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Posts posted by BobVbass

  1. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Yes, old, very well played in, and heavy gauge rounds get very close to flats. In fact it's my preferred string option on P-Bass also. [/font][/color][/quote]

    same here - in fact I've just taken my La Bella flats off and put on a set of RS66s that I bought in 2008 and played to death. They sound brilliant almost the same as flats but with a gnat's willy more bite.

  2. Right! I've ordered my body from guitar build!

    One piece swamp ash, rear routed with vol, tone and jack on the front - should be here in a couple of weeks or so B) Bit more than I wanted to spend but hopefully it will look brilliant!

    I'll upload some photo's once I get going

  3. Thanks JimBob I'll look into that

    Ok I've been convinced that ash is the way to go - I'm going to aim for this type of effect - very faint blue/purple burst


    But a four string obviously.

    I've found a one piece body (bit more than I was looking to spend but I may as well blow the budget from the start :) )

    My plan (tell me if it's pants!) -
    dye the body black, then sand back to get the grain to really show,
    dye blue, sand it, dye it again with darker edges like the video above,
    light sand, grain seal it,
    then lacquer it until I'm bored with lacquering it. Knowing me that will be about three minutes
    Polish it until it is a thing of beauty and lust ( optimistic I know)

    My main issue I think will be patience and control of the spray can. I just need to not expect to be able to do things too quick I think.

  4. So, I think I'm going to build myself a P Bass - I really fancy trying one with a carbon fibre neck and Lindy Fralins. The goal is to make a good looking players bass if that makes sense.

    I can't take my mind up whether to try painting it myself or get it painted - I'm handy with a screwdriver and soldering iron but when ever I try spraying anything it always turns out crap :) does any one have any recommendations for guitar finishers or paint recommendations that are wombat proof?

    I haven't decided on the colour yet but I want something that sets off the black neck and headstock - transparent orange maybe or metallic? Purple or blue maybe - don't know yet.

    I love the Fralins on my Lakland though so I'm keen on them.

    So better get looking for bits then!

  5. As much as the history might be interesting you'd probably be better off with some more photos and details of the bass. I doubt whether aviation achievements and pictures of john deacon are the best way to convince people to spend £1500 however good the intentions ;)

    Anyway GLWTS

  6. I'm self taught - no internet or anything like that when I first started learning - no personal computers really apart from a ZX spectrum :)

    I've had a few lessons on the way, one time when I got in a rut and some others when I started learning double bass but that's it. i should check on t'interweb lessons thinking about it, but never do.

    I've never really stopped though, I still love finding new music and styles to play and pick stuff up really quickly - so maybe the term should be self learning :)

  7. I think you've a got a great attitude to it - I really enjoy playing, if it's a great audience with a good crowd its brilliant - if not then I'm still playing with a couple of good friends and we'll just laugh it off and have a good time anyway - and still get paid :)

  8. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I've heard a few of their tracks on the radio and find them ... OK. Not sure what there is justify all the hype around them.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Could someone who is a fan explain to me what it is they do that the Black Crowes haven't done already, and done considerably betterer? Ta. [/font][/color][/quote]

    Personally I think Blackberry Smoke have a more country Lynyrd Skynyrd feel than Black Crowes with better musical and vocal arrangements but if you're a died in the wool Black Crowes fan and you don't get it then not sure how someone else's opinion will help you - not sure why you'd want to be convinced either? Like any band or music you'll either like it or not :)

  9. Been there done it - bought a Moses Graphite Mag pickup a few years ago and haven't looked back, sounds good enough to me, the band and the audiences. I use presto strings which are fab too (RandyT will be able to tell you which ones as I recommeded them to him and keep forgetting what they are now :D)

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