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Posts posted by Bassnut62

  1. Great SS practice amp, v versatile.
    Can growl, spit, hiss and give clean warmth, can do much in-between too.
    Has headphone output and CD input.
    2 gains, 3 eq, reverb and master Vol
    Currently on eBay with £60 Buy It Now + £10 for courier delivery
    Can offer to BCers for £60 incl courier or you can bid on it here:

    You can PM me or reach me on [email protected] or 07825 702798

    Would be interested in weird fx pedals if wanting go trade, e.g. Noisebox, Bug Crusher, Ring Mod, etc; can do cash either way as necessary.

    NB. the first piture is same model as my amp, but not my actual amp - I couldn't get a decent shot where you can see the writing over controls. I will keep trying and upload a good one ASAP. Please note my amp (the second photo) is in better and cleaner condition than the one in the first photo. Mine really is A1 and barely used.

  2. Great SS practice amp, v versatile.
    Can growl, can give clean warmth, can do much in-between too.
    Has headphone socket too
    Gain and 3 eq too.
    Currently on eBay with £60 Buy It Now + £10 for courier delivery

    I can offer it to BCers as a Buy It Now for £60 incl courier or you could make a bid here:

    I'll try and post pic later

    You can PM me or reach me on [email protected] or 07825 702798

    I would be interested in weird fx pedals if wanting to trade, e.g. Noisebox, Bug Crusher, Ring Mod, etc; can do cash either way as necessary.

  3. I'd be expecting at least a ton for a proper service of a valve amp.

    I run a 2x15 Bassman cab too (the vertically loaded one).
    I drive it with the matching 135 head; but it took me a while to release what this rig was truly capable of.
    The problem i had was the cab is poorly constructed and tended to fart when digging in!
    (all school boys are welcome to add jokes at this point!)
    After some carpentry with struts, lining of seems, glue and screws it sounds incredible and nails the deep phat and bright earthquake funky bass of doom sound that was in my head all along. I've never wanted to change my rig in nearly 15 years now.

    I hope you get as much bass pleasure as I have from your very tasty sounding all valve bass rig.
    I am jealous of those Mullards too.
    So yes reckon you got a great deal on that amp.

    Did you have to pay much for the Bassman cab?
    Is it the vertically loaded one?
    What's it loaded with too?

  4. +1 on mixing mic sound with DI
    I use an old Bassman 2x15 cab and got my best ever results by mic both speakers into separate channels and DI into a third channel.
    I can't remember for sure what mics we used though; but I think one was an SM57 and the other a big kick mic

  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1168259' date='Mar 19 2011, 02:14 PM']Thing is, it will be fully teched and sorted. Fender QC was dodge from the factory, and a £300 bassman probably won't be tip top.[/quote]

    You're probably right. A tip top one would probably be over £400

  6. [quote name='razze06' post='1154988' date='Mar 9 2011, 10:00 AM']Well, looks like reasonable proper bassman 135 etc start at £350 or so. This head is probably worth what, £150 or so? Can't really afford the difference right now...[/quote]

    I was just thinking that you might end up having to spend over £100 to fix this amp, so you may end up being £300 into this clone before you know it; in which case you are close to cost of a real Bassman.
    Either way good luck on your journey, which I reckon is a good one. Bassman heaven is a thing of beauty IMO.

  7. I had a USA one for a year or two when they first came out in '90s. I wanted it for all the reasons mentioned above. It was a good bass and I hoped the 2 Js at bridge and active leccy might give something approaching Stingray. In the end I found it a little lacking in passion somehow and later discovered G&L basses as a much better multi-sound option and better value. Check out a G&L Asat or an L2000....you may never want a Fender again tho!

  8. Bassman amps are reknowned for great tone and incredible clean all the way to 11 on the dial. I don't reckon your amp should be distorting at all unless you put a dirt box in front of it. I guess there could be lots of reasons for your probs; but I think only a tech will be able to tell if there is a valve, component or clone-design fault with the amp.

    I absolutely know what you mean about Bassman tone too - it's a thing of great beauty.
    So worth persuing; but maybe you would be better to sell this clone and one of your other amps and go out and buy a real Bassman and go for the 135 this time.

  9. [quote name='robocorpse' post='1135580' date='Feb 21 2011, 03:10 PM']Grit = a touch of growly grindy stuff, think Geddy Lee.
    Overdrive = starts at "grit" and goes up to "fairly raucous"
    Distortion = Bees having a fight in a discarded Stella can, difficult to use convincingly on bass.
    Fuzz = Breaking the signal up to the point of degeneration and gappiness by excessive overdrive.[/quote]

    Great analysis this; does anyone think Hair would be another category sitting just above grit? This would be like adding a little mould to your signal!

  10. I used to have a Bassman 75 and it was easily loud enough to practice with. I now run a Bassman 135 into an 8ohm 1x15 or a 4ohm 2x15. It is comfortably loud enough to gig with in small to medium situations. So I don't think the original Fender design is a problem. Also don't forget these are valve watts not tranny watts, ie 135 is closer to 300w

  11. Handy thread this. I have a Music Man RD112 guitar combo with same 'insert' fx loop. In fact it has 2 of them, one is line level output and t'other is higher level. These can be used as simple lines in or out too, depending on how far in you push the jack. They can also be used to hook up slave amps too. Smart!

  12. Not sure if this counts, but I nearly had the best £200 bass ever.

    It was in a pawn shop, but I didn't buy it there and then cos I didn't know what it was then. It turned out to be a late 80s USA G&L Asat Bass ultra rare Leo Fender signature model.

    I stepped out of the shop to call some dealers to find out exactly what it was and what it was worth. The pawn broker was only asking £185 - the dealers said where is the shop?! So by the time I got back from only 25 yards down the road someone had bought it! Doh!

    This story still hurts even now and it was over 5 years ago.

  13. [quote name='SignsOfDelirium_bassist' post='1115163' date='Feb 4 2011, 12:44 PM']I can't play guitar for toffee, but I've always wanted a 4&12 doubleneck...Both guitarists in my band are pretty good at the fiddly piddly crap, so I figure I could just play some lovely sounding chords on a 12string to back them up while they go nuts :)[/quote]

    I like your style there bro - hang back, don't do much and still be the coolest muttha in the band.
    Anyone that doesn't think a twin-neck is cool, can't be a true rebel at heart in my book

  14. [quote name='FlatEric' post='1114904' date='Feb 4 2011, 08:24 AM']I love Twin Necks!! I guess it's a Marmite thing!

    What are you after - 4 & 6, 4 & 8, 4 & 4 (one fretless) or 6 & 12?

    The only one I don't have it a 4 & 4 - if I'm honest, my fretless playing is OK
    but not worth me trying to show I can do both and not really pulling it off.

    Let me know what you're after.

    DomInSomerset made a cracking Twin, using my Peavy Zodiac as a template - turned
    out really well. That was a 4 & 4 - might be worth having a chat with him.
    They are a bit heavy, but you don't play them all night!! :)

    Cheers. :)

    EDIT. Muppett!! You said 4 & 6 in the post!!

    Yup defo better bass than guitar. Good advice that about the 6 on top and that twin ric job is freaking A!

    I was kinda hoping that so few people would be into this idea that you could pick something cool and good for a few hundred squid; as having a custom job is clean outbid my price range for this flight of gloriously unnecessary fancy.

    So do you reckon it's reasonably possible to pick up something good for not much?
    I would happily wait 6 months for right opportunity; but would like to know if I am being completely unrealistic
    Must try harder Eric!!!

    Something like this. . . . [attachment=71111:RicF.jpg]

    My advice would be if you are a better bass player than a guitarist, see
    if you can find a rare 6 at the top - 4 at the bottom - easier to get on with![/quote]

  15. reckon John Shuker would be a good bet for a custom job too.
    he's local-ish to me (he's near Chesterfield, on the Notts/Derbys border) and he was very helpful fixing up an early one of his basses for me.
    seemed a decent straight up guy too.
    i oggled a his Jazz basses at the time (nearly 10 years ago now), they were less than a grand then if i remember correctly - wish i'd had one made then!

    Another good option would be go for a USA G&L L2000 or Asat Bass instead.
    better quality bass than any Fender and does some very cool USA sounds that would work great in a Stax set up.
    In fact I beleive George Porter from The Meters has been using a G&L for a good while now - alright he's not Stax, more Swamp Funk; but sonically i think this option would work very well indeed, possibly better or more interesting than a J or P Bass .

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