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Posts posted by danny-79

  1. I’ve got two single H StingRays by far my favourite bass. A double H is definitely on my wish list or a Bongo HH or both 😜 I personally prefer rosewood over maple, maple is a bit harsh on a bass but that’s just my personal preference others will disagree 

    good luck with your quest 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 20 hours ago, ixlramp said:

    This video has basses in drop Ab comparing undertensioned smaller gauges and bigger gauges from Kalium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNvl_agBqXI

    This video has Kalium strings tuned to G standard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDqEV2pYuaA

    Lowest notes are clear, defined and sound good.

    Cheers dude vids are very cool. In my theoretical view anything lower than B and you are definitely going to need a longer scale than the standard 34. But the videos sound a lot better than I thought they would sound (sounds like a good enough excuse to get another bass 😜) it’s all new to me, D standard and BEAD is the lowest I’ve ever gotten 

  3. 1 hour ago, dannybuoy said:

    Mainly an Octabvre Mini, I also have an Octamizer, and had an EBS Octabass and a  COG T16. Tracking was good on all of them, most fretted notes below the 5th fret are quite stable in the low E and B strings, just not on the open notes!

    I’ll have to look the first two up not heard of them. I’ve got a Markbass Octaver. Brought it new a few years back. Discontinued now I believe. Tracks pretty well down to about F#. It’s very close to the Boss oc at a guess. Analog 

  4. 57 minutes ago, Wolverinebass said:

    I'd not go lighter than 145 or 150. That's stupidly low. 

    This is kind of endemic these days. It's funny how bands that are still considered "heavy" have managed it without drop tuning to Z flat. Sabbath were generally C#, Tool mostly drop D. I could go on. As someone who has 4 string basses that I'm not going to replace the nut on just to detune to wet fart territory, I make a rule that if I can't do it with DR Droptune strings or a Digitech Drop pedal ( below C# is the limit) then I'm not interested at all.

    That’s my theory. BEAD is about as low as I’m willing to go and even that is a bit much. D standard is about right for me 

    Its just silly stupid low and I’m not willing to punish my basses setting them up to accommodate 

  5. 14 hours ago, dannybuoy said:

    I place mine after my Octabvre because:

    a) the tone changes when I run another pedal in front of it Vs going straight in

    b) it can track a low C on my 5 string, producing an audible flap-flap-flapping that sounds like it's well under 30 Hz

    What octaver do you use ? 

  6. So I sent SFX an email and was sent a great reply straight from the horses mouth so to speak. It goes as follows: 

    Hi Dan,

    Thank you for your enquiry.

    When the micro-Thumpinator is in a pedalboard with an octaver, there is always the question - what is best: do I want to stop the low frequency noise at the beginning of the signal path or do I stop the sub frequencies generated by the octaver?

    Generally speaking, if the octaver is analogue like the Boss OC-2, the amount of sub noise generate by the OC-2 is probably negligible. The somehow limited tracking capabilities of the OC-2 stop the generation of  frequencies that are below the cut-off frequency of the micro-Thumpinator.

    For digital octavers, the problem is different as they track the signal well regardless the frequency. With digital octavers, it is likely they generate frequencies that normal amplification systems cannot convert into sound.

    To summarise, I recommend the following.

    1. From the practical viewpoint, I recommend you try different positions, included the amp effect loop. Based on the tone, speaker/cone movements and amp headroom/clipping, find the best position in the signal chain.

    2. As an alternative approach, I would put the micro-Thumpinator first unless you have a digital octaver. If you have a digital octaver, I would put the micro-Thumpinator after the octaver.

    For instance, I'm pretty sure that Dusty Hill (ZZ Top) puts it after the octaver. And in his case, I think it is a good choice. He uses a digital octaver and according to Billy Gibbons, they want to stop the presence of super-low frequencies.

    I hope the above helps. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

    All the best,
    Max [sfx]


    think that clears a lot up, does for me anyway. Permission was granted for the copy/paste 

    • Like 1
  7. Like a few replies I’ve only ever needed a back up once and not had one. Carried a spare around for years and never needed it. 

    DI into the pa is my today back up amp as per usual unless it’s a special gig then go fully prepared. 

    Have also on a few occasions loaned my spare to another band/bass player on the night. 

  8. On 07/12/2018 at 18:00, WHUFC BASS said:

    Just pulled the trigger on one for £250. Anybody using one at the moment? What's your opinion?

    I simply bought it as a backup to my SVT3 which, in it's massive flight case weights a ton.

    That’s a good price you have s lot of amp for your money. I brought one new in 2012/3 great amp love mine. Only regret is not going the extra mile and getting the 900w version for the extra head room. But it’s good clean sounding amp, easy to used all good 👍

  9. 17 hours ago, NickA said:

    " fret clatter and every other unwanted noise" ........indeed

    I actually meant to say I have Elixir (nanoweb) acoustic bass strings (not Elites).  I'm not that enamored with them tbh, the nanowebby stuff comes off in little tendrils and the sound is (whilst better than the bronze things that came on the bass) not exactly subtle or very loud.  But there is not much available unless you go to electric bass strings instead and I wondered if the tension in those might break the guitar.  I guess there is a limit to what you can get out of an acoustic bass guitar (especially a factory made one) so probably shouldn't get that hopeful!

    I quit like my bronze Elixirs. Just wish they did them in a 32in scale (be nice if there was a bigger range of bass string gauges full stop) but I do keep emailing and bugging them 🤪

  10. 1 hour ago, fretmeister said:

    I had a Stanley years ago and I thought it was a bit tame.


    That was my initial thought but after hearing one with an envelope style setting at gig volume it was quite impressive but still not sure it’s worth the hassle of carrying it about. 


    1 hour ago, fretmeister said:

    I've got the Burton wah now - which is RUBBISH at anything other than Cliff fuzz tones, and a Weeping Demon which is fantastic on bass. It's a bit unit though so I'd like to try the Dunlop just to get some board space back.

    That was my theory. For the amount of use it gets one the same size as a Boss pedal is perfect. 105Q has a nice sound all of its own. I missed the full sized version I sold so went mini this time. Just starting to think it’s time to dig the EBS out and give it another go 

  11. 7 minutes ago, martthebass said:

    I don't disagree with you on the pricing point though.  There's been a number of comments on the TB site regarding price hikes.  The price hikes on the Caprice and Cutless in particular have drawn attention and comment made that the $500 hike earlier this year effectively caused the demise of these two models.

    Shows how upto date I am. I didn’t know they were being discontinued but saying that I can’t say either of them ever appealed to me, just not my thing. 

    What I was more on about was the general rise in costs of guitars/basses across the board some of them are just silly money for an average bass/guitar (my fault going off topic) 

  12. 2 minutes ago, kyuuga said:

    Why do you say the quality has gone down?

    If anything the new 2018 Stingray Specials are being praised for having extreme high quality and being boutique-level instruments.

    Sorry, I meant generally the quality of new stuff in general not Musicman, there new stuff just keeps getting better and warrants the extra $€£. In my opinion they are about the only one that does

  13. 6 minutes ago, mcnach said:


    I have been intrigued by the 105Q mini as well, as I was putting together a mini pedalboard... I heard elsewhere that it is a bit better than the original. You find it different, in what way?

    If space/weight is not an issue... The G-Labs can't be touched, in my opinion. 

    In comparison to the full sized version (I brought it used off Basschat) there’s not much between them. It’s possible that with it being half sized it’s just different under your foot so gives that impression but to me it just Doesn’t seem to have the same sound. Getting the volume/Q/trim pots set on it is difficult it’s either too quite or too loud and same goes for the Quack it’s either all or nothing. I’m possibly just being over picky though. It’s the same size as a regular stomp so for ease of use live it’s great. 7/10 

    • Thanks 1
  14. I’m a huge Musicman fan so I’m biased, possibly hated by fellow MM owners cause mine weren’t doing what I wanted so modified them to suit. 

    Regarding prices of new basses/guitars I honestly don’t know what’s happened over the last decade. The quality has in a lot of cases gone down and the price tags over doubled?!?! 

  15. That looks like a beast of thing !! 

    I liked my 105Q regret selling it. Knowing what I know now I have a feeling it might of been tampered with if that’s even possible cause after shelving the EBS I brought another one (mini this time though) and it’s not the same. But for the amount I use it live it does the job, it’s just convenient having it set up ready to go on my board rather than having to carry it around separate 

  16. 16 hours ago, NickA said:


    NB regarding strings, do I gather that people are just using electric bass strings on their acoustics?  I've been using elite acoustic bass strings .. and they are not great.

    My Alien is 32in so acoustic strings are limited. I have a set of Acoustic Elixirs on it, (just live with the E being a bit long on the post, dosent affect it) they are a bit pricey but last years. For the amount I play it anyways they have lasted still going strong now. Got an acoustic gig next week (third this year so not much use) highly recommend them if it’s a sharp crisp sound your after 

  17. On 19/11/2018 at 17:39, yorks5stringer said:

    Warwick Alien

    Love mine. £350 secondhand. Plays lovely. It’s a 32in scale and suites it brilliantly, bit limited getting strings for it though, (Fender are the only ones I’ve found in a 32 scale,) I’ve got Elixirs on mine, little bit long on the E but dosent affect it fortunately) the 5string version is 34in I believe

  18. 1 hour ago, Al Krow said:

    Really helpful thread. I'm going to move mine to the start of my board too. 

    Just been playing with it a bit more, (well the best you can at low volume) I won’t pass judgment just yet but I’m thinking it’s definitely a very good move in the right direction. Octave pedal it tracking much better on the low notes even open Eb is sounds good. I’ve readjusted the compressor accordingly and everything seems to be breathing a lot better. 

    I’m sure I’ve had it at the start before and don’t know why I moved, or can’t remember more like lol but I’ve kept the last set of patch leads so easy enough to put back if it doesn’t work out but fingers crossed I’m hopeful 

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