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Salt on your Bass?

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Posts posted by Salt on your Bass?

  1. I emailed planet waves with the question "does this work well with bass guitars, and particulalry on a low B on a 5-string". I recieved a rather comprehensive response that I thought I'd share:

    "[i]why yes it does.
    works great on my lap steel ,mandolin etc.. as well.
    George Santos[/i]"

    Not sure what else I was expecting to be honest.... :huh:

  2. Thanks, thats useful. Found some other reviews that mention the B string being between "absolutely fine" to "a little slow" to "easier to tune on 12th or a harmonic". I think i might give one a whirl, I only have one on my board at the moment, and it'd be nice to just plug and play.

    Its a great feeling being excited about a tuner!! :lol:

  3. These look really interesting. Are they consistent, and do they pick up and tune a low B well? I use a pitchblack on the floor at the moment, but a lighter weight, smaller and very accurate bit of kit like this looks amazing.

    Any in field feedback is appreciated! :)

  4. I made the move from a 3-pro to a shuttle 9 a coupla years back. I also bought a compact at the same time, and completely changed my rig. The shuttle 9 is a lovely, loud, warm amp, and you can get some nice grit in there. I do regret changing everything at the same time though. I think GAS got the better of rather than my better judgement in some ways. I'd have loved (in heinsight) to have run the 3-pro with the compact for a while. I do miss that amp sometimes. However at the time as well, i had no transport and the whole light weight walk yer rig down the road was pretty important, so that also becomes a factor with the class D consideration. Whatever you decide I'm sure it'll be fun!!!!

  5. I've just picked up a Roland Cube 20-xl. Its just for home use at low levels, or with headphones. I'm really impressed with it, and whilst it prpbably has a few too many effects that I'll use, it is quite nice having them there. Best overall feature for me was the tone versatility and the depth of sound at a low volume. Obviously tie will tell, but at the moment, I'd say check one out if you have the chance.

  6. I've enjoyed all three of those brands in one form or another over the years. They are different animals, and I'd definitely say it was worth taking a drive with your bass and trying out as much gear as you can. Only way to truly know what you think of each, and interacting with them.

  7. Personally, I love it. Not guitarish, and really keeps the low end in there. Theres also a mid switch to help cut through a bit better in a live mix. I think theres some samples on the SFX site actually: [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=micro_fuzz"]http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=micro_fuzz[/url]

    I went through a few fuzzes before settling on this one.

  8. Hi,

    Having sold a couple of pedals, I'm downsizing my board to a PT mini (hoping I can squeeze everything onto one!).

    My PT2 is velcro'd and in very good order (both board and case). I havent drilled or moded it at all. Pic below with pedals on:

    [attachment=98277:2011-05-20 06.10.24.jpg]

    I'd ideally like to not have top post this, and can meet london (Kings-x, London bridge, liverpool street, city etc.) or Bedford (or most stations between the two).

    I'm looking for [s]£85[/s] £80, and can provide more detailed pictures etc if required.

    Drop me a line if you have any queries,

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