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Everything posted by BluRay

  1. yep its horses for courses - but, for me, the HH extra pup isnt in the way at all & the charactistic sound is there throughout. You can tell its a ray no matter what. TBH I don't muck about with different pup settings anyhow - just found the one I liked best (the two mid coils sound ace!) & stuck with it ever since :-) I've tried against a single H and cant tell the difference with the HH bridge pup soled.
  2. Havent tried HS stingray, but the HH set on middle coils sounds ace IMO. Still very definately a ray, but something of a P sound in there too.
  3. I'm think I'm starting to get gas build up for one of these. I suspect I'll struggle to track one down to try out tho - I wondered how you're getting on with yours? And which is the killer setting on the pup selector? Does it go grrr? And do you wish you'd saved up for the 2024? (as you say, that looks like a lot of extra dosh for not much difference, on the face of it). Hope you don't mind me asking. Cheers
  4. Another vote for Westone Thunder 1A, if you can find one in good nick.
  5. Just to add to the positive stories - I owned a mag 210 combo for about 18 months - and it was totally reliable. I'm fairly sure it was a non-evo non-british built one. The only problem was I got GAS for the amb range, so ended up spending more on upgrading. I've told the Mrs that I've learned my lesson, and its better for me to spend more upfront on bass stuff, which went down well.
  6. Yep - fat leather strap sorts it out, no problems. Its a bit odd that the balance is so bad without tho! I paid over the odds for mine - close to 300 a few years ago. Got hooked on the looks, so that'll teach me for being shallow. I think its good for what it is, but can't decided if its a keeper.
  7. whilst looking on their site for this fliptop thing - I spotted this. [attachment=63077:abm500_lg.jpg] I know its just paint & marketing - but I still want one!
  8. [quote name='Dudgeman' post='950428' date='Sep 9 2010, 11:39 AM']Thats smart..I like that. Can you remember how much it cost..just to give me a rough idea. Thanks.[/quote] Cant remember exactly - may have been around £180ish I think - but price depends on what you want (you specify dimensions, no of rack spaces etc). I've been really happy with it as a sort of hybrid solution - they did a good job - the amp fits like a glove and slides our easily for when I don't want to lug the whole thing (the box plus rack stuff is about the same weight as the amp on its own - so its obviously much more bulky to shift!). Would have been cheaper to have found some brackets and a standard case - but this way I didn't have to mess with the amp.
  9. you can get a live-in case with a couple of rack spaces added, [attachment=58423:z2.jpg] ...this one was from castle cases & made to measure for an abm. I think you can specify any number of rack spaces. I expect that its cheaper to do something or other with brackets - but this is good option if you'd rather keep the amp intact, and still keep everything in one box.
  10. yep, I didn't get on too well with a mag 300 either, but the abm stuff is superb IMHO
  11. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='899248' date='Jul 19 2010, 06:42 PM']I hope the new range have rude names too. Little Bastard, Medium M***erF***er and Massive C**t.[/quote] Nooo ... then I'd have to keep it hidden to avoid the aggro caused with houseful of impressionable kids. Call them something inoffensive thats not going to get me into trouble. Like "Special offer, £49" And make them crap so I don't want one. ...although that may already be too late.
  12. [quote name='sk8' post='893379' date='Jul 13 2010, 07:05 AM']Done this with my LB and LM LB going through the AE210 with the DI going into the balanced input of the LM3 which is powering the NV412 - Scary [/quote] Thats really cool. I'm going to start linking some amps as soon as I get home Stupid question - but am I right in thinking that if you then took a DI from the LM, you'd get a blend of the two amp sounds to FOH? And can you control that blend somehow?
  13. I've got one - and think its been excellent value for money - and the drum patterns suprisingly good for jamming at home.I haven't had much joy out of the amp sims (but I'm having a tone crisis anyway) but its great for chorus etc. I bought the guitar version too for making my 6-string efforts sound less crap :-)
  14. [quote name='phatbass787' post='869261' date='Jun 16 2010, 05:23 PM']Whats your budget? Have you thought about an Ashdown MAG or ABM head if you can stretch to it, both lovely and warm and then as suggested maybe a MAG 4 ohm 410 or ideally an ABM 210 compact with an ABM 115 compact... Perfect pub gig rig..[/quote] +1 = plenty of head room, not too hefty, modular/flexible and a 115 is way better than a beer crate for elevating the 10s. :-)
  15. On balance, I'd probably go for the 115. Run seperately, the ABM 10s sound better (to me) than the 15s. But they do sound really good together - I guess they're designed for mix n match. It might be quite a noticable difference to your sound tho - so be prepared for that
  16. [quote name='MythSte' post='858928' date='Jun 6 2010, 03:12 PM']I Don't understand why the havnt made both "versions" the same. I'd pay £20 more (which im sure is still twice what it would cost to put an XLR DI on the standalone version) for the XLR DI. This is all pretty hypocritical though, my amp doesn't have one [/quote] Yeah its weird that they're not the same. It says that the jack ouput is "balanced" tho. So won't this do the trick? Or would you need to run it to a DI box first for better results? TBH I hope its rubbish, to stop the oncoming GAS. I'm really starting to want one of these things!
  17. BluRay

    Home recording

    stop it, you'll get me in trouble
  18. BluRay

    Home recording

    Many thanks - the Pod Farm looks ace (....I detect early onset GAS). But I'll first have to save up to upgrade my PC and recording gear - which isn't suitable for DAW at all. Also, to be honest, I sort of enjoy using the hardware, as I stare gloomily at a PC all week at work. So I'm on a mission to get a reasonable sound out of my existing gear...I figured that I "should" be able to get something down with an ABM, Stingray, 2 line inputs and a condensor mic. I suspect I will cave in and upgrade to DAW / Pod farm at around the 50th attempt, or when my neighbours start to threaten me.
  19. BluRay

    Home recording

    Thanks Guys! Your advice is spot on. Unfortunately the easy-option processor (Zoom B2 in my case), wasn't doing it for me at all - maybe I need to spend more time twiddling with it. But I've got improved results (so far) with the recommended dual approach: line out from the ABM plus a mic (more mics would be ideal but I've only got two live inputs on my recorder). From initial experiments, the mic sounded best right up against a 10, and slightly offset. Yeah, its comes out boomy and bit weird on its own, but - when mixed with the direct signal, takes the unwanted edge off and fills out the sound quite nicely. Progress indeed. Suprisingly the road noise doesn't come through on the mic at all - although its not imervious to my 7 year old son "being Dr Who" in the background. I've been forced to delay further attempts until (and I quote...) the Cybermen scum have been wiped from the face of the Universe. This may take some time! Thanks again.
  20. Hey up! I wonder if anyone here can give me some pointers. I'm trying my hand at some home recording - and its proving way more difficult that I thought to get the tone I'm after. I play alt rock - bright, slightly growly bass - but not too overdriven. I'm happy with my live sound - admittedly its pushing some air, which helps!, and my playing is ok (says me ) so its not a turd polishing situation. But I'm just not translating the live tone into the machine. The stingray sounds either too clicky, or too flat or too boomy. Its a bitch to eq. Does anyone have any tips on how I can get better results out of my gear: Korg D8 recorder Stingray 4hh (3band) - I have other bases - but I'm determind tame the ray! Ashdown ABM evo 111 Zoom B2 (although I haven't been using it) So far I've been using the ABM preamp DI-ed to the Korg. I do have a mic - but live near a noisy road, so preferring to DI from the amp. The Korg can handle 2 inputs at a time - but double tracking hasn't gone well so far - maybe a combing issue. I suppose I could save up for a Sansamp (or something like it) - but I wondered if anyone has got good results with similar gear - and how you set about it. Cheers dudes!
  21. My first amp head, back in the mid 80s, was just like that (or very similar), bought in a junk shop for next to nothing. I stupidly "upgraded" to something new and I've regretted it ever since. I think its known as a bassman silverface.
  22. Having owned a Mag set up - similar to the one you describe, and also ABM rig..... I'd recommend that you save yourself a later upgrade and go straight for an ABM 500. It should be plenty loud enough with 210 or 115, and you could always add another cab later if you feel the need. Don't know whether the older (UK) ones are really "better" - there seem to be different points of view about that. All I can say is that I've got a newer (ROC) version and its been great. But, if I were buying again - I'd definately go second hand (from here), and probably look at EVO2 from the best-value perspective. Haven't tried the OBT- but I'm sure that would be a good alternative too.
  23. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='816226' date='Apr 23 2010, 02:03 PM']I'm pretty sure the bass cab I use in our practice room has a psycho surgeons stencil on it. Small world.[/quote] Small world indeed! But its not the same cab lurking in that picture tho (a peavey 1820) - cos thats still taking up far too much space in my house.
  24. Here's one from almost exactly 20 years ago.... [attachment=48115:Psycho_Surgeons.jpg] the singer never liked this shot cos the guy on the roof looked more interesting!
  25. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='806069' date='Apr 14 2010, 02:31 PM']Is that a big problem? I'm currently running a 400w 2x10 (GK 210RBH) and thinking about getting a cheap Ashdown Mag410T (350w) to beef up the volume from my 700RB-II. Considering the speakers in the 210 are rated at over twice the power of the 410, that shouldn't be a problem, right?[/quote] The 210 sould be absoultely fine with the MAG, assuming is 8ohm. Don't know anything about biamping tho!
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