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Posts posted by Bassmurf

  1. As I missed out on Born2BMild's lovely looking Performer 5 string, just wanted to get a some opinions on this ....


  2. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='407223' date='Feb 12 2009, 02:55 AM']Heavy Metal - love it ;)

    Those were the days :wub: First [i]The Power Hour[/i], then [i]Raw Power[/i], and finally [i]Noisy Muthers[/i].[/quote]

    Waking up on a saturday morning and watching those used to start my weekend off very well!

  3. My current band is a female fronted one called Scarecrow Rodeo and at the mo' is covers/originals - style is rock and I'm trying to squeeze a bit of metal in, lol!

    Check out our site at... [url="http://www.myspace.com/scarecrowrodeo"]www.myspace.com/scarecrowrodeo[/url]

    The song is an original but doesn't have me playing on it - though we are booked to go in a studio soon!


  4. I had a reply back yesterday from Ashdown as I'd contacted them asking if they recommended a particular power supply for the J-Lo (it was that pedal that was humming the most! ;)) and they said to not use any supplies around the £10-12 price but will see how I get on with the Diago.

    If I'm not happy with the Diago I can get me money back and go for the Johhnyshredfreak!


  5. As I'd decided to go from using rechargable batteries to mains power for my pedals (Boss ME50B, Boss GEB7 and J-Lo Hyperdrive) I went to Tescos and bought 3 power supplies but have ended up with some irritating noise and humming! ;)

    Can anyone recommend a good power supply that would be suitable?!



  6. One of my all time favourites and still very underrated!

    First band I was in, we did "Over My Head", "Dogman" and a few others and I eventually ended up getting an Ibanez Musician 8 string and running it thru my Trace Elliot stack and a Trace geetar amp which REALLY pissed off a few soundmen when we gigged, lol!

    Saw 'em at the LAII about 6 years ago and they were fantastic and yep Dug's sound is immense!

  7. I think this is the one Yamaha told me about!

    "We do not have any current plans for a specific James LoMenzo signature model; however we are releasing a new BB414 which will be available late this year.

    This bass features a scratchplate and a design very similar to James' bass.

    For the more professional bass player, we will be releasing a new "Super BB" bass next year and although this may not come in the same colour as James' custom BB, the design and look of the bass is almost indentical."

    Alex Wesley
    Yamaha Guitars


  8. [quote name='Zach' post='376416' date='Jan 10 2009, 08:13 PM']Another thought, but are you intending to sell the current MAG combo? Since that would boost your funds up to a grand or so, which would make the rig that big sweeter and lighter.[/quote]

    Good point!

  9. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='376072' date='Jan 10 2009, 12:41 PM']Sorry is the budget £7-800 including the Ashdown or plus the Ashdown? If its including the Ashdown I dont really see it as an improvement as your Mag rig is £600 from the Gallery.[/quote]

    Yeah am hoping to move on the ashdown rig!

  10. Alright peeps, have had some good news this morning and have found out that I am soon coming into some money (aren't life assurances great..especially forgotten ones!) so am thinking of upgrading my amp setup.

    I currently am using my geddy lee jazz through an Ashdown Mag combo and cab and the style of music I play is rock and metal, I will have about £700-800 to spend and have been looking at everything from Ampeg to SWR but having only owned 2 proper amps in my life I'm not particularly knowledgeable on amps, so any suggestions would be really helpful.



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