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Posts posted by Bassmurf

  1. I bought my Ashdown combo (over the phone) from the shop in Stevenage, had it delivered to my work, it turned up with a huge dent and also some broken links in the grille, phoned 'em up they said they would get a replacement one ordered - a week later nothing had arrived, spoke to a very helpful chap @ Ashdown who said they had sent it to Coda Music 4 days earlier. :) Phoned the shop back and after having a look round their warehouse, they eventually found out!
    I hope my problem was a one off but tbh I've not used 'em since.

    Ashdown - 1
    Coda Music - 0


  2. Well, I currently play with some old friends in a Status Quo cover band as they were desperate for a bassist, I'm not a fan of t'Quo but can appreciate the music, I find now having done it for nearly 3 years now that I've been getting seriously bored with the material as probably in any type of "boogie" band, the rhythm section can't really deviate from what has been written (and our drummer agrees!). I've never made so much money from gigging but have finally decided that I'm gonna quit at the end of the year as I can spend 2 hours doing the gig and it could go really well but I just don't get the buzz from playing the stuff as I would if I played songs by bands that I genuinely like/love.

  3. [quote name='Riddler' post='211940' date='Jun 3 2008, 04:05 PM']Hi

    Yep I've still got it. Waiting to hear from Dandini (see above). Guess I should give him first refusal if he replies soon. If he doesn't reply by tomorrow maybe I could bring the cab to your house and you could give it bash for a couple of days. I'll trust you :-)

    Cheers Graham[/quote]

    Cool. No probs!

  4. Started off liking "poodle" rock then got into metal - Megadeth, Maiden etc then grunge then indie and have now gone back to listening to a bit more metal again! Current faves:-

    Lacuna Coil
    Dream Theater
    Coheed & Cabria (prog metal?!)
    Megadeth (J.Lo rocks!)
    Queensryche (Eddie Jackson - v. underrated)

  5. Saw a clip of Coheed & Cambria's Mike Todd on Youtube last nite and it looks to me that he uses a Geddy Lee jazz like myself and it doesn't have the white scracthplate on it! With jazz basses can you just take the plate off and unlike the precision you won't have a big gaping cavity? :)



  6. No, it's got the gloss finish (I only read about the sanded neck yesterday when I was waiting for it to be delivered) but I'm gonna see how I get on with that and I may sand it down and beeswax like I did on my first bass (a Yamaha RBX550M!).

    Re: Hyperdrive - friday is payday so we'll see...!

  7. Just took delivery of my Geddy bass yesterday and it's the first bass out of the last few that I just can't stop playing, had owned a USA P-bass which was ok, hadn't played a jazz before but am loving this version of it! Now I just have to look at that J-Lo Hyperdrive pedal... :)

  8. Similar thing happened to some friend's band on sat nite at the Tilgate pub in Crawley, Sussex.
    They'd played there twice before but this time ther was a new landlady, they did (as before) 2 sets totalling about 50 mins each starting at 9pm thus finishing just after 11pm.
    10mins into them packing the drums, amps and guitars away the landlady comes up and says to the singer "what's going on, you're having a laugh - £250 for just over an hour and a halfs playing? That's digusting! I've got alicence till 1am, I was expecting you lot to play till then". The singer replied that £250 was the fee they had been paid the previous two times for the same setlist and all the other local pubs they play didn't seem to mind!

    Anyway, the whole band went back into said pub after putting the gear away and lo and behold the landlady had conveniently disappeared into the kitchen and they ended up getting paid £200 but they too have been spreading the word around about this pub.

  9. Sat 8th March, Broadbridge Heath Village Centre, Wickhurst Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 3LY


    Fri 4th April, Holbrook Club, North Heath Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 5PJ


    Sat 5th April Ashington Social Club, Near Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 3BX


    Sat 5th July Hare and Hound pub, Cowfold, West Sussex RH13 8DR


  10. I'm upgrading to a slightly better bass, have got £500-600 to spend, need one that has two pickups (passive or active - haven't decided) and a fairly slim neck (as I haven't got the biggest hands in the world!), I have been looking at the Geddy Lee bass, possibly a Spector Legend or even the Peavey DE Zodiac - anybody tried/owned one of these or have another sugeestion?

    Cheers. :)

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