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Posts posted by GarethFlatlands

  1. The speaker currently in your amp isn't necessarily 8 ohms, you could buy/borrow a multimeter and check it if you really wanted to know. It may well be 4 and just a terrible speaker which is why you're struggling to hear yourself. If it is a 4 ohm speaker and you add an 8 ohm cab, you'll be running at 2.66 ohms and risk damaging your amp (1/8 + 1/4 = .375, 1/.375 = 2.666).

    Seems like the easiest solution to me would just be to replace the current speaker with an 8 ohm Celestion or other quality speaker with a high sensitivity if it's more volume you're after. This should help your sound cut through more and you can add the extra 8 ohm cab afterwards if you still need to push more air.

    Edit:- You can mix and match speaker wattages, remember that the maximum you can push into them is the wattage of the lowest rated speaker * the number of speakers. My guitar cab runs 2 Celestions , a Hot 100 (100 watts) and a Vintage 30 (60 watts) so it can handle 120 watts total.

  2. Done! Thing the Stagg/Palatino look like they require too many mods, the NS looks really nice from the Youtube vids I've seen. I was thinking about getting one on the Take It Away scheme, but £800 is a bit much and I'm moving house to a place where the rent is an extra £70 a month so £80 p/m on top is a little much.

    I could always sell my Warwick if I make the full move to EUB.

  3. Thanks for the tips guys, I'm selling a few guitars and hope to raise around £450-500. Where have you seen the 2nd hand NS' for £500? I've had a search with not much luck.

    I like the feel and uniqueness of the EUB rather than going for the authentic experience and sound so those bases are way more than what I need and have to spend, although they look pretty amazing (though the Bespoke looks a bit like it's made of Meccano!).

  4. Wanting a more double bass sound for a song we're recording soon, I borrowed a friends EUB and played it for a couple of hours practice tonight. I've been completely bitten by the EUB bug, I'm really considering selling my other basses and getting one. Despite the weight and height (it was taller than me set up and barely fit in my car), it sounded amazing and thanks to some carefully applied electrical tape, it wasn't that hard to get the hang of where the notes were. I definitely need more practice on my technique but I loved it. I'm told it was a Yamaha although it looked like the model Harley Benton sell and a quick google couldn't confirm anything.

    I'll put some clips up of the song it will be used on when they're recorded.

  5. If I had the cash I'd got for the Matamp, they're handwored and use top notch components and they're real old school experts. Having heard Finbars, the sound is amazing too. I might be slightly biased though, already owning a GT1. Plus I live about an hour from the factory so any repairs are dealt with by the guys who built the amp, done for a fair price and while you wait if they're not too busy and the problem isn't major.

  6. [quote name='dan670844' post='1110174' date='Jan 31 2011, 09:21 PM']Yes thats true, I have played around with the HB GA5 and the Epiphone VJ the VJ is a very hummy valve amp the GA5 is even worse! The circuit design is good but the actually components used are sh*te.[/quote]

    I got my GA5 second hand and the previous owner had modded it to remove the hum and replaced a lot of the parts. I swapped the tubes out for a JJ (power) and EHX (pre). It's now really nice sounding and quiet, although it's now super high gain.

    From what you've said about their stock amps, I'd give the bass head a miss and look for something 2nd hand as suggested.

  7. A lot of Harley Benton stuff seems to be made in the same places as other name gear, eg their GA5 guitar head is the same as an Epiphone Valve Junior but notably cheaper. I'm not sure what this is based on though and a quick google search didn't bring up anything. Maybe someone more knoweldgable might be able to help out with this one?

  8. +1 for the Boss, nice and simple pedal that works well and can be had for cheap. Same for the Planet Waves tuner but the pedal case is a bit odd. I'd probably go for a PitchBlack if I ever had to replace it, always had good experience with Korgs.

  9. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1099992' date='Jan 23 2011, 07:31 PM']I've grown to like headphones (I use Sennheiser HD 415 mk1s or suffer Sennheiser CX300 II earbuds when I have to!),[/quote]

    Just bought a pair of the Sennheisers for my MP3 player use so good to know that they give out good bass.

    I knew some basics of speaker response but not about headphones, your post was very informative and helpful. Thanks.

  10. [quote name='Rich44' post='1093724' date='Jan 18 2011, 12:37 PM']Got the 201s for under £14, absolutely brilliant, cheers![/quote]

    Nice one, let us know how they are on bass. Just got back from recording today and they had them so they must be pretty decent. Didn't use them as I DI'd with my Sansamp (which the engineer loved) and stayed in the control room.

  11. [quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='1098253' date='Jan 22 2011, 12:12 AM']Who is that rather luscious lady with the tasty rack setup?[/quote]

    See my previous post. Christina Hendricks of Mad Men (or Firefly if you're cool) fame.

  12. [quote name='clauster' post='1097775' date='Jan 21 2011, 04:47 PM']Most threads related to daisy-chaining these pedals resulting in a high-pitched whine, but not always.[/quote]

    That seems to be the usual problem according with EHX stuff to the Diago powerstation compatability chart but it doesn't have the bass blogger on there. The only thing I can find was saying they needed an isolated supply which you probably saw too.

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