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Everything posted by s1ater

  1. Just saw this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marshall-bass-cab-ex-Iron-maiden-motorhead-Gallows_W0QQitemZ170473554507QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item27b104024b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marshall-bass-cab-ex...=item27b104024b[/url] Nice bit of rock history
  2. [quote name='danmanthebass' post='807518' date='Apr 15 2010, 07:27 PM'][size=4]Im thinking of upgrading to a marshall combo mb60 but I just wonder will it be loud enough to be heard over two guitars and drums for pub gigs!! I could really do with some help on this one guys[/size] [/quote] It depends on what kinda rigs your guitarists have and how loud your drummer is
  3. [quote name='JackLondon' post='807475' date='Apr 15 2010, 06:40 PM']To be polite, No [/quote] Fair enough, cant blame a guy for trying
  4. [quote name='JackLondon' post='806322' date='Apr 14 2010, 05:57 PM']Bump[/quote] I really fancy one of these, but Ive blown all my money on an m pulse 600 and new studio stuff Dont fancy taking £250 for it do ya?
  5. [quote name='Beedster' post='806855' date='Apr 15 2010, 09:28 AM']Well get on with it 'cos about 5,000 BCers know about it now [/quote] Done
  6. well he's got 284 feedback 100% positive, I'd do it through paypal, that way if its knackered I can get my money back
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='806844' date='Apr 15 2010, 09:21 AM']I would say definitely, if you like the tone. But you'll not know that until you try it![/quote] Worst comes to worst I reckon I'll be able too shift it if I dont. Thanks for the advice
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='806838' date='Apr 15 2010, 09:13 AM']Not that I'm aware of.[/quote] In that case I might jump on it, Is it worth £500 though?
  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='806797' date='Apr 15 2010, 08:20 AM']Like Beedster says... Very warm heads, biiig fat bottom end. I think the one we're talking about is VERY cheap. Bear in mind it's an early revision with two inputs rather than a single input and a selector - also, it probably doesn't have speakons. Probably not a dealbreaker at that price, though! Footswitch.. I had mine for a couple of years and never used the footswitch. Very handy if your setup requires it, though.[/quote] tbh I'm not too bothered about the speakons, My vba400 didnthave them so I've got a couple of jack to speakon leads about. Is there any other difference between the early models and the new ones?
  10. Hi all, Ive just sold my current rig, so im looking for a new one. I was looking at a lmiii and I was set on it. Now I may be able to get my hands on an m-pulse 600 for rather cheap, I've never played through one and need to make a decision rather quickly. Is it worth jumping in and getting the mesa or do you think I should just buy the lmii? Any help would be great.
  11. [quote name='alhbass' post='805666' date='Apr 14 2010, 08:05 AM']Sadly not - clearly that would solve the problem...[/quote] You could run a volume pedal after the bass balls
  12. [quote name='project_c' post='805187' date='Apr 13 2010, 06:55 PM']PM replied [/quote] Is the ul210 8 or 4ohm?
  13. [quote name='deathpanda' post='802697' date='Apr 11 2010, 03:39 PM']I would also like to know how I can get a decent bass recording using the stuff I have. Instead of making my own thread I hope it's okay that I post this in your thread. Anyway, I have an edriol interface, and a bass. That's literally all my recording hardware, the rest unfortunately is software. Which brings me to my point, I've been using amplitube ever since I got the interface, and whilst it's amazing for guitar, with bass it doesn't sound good at all. The bass heads and cabs are terrible, but they're good for acoustic guitar. I've tried using just cabinet impulses, and no matter how much EQ or compression I use, I can't for the life of me get a good bass tone, and it sounds even worse in the mix. I know it's not my basses, I can get great tones out of them with my amp. I don't have any mics for the amp, and I don't think I'll have the money for one any time soon... Does anyone have any tips? Perhaps someone has the same kinda set up as me and can share their bass recording method? As always, any help would be appreciated![/quote] Which version of amplitube are you using? Ampeg svx is rather good for me
  14. Thanks for asking, but that probably weighs about the same as my rig, I want to go lightweight
  15. Its on ebay now, I'd still rather sell it to someone on here.
  16. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220586236049&_trkparms=tab%3DSelling"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...s=tab%3DSelling[/url]
  17. I'm selling a marshall vba400, which is great for heavier stuff Looking for about £600 with an mbc410 cab as well
  18. I'm selling a marshall vba400, which is great for heavier stuff Looking for about £600 with an mbc410 cab as well
  19. Fancy doing a trade for my marshall vba400 and mbc410 cab?
  20. s1ater

    what to use?

    [quote name='chrisd24' post='798466' date='Apr 7 2010, 10:35 AM']Im pretty new to the world of home recording, and to be honest a little overwhelmed with how much kit there is out there, which leads up to my question! I want something to record with....ideally with the ability to record at least 4 tracks simultaneously, i have been looking at usb desks but it seems that only some of these (although they have 10/14 tracks on them) will only record on a couple at a time....i have a pretty quick pc and can usually get my head around the most complex of software so don't see that side of things being an issue....so in short....What desk/usb interface am i best with?....im sure some opinions differ from others....my budget is anything up to £300/350.....Thanks in advance for any replies........and apologies for being a complete newb![/quote] I've just got myself an m-audio fastrack ultra 8r and as fars as im concerned its awsome. It can record 8 channels simultaniously, and its about £270 [url="http://www.dv247.com/computer-hardware/m-audio-fast-track-ultra-8r-usb-2-0-audio-interface--50046"]http://www.dv247.com/computer-hardware/m-a...nterface--50046[/url] If thats too many channels Theres its little brother the fast track ultra which only has 4 mic preamps in. [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/34490-m-audio-fast-track-ultra-8-x-8-usb-2-0-interface.html/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=base"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/3449...m_campaign=base[/url] hope that helps.
  21. [quote name='Delberthot' post='798572' date='Apr 7 2010, 12:18 PM']45kg. but is fairly easy to maneuvere. I went down the lightweight route but found I lacked the bottom end that I got from traditional cabs, that's why I'm back with the ever reliable Trace gear again[/quote] Thats even heavier than my current cab, so I think I'll pass
  22. [quote name='Delberthot' post='797872' date='Apr 6 2010, 06:37 PM']one day I will own one of these orange terror bass & trace 4x12" take your fancy? :brow:[/quote] How heavy is the trace 412, Im really looking for a lightweight rig.
  23. [quote name='Donk68' post='797688' date='Apr 6 2010, 03:58 PM']Damn! [/quote] I've pm'd you with the price
  24. Ive had a look, and its going to be stupidly expensive
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