 PM']Bump![/quote]

    another bump from another Sandberg fan.
    These trylu are extraordinary instruments.
    I reckon Leo Fender himself would have been envious of making an instrument this good.
    if i didn't already own the Deluxe version of this bass, I would be thieving to buy this at that price.

    good luck seller and enjoy buyer

  7. [quote name='M-Bass-M' post='916671' date='Aug 6 2010, 08:43 AM']Ha, a worthy goal, but not necessarily practical! Maybe if Lady Luck pays special attention to my lottery numbers this week...Mark[/quote]

    I should add it's taken nearly 30 years to achieve this goal and some good choices at the right moment, plus a bit of luck!

  8. yeah, what he said, 100%

    The only reason my old Ray doesn't see as much action on the front line these days is becasue my G&L Asat is such a versatile beast. However it doesn't nail the Ray sound, which I do miss.
    Different animal but just as great in a Leo Fender way.
    My solution is to have one of each of the most brilliant bass designs in history IMO:
    Precision, Stingray, Jazz, G&L Asat (or L2000)
    I really don't feel the need for anyother basses!

  9. just realised that back in the dim darkness of 84 when i bought this 79 Ray in almost unused condition, i have just rememberd that i did have to sdjut the pup height quite a lot.

    I lowered the magnet under the E sting.
    Anyway as you can see this is a well-used Ray run-in almost entirely by yours truly.
    It has had a few pro set-ups over the years too.
    It sounds/plays spot on in every respect.

    So maybe a sign of a genuine under-used early Ray could be that it may well be in need of some pup adjustment to balance the signals across the pup.

  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='915211' date='Aug 4 2010, 05:58 PM']Yep looks pukka from here! Nice.

    +1 on the missing fret dot (was it me that pointed that out on the other thread?)[/quote]

    yup, think it was you

    seems like this old Ray must be a well preserved and under-used treasure.
    good luck to the OP - hope he'll let us know how this story turns out and that this Ray's G string rings out deep and crisp and even

  11. [quote name='Sibob' post='914407' date='Aug 3 2010, 10:48 PM']A picture of the back I do have....I'm just waiting for various closeups



    i learnt recently that a genuine pre-EB does not have a dot marker at the 21st fret. I checked my own '79 and it's true. This one appears to have a dot-marker there - so I suggest tread very carefully indeed. It almost looks too good to be true this one. Most of them should have a lot more wear than that. Pirce asked may give you a clue as to whether it's too good to be true. Also, the bauckle rash on the back looks a bit too clean to me and if it had that much rash, I would expect a lot more wear on the front.

  12. [quote name='Stu-khag' post='914437' date='Aug 3 2010, 11:21 PM']looks great, is it some sort of fuzz type thing? and what are the switches for?[/quote]

    yes it's basically an EHX Russian Green Muff clone with mods to select between different resistors and to add Gain and bypass the tone control that has a big mid hump.

  13. well that's tough; i would have to say this Sandberg California JM4 Deluxe is as close to perfect as you can get; but I keep finding myself playing the '89 G&L Asat to your left.

    Both basses are so nice to play, so flexible for sounds and they both always sound good in any situation.
    what elser do you need?....oh yes enough toys to satisfy my addiction to FX pedals

  14. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='911333' date='Jul 31 2010, 04:22 PM']This made me laugh, stupid pirates. What shop was it btw ?

    I know Leo Fender is quoted to be saying "best intruments I have ever made" but to me he never really made/anything different.

    I know they do telecaster shaped body basses (ASAT), and basically teles with split coil pickups now, but there isn't much to my eyes that's different.[/quote]

    Fat Cat in Mansfield - if you go there, you better know how to deal or you may well lose out.
    Every musician I know here in Notts has a story about how they got the sh1tty end of the stick there.
    It's almost a right of passage as a Notts musician!
    Most will never go back!
    Having said that he does sometimes have some nice used gear.

  15. [quote name='scalpy' post='911277' date='Jul 31 2010, 02:46 PM']How do I find out if Leo signed mine under the varnish?!

    I found out recently my ASAT is an early-ish one (at least pre'98, I know they went back much further) but you can only find out the exact date by taking the neck off to read the full serial number. I don't think they'll ever hit the heights of early Fenders and Stingrays due to the lack of high profile players. This always leaves me in two minds, on one hand it's staggering that these things aren't more popular, they look great, play great and sound miles better than 95% of basses. But I also love the fact so few people know about them or won't take the plunge if they do. The "hit record" pedigree of these things will always limit their resale value. In the meantime I'll keep picking up work for the good sound I get and hope the bubble doesn't burst![/quote]

    nice one scalpy - i agree, totally frightening bass and so versatile. I recently played a party with some mates where we ended up as a live karaoke band for anyone that wanted to sing; the range of requests ranged through rock, funk, soul, pop, reggae, disco, punk. No worries for the amazing array of sounds from an Asat tho. It covered the lot with ease.

    as for the Leo signature. It's in some kind of white pen right in the middle of the top right of the body, where the pick-up selector of a Les Paul would be. You can see it easily, it's above the paint, but below the varnish or lacquer. I've been told these signed ones are worth £3k; but I've seen them for around £750 on evilbay, so i don't really believe that value. Also, I'm not 100% convinced it really is signed by Leo's own hand rather than a transfer. But I do believe that this was only done while Leo was alive.

  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='911145' date='Jul 31 2010, 12:34 PM'].This came up the other day,Musical exchanges in Brum used to have a tunnel full of old stuff and anything other than fender went in there,It would be like finding a shop in 20 years time with Allevas,Sadowskys,Overwaters and GB's etc all for a quater of what they cost new.Fender is just a massive household name and shows no sign of slowing which will drag the associated guitars/basses with it.I have seen people walk out with a Xmas bass package for £200 thats fit for the bonfire and walk past spectors and stuff in the tunnel because its secondhand and at the same time drool at a horid relic Fender that played like sh*t warmed up for £3000 just because its on a seperate peg with a spotlight on it?

    £500 signed is always going to be a bargain! well done.[/quote]

    spookily I got my 63 Precision from that very same tunnel at MusEx in Brum in around 96 for £1250.
    The only thing that is not 100% original is that it was refinned, probably 20 years ago.
    what a great shop it used to be.
    They even let me strip the entire bass down to check every detail and they gave me a new Fender hard case for it.
    Class act, thanks MusEx

  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='910971' date='Jul 31 2010, 09:51 AM'][attachment=55381:pair_of_...s__again.jpg]

    I love the missing fret marker on the 21st and its a quick pre or EB at a distance confirmation,I wonder why this has not been done on the Classic Rays? A nod to the original maybe,Yet another feature that sways the Classic towards the EB rather than Pre for me.[/quote]

    never noticed that before or at least never really thought about that

  18. G&L stands for George & Leo. George was Leo Fender's right hand man back when Leo still owned Fender. George & Leo set G&L up together after Leo left Music Man I think; so that must've been in the early 80s. Leo died in about 93 I think.

    In terms of touched by the man, some of the Asats were actually signed by Leo under the varnish, including mine!
    Not bad for £500 from a dusty music shop in Notts run by a dodgy pirate.

    As for the pre bit, I've seen some peops refer to pre-BBE G&Ls; maybe some company called BBE bought G&L off Leo's estate.

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