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Posts posted by BobVbass

  1. Yes Highway Song Live it's called, great album :)

    They kind of lost their way after that when their second guitarist Charlie Hagrett left, the next album Vertical Smiles was not great. Ricky Medlocke did a mostly solo album under the Blackfoot name in the late nineties called After the Reign that was ok. Apparently a couple of years back he tried to reboot the band with all new young members ( he wasn't even in it!) unsurprisingly it sank like a stone

  2. [quote]Never saw them live, but any drummer whose nickname is 'Thunderfoot' is worth checking out. [/quote]

    Sadly Jackson Spires passed away a few years back, brain embolism after a gig :(

    Greg T Walker did some great bass lines though - they're live album is truly great as well

  3. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Black Stone Cherry are good as well! [/font][/color][/quote]

    yes - a bit more mainstream rock rather than Southern Rock.
    On the black theme though Blackfoot did some cracking southern rock in the 80's - Ricky Medlocke was a founding member of Lynyrd Skynyrd and is playing back with them again now - LS's God and Guns is a great album too while I'm prattling on... :)

  4. Yes loved them for a few years now, have all their albums, little piece of Dixie is fantastic. Holding all the roses is great too. There's a great version of I ain't got the blues on you tube as well, in the backyard

  5. It's a brilliant community full of fantastic people, I first realised it with the Vicki bass thread and there's been several times since when people have helped and gone miles out of their way for no reason other than it's a nice thing to do; I try and do the same whenever opportunity presents and I'm very glad to be a member here.

  6. [quote]Posted Yesterday, 10:57 PM
    left foot , where do you practice and what are the rates like ?
    I think we get a great deal and here http://www.airplaystudios.co.uk/ sometimes I wonder how he does it so cheaply .[/quote]

    airplay are great and Ian is a top chap, one of my bands was the one of the first to use his studio when he had two rooms and spent every evening building the others while we practiced; genuinely all round good guy.

    We used to split evenly between all members but our drummers just built himself a soundproof rehearsal room on his house so we pay him rent in the form of a four pack of bitter every week now :)

  7. Thanks everyone

    Well - finished the user manual and have decided I'm going to make a cover of Happy by Pharell Williams as a demo for the functions band. Pretty much hate the song to be honest but it goes down well live. It's also a pretty "empty" song with defined repetitive sections so I think that might let me work on a bit at a time. Not liking it much means I can also listen to it more objectively I think.

    Just roughed out some drums and hand claps so far haven't had the chance to do any "proper" recording yet but I'm really enjoying reaper its seems pretty intuitive.

    I've just used free audio loops at the minute from sampleswap.org sounds alright to me at the mo but what do I know :D

    One thing that caught me out was that I chose 160 bpm then assumed each loop would snap to the start of the beat grid but actually they snapped on to the end of each other so gradually drifted out of time (bit like our drummer :) ) Anyway I figured out you have to align the tracking line thing when you paste or it just adds at the end of the last loop, school boy error - editing seems really easy though, in the end I sorted out the verse block then pasted that as a whole - same for the chorus etc.

    I'll try and get bass sorted this weekend then seeing the other two in the band on Monday night for proper drums and guitar - really enjoying it so far though

  8. Well after generally running away form doing any recording myself and letting other people do it, after reading through Skol's excellent beginner's guide and all the threads on here it's given me the get up and go to give it a bash.

    So I've got a copy of Reaper, a focusrite solo (the red one not the white one), a DI box, a Rode NT1a recording pack thingy, a decent set of closed back headphones and a much depleted petty cash tin.

    I'm working my way through the Reaper user guide at the minute and it's brilliant, haven't recorded anything yet but the functionality is really eye opening - wish I'd started this earlier.

    There's still load of bits I don't quite get but hopefully as I try things out I'll figure out what I need - hopefully I'm going to have my first attempt tomorrow.

  9. I've got some cold chips still in the car that I had before band practice, only one owner, very low mileage, no expense spared on their upkeep. They were from a Chinese takeaway so are really crunchy. There' say bit of satay sauce I'll throw up, sorry in for free as well. You're not having the Chinese New Year calendar though.

    Actually maybe I should have bought them in with me.....

  10. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9vFSqXu6XI"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9vFSqXu6XI[/url]

    The famous Parfiit falling over the drum set on TOTP - Rick says he did it on purpose these days but I remember watching this live and cracking up ....

  11. Blackberry Smoke - Holding all The Roses

    Love the band, Little piece of Dixie is a great album if you like Southern Rock, The Whipporwill is good.
    This new one has some good songs but the production seems awful to me - loads of middle and no clarity, can't really hear the guitars or keyboards, maybe I just need to tune into it. Interestingly the Producer was the chap that does AC/DC so maybe he's tried the same settings as them, not sure it's worked.....

    Actually I tried listening to it on my ipod today and it sounds great so I wonder whether they've purposefully mixed it for small speakers or something....

  12. I use an ipad these days; the guitarist still uses his stand and folder of songs - we don't have a set list, we just play for 3 hours and chose the next song in the middle of the one we're playing to keep the audience dancing - I don't use it for every song and usually wander around the stage playing pranks & smiling at people but we've about 175 songs on our list and it's handy for those that we don;t regularly play.

    The other brilliant thing is people can request a song, if its not on our list and we think we have a fair chance at nailing it, I'll download it and we'll play it - people love that.

  13. [quote]Modern Ibbys are amazing value/quality, the SRs are beautifully balanced & lightweight - but the ultra-skinny necks are a bit marmite, if you favour a chunky P-type you probably won't like it.[/quote]

    I've had two - an SR300 and an SR700 both were amazing, lovely to play, fab necks great sound on their own but somehow I just couldn't get on with them at a gig - I'm a P bass person but it was the sound I couldn't get rather than the neck

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