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Everything posted by horrorshowbass

  1. I didn't comment on it but sounds like good shout. Theres currently a HH SR5, thumb 5 and NG2 available on market so wrapping my head around it.
  2. You disagree despite not owning the model im guessing? Fair enough will try taper core maybe then.
  3. https://m.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1490520084773599/ Looks nice. BO. No idea of woods
  4. Forgive my gen Z parlance but I'm kicking the derrière of 40.....
  5. For context Current Arsenal includes an RBX775 and L2500. The yamaha is just magnificent, probably cus over had ot forever. Maybe not best B in world somight put high C on it
  6. Cheers dude @hiram.k.hackenbacker Love the username, Im a big Gerry Anderson head. Thought about a SR5 as I have a 4 and love the tone. Lad on fb is selling minty NG2 for £1600. Would need to sell my SR and L2500 but would love to try a Ding.
  7. I should also add my Yamaha RBX 775 is my fave bass ever so why try harder? (because GAS)
  8. I felt same about single H. Takes a bit of adapting alright
  9. I have a beautiful ibanez. Probably shouldn't sell
  10. Thanks lads. Interesting on the l2500. Similar layout to a HH bongo. The dingwall seems incredible and with 3 way pickup combos is very versatile. Theres a bongo for sale locally, €1800. Not bad.
  11. Beginning to think l2500 is a bit of a Stingray killer alright. It does everything so well.
  12. Ooh interesting choice. No scratchplate for easier finger rest? Or just cus they're ugly?
  13. Cool. I could have added my L2500 to list also. These are fantastic versatile basses
  14. I've no idea what i want. It changes daily. Would love to hear your fave tho.
  15. OK so bitta craic. You have £1500ish quid to spend on a new 5er. Options: Thumb Bongo Stingray Dingwall Which one and why?
  16. Tell a lie not using any DAW. Sorry I'm a bit clueless with all this. Have recorded with audacity and great sound no video but want ability to video and record in stereo Live. For making youtube videos of my loops. Cheers
  17. Cool thread guys. I currently go from my pedalboard to a focusrite solo which i use as a monitor. Then use my laptop camera as video. Unfortunately this works well up to a point as audio is always mono, in one ear. Do I need to invest in a focusrite scarlet to get stereo glory? If so do I need mic lead xlr to connect from my pedalboard? Recently bought wee yamaha mixer to try and film playing along to covers but still having issues so might sell again. If the focusrite scarlet can solve these issues then the yamaha will go.
  18. Ah gorgeous bass and I'm only up the road too! Bad timing unfortunately. Good luck with the sale dude.
  19. Link doesn't work for me but yeah thats great price
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