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Posts posted by Bassmurf

  1. Coooooooooool! :)

    Really like the look of that 12 (I'm a big fan of Dug from King's X) I myself used to own an Ibanez Musician 8 string (which I used to bi-amp) - wished these Deans were around 15 years ago!


  2. This one caught my eye this morning.......


  3. This week I have been mostly listening to my new purchases...

    Nickelback - Dark Horse (love Mike Kroeger's tone! :huh: )

    Infectious Grooves - Groove Family Cyco (had a copy back in the 90's - buggered if I know where it went... :) )

    Extreme - Saudades de rock (went to see them at the Astoria and was very impressed. :huh: )

    Katy Perry - One of the boys (a man cannot live on ROCK alone :huh: )

    Always helps to have a girlfriend who gets a discount at HMV, Lol!


  4. Back in the '90's, the band I was in decided that we should all wear these strange garish trousers that looked akin to a pair of pyjama bottoms, this stagewear lasted two gigs till a young indie band that we were playing on a bill with took the piss so we went "back to black" so to speak, lol!

    And recently I have taken to putting my mascot, Floyd Pepper (from the Muppet band of course!) on top of my amp!

  5. Right chaps, this is what Yamaha had to say....

    "We do not have any current plans for a specific James LoMenzo signature model; however we are releasing a new BB414 which will be available late this year.

    This bass features a scratchplate and a design very similar to James' bass.

    For the more professional bass player, we will be releasing a new "Super BB" bass next year and although this may not come in the same colour as James' custom BB, the design and look of the bass is almost indentical."

    Alex Wesley
    Yamaha Guitars

  6. Can anyone help?
    I've recently changed the strings on my Fender Geddy Lee from the 45-105 Fender strings to a set of 45-105 DRs' - the other strings are fine but it appears that when I play a powerchord high up (say for instance an F on the D string and a C on the Gstring) the note from the G seems to be out a little out.
    When I changed the strings I changed them one at the time which when I owned a Precision seemed to work ok!
    Any ideas?



  7. Have just gone and bought an Ashdown J-Lo Hyperdrive & an Aphex Bass Xciter and want to get the best out of them when using them in conjunction with my other pedals (Boss ME-50B and Boss GEB-7), anybody got any suggestions where which one would be best suited in an fx chain.

    I think it should go...[b]Bass[/b]> [b]GEB-7[/b]> [b]Aphex Xciter[/b]> [b]J-Lo[/b]> [b]ME50B[/b]> [b]Amp[/b]? :)



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