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Posts posted by danny-79

  1. 21 hours ago, paul_c2 said:

    I don't normally get told by someone else how to tune my instrument. There is a perfectly serviceable Ab at the 4th fret of the E string.

    This is very true. Just don’t know how well it would work playing everything a whole octave higher. 

    I tune standard EADG with the cover band I play in and go down to Eb with my original band. I have on occasion gone as low as BEAD but can’t say i was overly impressed with it. The future project the guitars are both in Drop Ab. That to me is far too much, would you even hear it even if you had an amp that could reproduce it ? So maybe the octave higher is the way forward providing I end up taking the gig. This band is a lot heavier than what I’m used to 

  2. 15 hours ago, Hellzero said:

    GHS has a 70~140 set that will do the job https://www.thomann.de/gb/ghs_bass_boomers_70_140_heavy.htm

    But the question is, do you have the amp and speakers able to go that low, which must be at least 1000 Watts and the speaker going down to 26 Hz (fundamental of Ab - 1) if you want to hear your note clearly... Otherwise, you'll hear the first or even second harmonic which is enough for your brain to recreate the fundamental but the sound will be muddy, for sure.

    Personally I’m not a fan of tuning that low. I don’t mind setting up BEAD but that’s pushing it. Down a half step to flat, then drop tune to Ab ...... how low can you go indeed 🤪

    as far as amps, I’ve got a genz Benz 410 & 115., shuttle 600w and also Orange terror 1000. 

    I have a low pass filter on my board but that might save my speakers but like you say will it reproduce the low notes or die trying? 

  3. Hi. Wasn’t sure what thread to put this in so hopefully it’s ok in here. 

    In short I’ve been asked to drop tune to Drop Ab !!! That’s lower than I’ve ever imagined. I’ve to 3 decent basses all are four string all are 34in scale. The lowest I’ve ever gone is BEAD 

    any and all advice is welcome on basses that can handle that tuning and string gauges, I’ve no clue. 135 is nice on a B

    thanks in advance 

  4. 1 hour ago, fretmeister said:

    B3K into the AO (big one)


    AO for a warm, gritty always on for rock sound - then pound it with the B3K.


    I tried the other way too - but I liked it this way better.

    Yeah I briefly tried it the other way around. The big, full version of the AO would be a good replacement for the VT BASS, I’m thinking of getting the smaller version and keeping all three. 

    But now I’m back to ware I was before I started this thread, thinking about changing the VT ??!?!?!!! Arrragh 😜🤪

    the VT is great, more gain and growl than every need, add the B3 to it and it’s, in my opinion perfect 

    its just the pedal quest for the holy grail. 

  5. On 21/11/2018 at 12:37, fretmeister said:

    The AO gets a lot fuzzier than the B3K (I've got both) and there is a rawness to the AO that the B3K can't do.


    Both good - they are both on my board.

    Just out of interest what order do you put them in ? 

    (Just to clarify it’s the Alpha Omicron I’m looking at, smaller one) 

    guessing as long as it’s before the SansAmp the B3 and AO doesn’t really matter who Is first as I’m not likely to be running them together. But if I did what works best for you ? 

  6. Thanks for your input. From the YouTube videos I’ve seen I’m leaning towards the AO, The VT is always on, thinking it would be nice to go between the B3 and AO, mix it up a bit. The Duality might be a bit too much


  7. 3 hours ago, fretmeister said:

    I like the Duality - but it is very in your face.


    The Alpha-Omega may suit etter if you want control over the gain. It's a different flavour but more adaptable too.

    I’ve got a b3 and hear the alpha omega was very similar  

    what how do they compare? 

  8. Ok thank you for reply. So you would recommend the EHX over it ? 

    Drive wise I use a Tech21 VTbass with a Darkglass B3k going into it. Recently dug out my old Boss overdrive for fuzz but it kills the low end so I’m definitely looking for a decent fuzz pedal 

  9. 11 minutes ago, fretmeister said:

    The SS is very good. But I still sold it for a Cali76 Compact Bass instead.


    The SS has a warm sound - a hint of old fashioned valve-ness about it, rather than the cleaner Cali or Empress. I think the Empress Compressor is my favourite but the form factor of a wide pedal with jacks still on the side annoys me.


    Don't forget that Darkglass has their new compressor that has replaced the SS too. Not tried one though.

    Thanks for reply. That’s what I liked about the MB the warm tube sound. I’ve got one permanently mounted next to an amp head (Genz-Benz shuttle 600) and it sounds great it’s my favourite compressor ever that’s why I brought a second one but it’s give me nothing but trouble since I brought it. It’s hopefully going back fingers crossed so it’s a question of what next. 

    The DG. SS is what I’ve got my eye on. Tube style warmth is the destination. Running tubes on a board is more trouble than it’s worth (separate power supply etc etc) need a compressor of some description anyway 

  10. Ok so the Markbass Compressore I have just brought new turns out to be faulty. I’m the process of trying to return it it’s over the 30days (about 6weeks) but anyways 

    whats the verdict on the darkglass super sim? Any good? 

    What else do you recommend? 


  11. 1 hour ago, tonyf said:

    Brought one of these recently as I needed a mixture of voltages and some AC for my Line6 M9.

    It's very flexible as you can vary the voltages using dip-switches. Dunno if it'd work for exactly what you need but worth a look.




    Wow ! That’s bigger than my whole board it’s self ! Lol (forget to mention it also needs to be portable lol) 

    thanks for the reply though. The maximum 250mA is still no ware close enough to what I need unfortunately but thanks again 

  12. I’m currently using a t-Rex junior (5x9v@100ma. Each) it does it’s job. Also under my board is a separate supply for my wireless, and another separate supply for the    Compressore (12v @ a huge 600ma) 

    the closest I can find that’s in with a chance of running everything is the Voodoo Lab 4X4 but even that is too short at 12v 400ma. 

    Does a single power brick even exist? Ultimate problem with running tubes on your board 


  13. 16 hours ago, 2elliot said:

    Try an EBS Billy Sheehan Deluxe. I have had one on my pedal board for over a year, it's great. I've had Darkglass stuff and a couple of others but this one has killed them all off. It's very good. 

    I’ve seen these before and it’s gone straight over me. Will dig deeper thank for reply 

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  14. 20 hours ago, Dosi Y'Anarchy said:

    Nothing wrong with change for the sake of a change! I think a thicker distortion or fuzz would be different enough. As mentioned above, I'm loving the Stone Deaf Kliponite at the moment. I did a demo of it:


    Thanks for that. Pretty cool sounding pedal, not quite what I’m looking for though, I’m leaning more towards Distortion I think 

  15. Have put it back in its original running order. It’s amazing on how different the drive pedals work by changing the order. Definitely works best this way 

    used it at a small gig last week. I had my Genz-Benz 4x10 with the Orange terror head, Compressore and VT always on, kick the B3K in as and when need and it sounded amazing! Tight focused drive that shook the building. 

    Changing the VT Is definitely just change for the sake of change. 

    Would adding perhaps another drive pedal to put next to the B3k but more distortion based than overdrive be a better route to go. ?



  16. I recently brought one a few months back (mini 105Q) I had the full sized version for years then one day decided to upgrade it to the EBS Stanly Clarke. Sold the JD cause why would I ever need it again?  Not the best of moves on my part. While the EBS is a great pedal I much prefer the JD so brought the mini while i was at it. 

    It sounds great in my opinion once you get used to the size of it. It might just be my imagination but I’m not 100% convinced it is an exact replica of the full sized version only smaller cause I can’t get the exact same sound I used to get from my original (my original I brought used so don’t know if it had been tampered with) 

    But on a whole it gets my vote 

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