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Salt on your Bass?

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Posts posted by Salt on your Bass?

  1. [sup]I thought this was an eyesight test when I first read this!! :)[/sup]

    [sup]Not really sure the second hand value on Behringer.....its not as good as other kit. I'd normally go for around 60-70% of listed new items as a rule of thumb, depending on condition, and desirabilityness of the said item..... not sure if thats useful or not. [/sup]

    [sup]Always worth seeing if you can track one down on the net second hand for an idea to bench against.[/sup]

  2. This sounds like the way I rehearse. As its a hobby it should be fun, but in order for it to be fun, its got to be constructive. Ive aways had beers at rehearsals, and always pre agreed with the band what level of rehearsal we should be having. This ranged from no beers cause were gigging at the weekend, to lets get demolished and hit the pub afterwards. we were, and still are productive and that was always the intent.

    I think its important youre all on the same wavelength and set out what you want out of the project and make sure rehearsals then meet youre objectives. If not, look elsewhere.

  3. Thanks Ian, based on science, I think thats the most technically accurate post so far. :D Now to send it to print......

    [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1333102996' post='1597352']
    Well I disagree with everything that has been said here.
    You need a rig at least twice the size as you currently have, maybe even as much as three times the size.
    Obviously, this will mean that you will need to increase your stamina and it has been medically proven that a combination of being fed favourite food and sexual favours on demand are the best way of doing this.


    [size=2]Cheques to:[/size]

    [size=2]Dr Ian Castle[/size]
    [size=2]Chancer Cottage[/size]
    [size=2]Little Bribery[/size]

  4. The covers band I play in sporadically has been asked to play a Jubilee Street Party gig in June which should be pretty good fun.

    We're cobbling together a set list of sorts, and God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols was proposed by the singer. Our guitarist fired back its an anti monarchy song and completely inappropriate to play on a jubilee holiday.

    Seems to have split the band a bit so thought I'd poll to see what you lot thought.

    Personally, I dont mind playing it - I think I'd quite enjoy the irony, assuming the masses dont decide to burn the stage down!


  5. Thanks guys, thats really helpful - although it hasn't produced the response that I can go to my better half to say "I definitely need to increase the size of my rig to do this properly - see what the guys on basschat said!" :D .

    Obviously theres details to be screwed down before the gig, but feeling much happier now about my rig dealing with outdoors, and feel I might almost sound like I know what I'm talking about with the organisers. Also appreciate the tips on setting up.

  6. Hi Leroy,

    Posts here on another forum that answers this I think: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f15/aguilar-official-tone-hammer-500-3-8lbs-500w-thread-new-717712/index31.html"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f15/aguilar-official-tone-hammer-500-3-8lbs-500w-thread-new-717712/index31.html[/url] from Aguilar post #605:

    Originally Posted by [b]IntrepidCellist: [/b]The clip light is for the master volume; it should ideally be always off.

    Hey IntrepidCellist: Not so. It indicates that the preamp is clipping. You can clip all you want on the Tone Hammer 500. You may not like the sound of it clipping; but nothing bad will happen to the amp. It will not turn off or go thermal or break in any way. The light is just telling you what you will probably be hearing anyway.

    Somebody playing hard may make the clip light turn on when hitting peaks.
    If you want it remain cleaner sounding, you can change the gain structure by turning on the input pad.

    Hope that helps clarify.


  7. Thanks for the responses guys.

    So by playing outdoors, I'll lose the lows a bit and have to compensate on the eq, but volumewise should be fine in matching a non PA'd drummer, but the guitars could be a problem if they do what they want (as normal).

    [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1332938169' post='1595106']
    Don't expect the sound to any good but I doubt you'll be the worst affected.
    Most drummers don't hit well enough to project outside so the other instruments
    will be loud enough. The gtrs could likely blow it all, of course.

    I assume the sound issues as a band you're talking about are more related to guitars over the drums and getting a mix right without a soundguy and band PA?

    [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1332923221' post='1594791']
    Just as importantly, I'd want to know about the power supply. Mains or generator and safety aspects etc.

    Our guitarist is an electrical engineer, so I'll leave this to him, although I should probably to a bit of reading up on this aspect. I think I saw a few posts about it when searching so I'll re-visit. Thanks for the thought.

  8. Morning,

    Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I have an outdoor gig coming up for the jubilee. At the moment, we're not sure if there will be full PA support for anything other than vocals. I've run several searches and cant find the steer I'm after.

    As I've never played outdoors before, I wasnt sure what affect this has on a bass rig. Do you lose a lot of lows and reinforcement outdoors? I'm assumuing you do with no walls near you, wind factor etc?

    I have an Orange Terror and a Compact. In your extensive experiences and infiniute wisdom, could this deal with a suburban street party? We play rock...ish covers (Ben E King through to Nirvana with a heavy rock vibe), have two guitarists, and I'd say the drummer was moderate to loud.

    I'd be happier with PA support of course, so will push for it, but in the absence of that my initial feeling is I need more speaker area.......

    Again, sorry if this is covered loads elsewhere.

    Thanks for any input.

  9. I'm probably very wrong on this, bit didnt think there was any value in revalving the pre-amp valves in a hybrid amp? I didnt realise there was any degredation of quality with time......

  10. My first gig was the Hope & Anchor, London. We arrived about 2 hours before sound check (mistake cause we started drinking), then whilst sitting around nervous, decided we'd heach hum through our parts of the songs together as of playing - well that was a mistake trying to rememer how everything went!! Got ourselves in a right panic, but it was all good. Lots of support and a busy night, and we took a whopping £6 off the promoter for door money which didnt quite cover a round between the three of us. I loved every minute of it. We managed to record it luckily enough, and its pretty good looking back on it.

    Enjoy it, cause you only get one first gig, and relax. Put any nervous energy into the performance and playing. As long as you're prepped, you'll tear it up! Best of luck!!

  11. I got [i]jack[/i]ed up on more than a few drinks the other night – off the [i]scale[/i]. [i]Stag[/i]gering back home, I stopped to [i]pick-up [/i]a [i]Rol[/i]-[i]and Orange[/i] fanta to have down the street. I bumped into my mate [i]Iban [/i]“[i]E[/i]-[i]Z[/i] [i]Squire[/i]” he said “this is my new lady D[i]ebs[/i]”. She was a bit of a [i]thunder-bird [/i]if you know what I mean, and without [i]delay[/i] lunged for my snacks – the [i]barefaced[/i] cheek of it! How [i]low[/i] can people go?! I managed to [i]fend er[/i] off, and went straight home so I wouldn’t get it in the [i]neck [/i]from the mrs.

  12. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1330675981' post='1561244']
    The Streamliner 900 and Super 12t are just superb together sonically. They really reinforce each other strengths. I tried WoT's amp with my cab at a bass bash last year, and it put my Eden WT 550 in the shade a bit. Damn. Regretted doing that ever since. :rolleyes:

    :angry: THAT DOESNT HELP!!!!


  13. Yeah saw them too at the o2. Saw them twice last year, and they put on such a good show every time. Best all round entertaining band, and they have a really massive sound. Best I've heard the o2 as well, but that probably seat related.

    We got really lucky as when the came out and did a walk round the arena, they came in through the door right by our seats!!! I was about 3 feet from them!! brilliant!!

    I dont think thees another touring band that hits the level these guys do. Brilliant!!!

  14. Hi,

    So I'm getting married to my lovely lady on 13th May 2012, and we are looking for a band as part of the evenings entertainment and thought I'd ask here if anyone was interested?

    We're looking for a professional, but fun band. Outline details of the gig so far are as follows (I'm aware I need to screw down some finer points with the venue):
    Date: Sunday 13th May 2012
    Start time: Around 8ish (not sure on set up time, but I'd anticipate mid morning or something)
    Playing time: circa 2.5 hours
    Genre: 70s rock/ 80s New wave & new romantic/ 90s brit pop/ rock/ heavy rock/ party - kinda along the lines of David Bowie, Blur, GnR, Zeppelin, Blue Oyster Cult, Maiden, Adam Ant, Queen, Gary Newman, soft cell (no stevie wonder or mustang sally!!) - kind of a jist, not all absolute requirements of course!!

    If you're interested, drop me a PM with your band name, a link to your site/myspace if you have one, any youtube footage and some kind of indicative set list that you do as well as an indication on fee. If theres anything you think I've missed drop it in there, and we'll go from there!

    Any questions, also let me know and we look forward to hearing from you!


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