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Posts posted by Bassnut62

  1. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1057163' date='Dec 13 2010, 12:29 PM']Nice one Matt. It's a silly thing but it's just some people's bag. Fender fan boys dream of the day when they can take out a mortgage on a beat up old pre-CBS which will play and sound pretty much like any other similar spec Fender, some MM fanboys feel better about their pre-EB Stingrays because.... well they are pre-EB and cost more. And now recently we've seen pre-BBE being de regure if you have a hankering for an old G&L. For those that don't know, I have a pre-BBE (by 10 years) L-1000 and totally love it (more than I thought I ever would) and I can see now that this is what Leo wanted his P bass to sound like. Would a BBE L-1000 (yes I know that officially BBE ceased production of the Wunkay) be any worse? No. The fact of the matter is after Leo's death and management was passed on to BBE, USA G&L's continued to be hand made by the same guys in the same way with a few additional innovations, and more importantly G&L's co-founder George Fullerton remained active in the company up until his death last year keeping an eye on that the old standard of quality never dropped.

    The pre-xyz theory is all well and good for CBS, EB hmmm (they've had their ups and downs), but to say pre-BBE kicks post-BBE ass when the biggest difference to production was who signed the pay cheques is laughable.

    On the other hand pre-eye-gouger G&Ls (like mine) are streets ahead of their younger siblings.... I mean they have lighter headstock for starters. :) :)[/quote]

    Not wishing to raise an argument here; but.............I honestly believe there is a difference for preCBS and preEB.
    CBS did drop the ball with Fender and only almost got it back over the years.
    There is something very special about the preEB 2-band Rays (can't comment on any other models as I haven't tried them). Early Rays sound and play so much better than the EB ones, which sound thin and feel cheap in comparison. EB may well have made some great other gear though.

    The point is in both cases, the accountants came in and took over and quality for the sake of quality went out the window; and that's probably because Mr Fender wasn't there anymore.
    For example, EB stopped production of some of the best amps ever just because they were too expensive (MM amps are rare now and very good indeed).
    Allright I know, business is business and all - but we're talking what's the best instruments here, not who ran the most profitable business.

    As for pre BBE G&Ls - I've tried and own both sides of that business management water-shed and I honestly can't tell the difference in quality. G&L are just fabulous instruments, whenever they were made.

  2. I hate marketing! I have to do it as part of my job too - yuk!
    I love guitars though, especially ones designed by Leo.
    I have all three being discussed here - a pre-CBS Precision, a pre-EB Stingray and pre-BBE G&L Asat Bass.
    They are all great and all desgned by Leo and built when he was in charge of the companies. They're all great guitars and there is a completely natural progression of Leo's DNA in all three. I reckon the one you find yourself playing the most is probably the best. It was cheapest of the lot; but guess what the G&L wins. What an incredible instrument. Beautiful to play, great electonics and pups. Cool looking too.

    Leo died in his workshop at G&L - his wife still owns the company and signs off all the authenticity certificates for the USA built instruments. I reckon they're entitled to crow about the Fender connection.

    These instruments are that good that they inspired me to buy a USA G&L Asat Special guitar too (basically a hot rod telecaster); in a commitment to learning 6 strings properly.

    I can't rate G&Ls highly enough, due to quality and sound not marketing. I also hope they remain a musicians' secret so the tourists don't start collecting them and putting them out of reach of the pocket of us mere mortals.

  3. [quote name='Clarky' post='1044996' date='Dec 2 2010, 01:11 PM']Dinosaur

    Pioneers like Alain Caron and, err, that bass player bloke from Bros would never use a BBP[/quote]

    that Bros guy was the reason I started playing bass - has anyone managed to transcribe any of his work?
    it's taken me 30 years and I still can't do what he did.
    did he use a Cap Lock Key to get that really EMPHATIC SOUND OF HIS?
    MAYBE THAT'S WHERE i went wrong? I COUld never GEt MY mutING TECHNIQUE to wORk RIGht.

  4. oh great, this is still up for sale, right?

    I saw it a few days ago; but it's taken me all this time to talk the wife round to letting me clutter up the living room with another Caps Lock Key.
    I admit I do have an extensive collection already.
    I just don't see why she doesn't understand that everyone is different and special in its own way.

    Anyway I can't raise that much cash right now.
    Would you trade for an original boxed Slinky (Slinky not included)?

  5. I use the Fender Bassman to your left, often teamed up with a 79 Stingray for truly scrumptious funky bass tones of much phatness, warmth and clarity, plus a bit of grit when you want it.

    Can't fault the sound and never had a problem with being underpowered. This beast is LOUD! especially through my big cab (4 ohm Bassman 2x15) not pictured

  6. [quote name='DanOwens' post='1009977' date='Nov 2 2010, 08:01 PM']I rarely come across groups that I like, but this was actually really nice.


    thanks Dan, all ego bosts welcomed!!

  7. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1010245' date='Nov 3 2010, 12:30 AM']Buy an older model Bass Micro Synth and stick the Bassballs after it. Instant demon voice. :)[/quote]

    +1 to that - I do that often and I reckon it does need the old steel EHX pedals for both the BB and the BMS. The 24v headroom of the old BMS makes so much difference.

  8. [quote name='RichardFoggo' post='1007088' date='Oct 31 2010, 10:30 AM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=105051"]Musicman amp for sale[/url]

    Great amps - remember rehearsal rooms I used to lodge in had a MM amp set up - very very vintage. Anyway, here's your chance for £550.[/quote]

    thanks for the link.
    that is the same cab as the one in my avatar! the tolex face was so ripped and it had no badges when i got it; so i retolexed and badged it to match my bassman. as it happens i did have the HD130 before the Bassman; but didn't really like the ss preamp. Does that 65 have an ss or valve pre-amp?

  9. [quote name='chris_b' post='1007085' date='Oct 31 2010, 10:25 AM']In the 80's used have a rig that looked like your avatar, a Musicman HD150 and the 2x12 reflex cab (EV speakers). It sounded great but it was so heavy it usually stayed at home! I also had their guitar amp, the HD130R. That sounded good as well. These amps had a SS pre amp and valve power amp.[/quote]

    Good spot....that is a Musicman HD 1x15 reflex cab! I bought it for peanuts in a ripped up state with no badges and hardly any tolex left. I bought it as a "smaller lighter" cab to go with that Bassman head. My other cab is the Bassman 2x15 that ways a ton and is bigger than a coffin. So i just gave the MM cab Fender Tolex and badge to match up to my head. I know this is probably sacrilege; but then Leo did make the MM gear anyway, so it kind of feels OK to me to do this.

    I did have the HD130 head before the Bassman head; but didn't really like the ss front end, so i traded it in for that Bassman head, which is definitely a sweeter sound that gives some nice grit when driven to hell. That MM combo I tried in the 80s was even better though' as I remember it. I'm pretty sure it was a very early MM amp with a valve pre-amp.

  10. you could try a song called By Design from my band at this link

    I use a BassBalls (old steel one) with the distortion engaged on the chorus groove.

    please excuse the recording quality - this was recorded live at our rehearsal studio with one ambient stero mic. We're just finishing a proper studio recording now though.

    I love my BB - it combines really well with other effects too to add a little nastiness.

  11. The best sounding amp I ever remember trying was a 70s MusicMan combo, all valve, may have been loaded with a 15 and a couple of 10s. That kind of speaker configuration is how i remember the sound anyway. That was back in 1984 when I tried out and bought a 79 MM StingRay. Sadly I couldn't afford the amp too.

    I have never seen another vintage all-valve MusicMan bass amp and would love to try one again.

    Anyone seen any or had similar experiences?

  12. I would suggest don't try an be too clever about it. Firstly the big attraction in buying a beautiful instrument is to enjoy it right, i.e. play it? If it happens to be a good investment too, so much the better. Obviously sticking with well-appreciated names like Fender and Gibson will help for resale.

    Personally I would rather own a good bass than some stocks or shares. Shares can evaporate before your eyes, but like property, a bass will still be a bass whatever the investment world does.

    My own examples are buying a pre EB StingRay in about 83 for a fair price then, because I loved it. I have put stacks of mojo on it since. It is probably worth around 4 times what I paid for it now. I did the same with a pre CBS Precision in the mid 90s for a fair price back then, because it was a great bass and I have loved playing it. It is also probably worth 4 times what I paid for it now. My most recent purchase for love that is probably going the same way is an early G&L Asat Bass about 6 years ago for about £500. Turns out mine is a signature model too - didn't realise! I just thought it was a great bass from a class A designer (Leo Fender). This is already moving well in the right direction as an investment. Seriously though I bought none of these basses as investments and I don't think of them as such either.

    I would say that any bass that you want to see appreciate well would have to be all original, in desirable colours and woods and be a top of the line model, ie. US built for American instruments, preferably with original case and tags if poss.

    So my current tip for a good investment is G&L. A lot of people don't know that they are basically the best ever Fenders and therefore their second hand prices are still relatively low. I reckon that in 10 years time the rest of the market will have caught up and realised what great instruments they are and their prices will rocket. If poss get one made before Leo Fender died in his workshop at G&L I believe in about 93.

  13. I know this is not quite what you're asking.......but how about a G&L 2000 or G&L Asat Bass if you are looking with something with an impressive range of sound options and capable of delivering a big sound as well as more conventional P/J-type sounds.

    I only suggest this because I've been a dedicated P, J n Ray nut for 20 years and felt I wanted something with a bit more variation of sounds. Actually I wanted one bass that could cover P, J n Ray tones and have something of its own. The pups and electrics on the L2000 and Asat basses fit the bill and play like a dream. You can also pick them up used for around £600-700.

    I learnt that G&L do have a sound and character all of their own that is truly great - now my P J n Ray all stay in their cases! Never thought that would happen.

    Back to the Bongo, I've heard great things about this bass too, even if it does look like a bed pan!
    I remember seeing the first StingRays over here back in the late 70s / early 80s and they seemed to have landed from another planet then. So I wouldn't be surprised if the Bongo's looks grow on all of us and become a future classic.

  14. [quote name='Bassman Sam' post='995518' date='Oct 21 2010, 02:51 AM']What a beauty, should be on the porn pages, I just got a semi :)[/quote]

    damn, no Viagra in the cupboard!!

    seriously though that 64 P of the OP's is gorgeous, absolutley freakin gorgeous.
    Glad to hear it's a player too.
    Happy Brithday to you and what a score.
    truly incredible condition and nice that it has some wear too, something never feels right to me if these are too perfect.

  15. [quote name='rogerds' post='991943' date='Oct 18 2010, 08:44 AM']sincere thanks for that bassnut62!
    how to make it sound really, really good to go with the looks![/quote]

    You're very welcome. they do look great, they already sound good and they can sound freakin awesome IMO.

    anyone that doesn't love the name Bassman for all the right reasons needs their ears testing!

    I bought mine years ago from someone who complained it didn't have enough lights on it, so they were selling it to get something really cool like a Trace Elliott! Doh!!! Who listens with their eyes anyway?!

  16. [quote name='rogerds' post='988938' date='Oct 15 2010, 10:23 AM']the cab....
    didn't know what speakers were in it till i took the front off
    looked up a bit more about the cab and it seems that, with just a little bit of extra bracing it can be made to sound as good as it looks![/quote]

    As well as bracing these old Bassman cabs, i.e. front to back struts; it is well worth lining all the joints with 1"x1" wood with glue and proper counter-sunk wood screws. This helps seal the cab properly and enables the speakers to push serious amounts of air out without losing it through the cab's seams. This also helps prevent farting, which I've found to be a praticular problem when playing bass loudly through un-modified Bassman cabs. Alternatively, eat less beans! Boom Boom!

  17. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='963508' date='Sep 21 2010, 04:37 PM']Check out the Youtube clips for the Catalinbread SFT pedal - it's sounds as good for real. I'm running that thru a Markbass LMK and LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG it.[/quote]

    +1 re Cat SFT
    awesome on bass or guitar. I run mine stright into a Bassman135 and does amp-like hair/grit/OD purrfectly!

  18. [quote name='rogerds' post='988938' date='Oct 15 2010, 10:23 AM']the cab....
    didn't know what speakers were in it till i took the front off
    looked up a bit more about the cab and it seems that, with just a little bit of extra bracing it can be made to sound as good as it looks!
    (not that it sounds at all bad at the moment :) !

    am in discussion about the amp - so the cab *may* be available on its own... offers? trades?
    (will confirm)

    which model eminence?? - i thought they were suited to 'compact' cabs too? or am i wrong again??

    not sure what model the Emminence were that I loaded mine with. It was about 10 years ago and they were about £140 each. They produce a nice medium-tight clear sound while retaining all the warmth and bottom you would want from a rig like this. The speakers have Emminence written in large white letters over the centre of the cone if that helps. I tried high end JBLs and Celestions at same time; but the Emminence just creamed the lot!

    Anyway good luck with the sale.

    Is that chap still selling his kidney - I'm ready for my tea and he hasn't come back to me yet!

  19. [quote name='Delberthot' post='988682' date='Oct 15 2010, 12:24 AM']Believe me my good man I am in the process of selling everything I can to get close to buying this - I assume postage is possible?

    Anyone want to buy a kidney?[/quote]

    if you'll chuck in some liver and a sausage I might be interested?!!!

    seriously tho.......anyone who doesn't grab this amp is a mentalist
    don't know about that cab; but i have the Bassman 135 cab (not the one pictured to left) and it can be made extremely efficient and tight sounding with a simple bit of extra carpentry. I have mine loaded with 2 x high-end Emminence 350w and it sounds fookin-A!

    good luck with the sale to the OP and the dealer in human organs

  20. thanks Schnozz and you're old teacher was right.
    these guitars are summit else.

    This is really the last bump from me now.
    just to say that you could pick this great guitar up for a steal now.
    It's currently bid at only £100 on the Bay.
    the auction ends 16.30 on Tues 19 Oct.

    Here's the link

    grab that axe for a song!


    I was looking for £50 posted in UK for this bad boy.
    To get one of these new from the States will cost around £100 after import duties and shipping.

    It's now on EBay and bid for only £30 at the moment and it will sell at that price.
    The auction ends 16.30 on Tues.

    Here'http://musical-instruments.shop.ebay.co.uk/?_from=R40&_trksid=p4712.m570.l1313&_nkw=feedback+looper&_sacat=619s the link

    grab yourselves a bargain boyz n girlz

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