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Posts posted by GarethFlatlands

  1. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1243957' date='May 25 2011, 10:02 AM']The new Ryan Giggs ear plugs are really good, can't hear anything with those in.[/quote]

    You can, you just can't tell anyone what you heard.

  2. I've only played with the guitar POD 2 which had a tube pre-amp setting on the amp side but I don't think you could bypass that side of it fully so not sure to be honest. Anyone own one who can help out?

  3. [quote name='XPAULUSX' post='1243170' date='May 24 2011, 05:22 PM']I'm guessing the foot controller will be a must then? Unless I can get my hands on an xt live

    If you want to change sounds on the fly then yeah. If not, then you could just change patches between songs as necessary with the normal desktop kidney bean shaped version.

    Assuming you've got a power amp input or similar on your amp you should be able to bypass its tone shaping and just use the XT.

  4. [quote name='51m0n' post='1242993' date='May 24 2011, 02:34 PM']Bootsy's VSTs are all superb, but NastyDLA is without doubt the best charcterful delay I've heard in a computer.

    Some other good free VSTs are (in no particular order):-

    TAL series: great plate reverbs, nice distortion fx, some cool dub style delays too.
    G series: I use GMax a lot as a quick brick wall limiter
    Jerome series: Some really nice 'quick and dirty' limiters/maximisers, PC2 a superb no colour compressor
    TLS series: Excellent bunch of coloured compressors/limiters
    FlangerHand: weird flanger thing, nice to automate
    PushTec: clone of a Pulltech eq, kinda...
    NU-tron: wannabe mutron
    Voxengo: Some really useful free mastering tools (beeper, M/S, span)
    Ambience: another very nice free reverb
    bluenoise mydrumset: nice free vsti drumkit....[/quote]

    Thanks for the headsup, I'll have a look at them.
    I'm using AcmeBarGig as a free guitar amp VST for quick and dirty demos. Pretty versatile and easy to use. I'd go to a proper head and separate cab sim but it's more than I need really.

  5. Right, done a bit of reading and it looks like the Line 6 EX-1 uses a 10k linear pot. Having a fidget around with the pedal and a few pots I had sitting in a box, I reckon a standard lin 22k pot would work given that the pot moves through about 80-85% of a full rotation and the wah seems to do approx 50%. That's probably as accurate as I'm going to get with stock value pots, although some reading around shows 20k pots work as well so it shouldn't be a massive problem.

    Assuming the cylinder with the teeth comes off the old pot shaft and goes onto the new one alright, it should be straightforward to wire it up to a mono jack. Remove and store all the old insides, try and find some screws which mean I can ditch the feet and velcro it to my board and I'll be sorted. Updates (with pictures hopefully for the curious or bored) at some point.

  6. [quote name='TheRev' post='1241921' date='May 23 2011, 05:30 PM']I always like the intro to Rotten Apple by Alice in Chains -it's my music shop riff.


    Good call. It used to be my soundcheck riff until someone recognised it. This was the next one which I still love playing to test a rig out.

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiTtWnx_rjY"]Tool - Disposition[/url]

  7. Beyonce because I love a good pop song and she has many. The view's been mentioned too.

    A Perfect Circle as they're one of my favourite bands and their revolving line-up makes it a possibility, albeit a remote one. Same answer with Nine Inch Nails.

    Kate Bush because I love her music and my parents would be well impressed. My dad might be more 'impressed' with Beyonce mind, but he wouldn't mind Kate Bush.

  8. [quote name='Pliskin' post='1240728' date='May 22 2011, 08:00 PM']The cab is in Matamp house colours, I can't remember what they call them but will post pics when I get chance.

    I think it's called "black" Stu.

    If you want to get posh, it's called Spanish plaster or something similar, wicker speaker cover and white 'batman' logo.

    Here's a pic:-


  9. I've got an old CryBaby hanging around and was wondering if it would be possible to modify it into being used as an expression pedal for my M5. The Mission Control pedals seem to use similar housings as seen here:-


    Any thoughts about what it would involve before I take apart the wah and potentially ruin it? Parts I'd need, that kind of thing?

  10. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1239049' date='May 21 2011, 10:07 AM']Could it be that guitarists are more concerned with their playing skills and technique rather than constantly looking for some 'magic bullet' technology to do the job for them?[/quote]

    I'm the other way around in terms of tone shaping, my guitar rig has a very nice amp and an ever changing pedal board. My bass rig is a crap Peavey combo that I can hear myself thorugh and not much more, a Sansamp DI to make it sound less crap.

    And as for Fenders, they look cool. They sound alright too but it's mainly the looks.

  11. Well that seems to make a fair bit of sense (except where you used the word "quicker" for a Shuker build).

    Where are you based? I'm sure someone nearby will have a Shuker you can have a play on. They don't all play the same obviously but it would give you a rough idea.

  12. [quote name='tauzero' post='1238023' date='May 20 2011, 12:01 PM'][/quote]

    Pretty sure there's one on e-bay at the moment.

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fretless-Space-Bass-/150605474539?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2310c92aeb"]Be quick, finishes at about 14:30[/url]

    At £118 so far.

    Edit:- Ended at £200.

  13. I think if you want a bass with specific features to you that will be very well made then try a few Shukers out and take the plunge if you like the way they play. As someone else said, if you're sitting there drawing up a spec sheet wondering if every option you pick will affect the re-sale value, walk away and buy retail as you're not buying custom for the right reasons.

    As for opinions, I've played both Finbars and loved his p-bass copy. Whether I'd drop that kind of money on any bass is questionable but for the price you pay for MIA Fenders, I'd go Shuker every time.

  14. [quote name='PaulKing' post='1239677' date='May 21 2011, 08:33 PM']£562!!! That is one hell of a good price, for one hell of a good bass. Anyone smiling round here?[/quote]

    Having reviewed my finances, I resisted. Maybe the seller will let me pop round for a blast seeing as we both live in Sheffield west. Shame as I don't think I'll see a nicer bass at a better price within short distance any time soon.

  15. [quote name='PaulKing' post='1238391' date='May 20 2011, 04:49 PM']I don't reckon there's much to be gained by learning ebass first. Go for the upright from the outset!

    There's also a stunning Artia B+H bass on ebay at the moment. I have one, very very good entry level basses. £410 with a day to go.
    Worth a grand I'd say.


    And now I am too, all the more annoying as I can't dismiss it due to collection as it's in Sheffield. This could get expensive.

  16. I layed an EB0 for a while in store. Very good for the price if you can get an earlier model but don't expect a wide range of sounds. Nice to play, being not a huge person with tiny, girly hands.

    I've heard very good things about converting them to fretless and adding flatwounds if that's your thing.

  17. [quote name='therose789' post='1218518' date='May 3 2011, 12:53 PM']i have such a big head i can never really find hats to fit me[/quote]


    I have a massive head and most places that sell hats only go up to about 60cm which won't fit me comfortably.

  18. I owned the aluminium cabs, a 210 and a 115. Every single one of the cones came away from the paper surround and quickly disintegrated, shedding shards of aluminium cone throughout. Then one day the cab died a painful death and took my amp (Warwick xtreme 5.1) with it, necessitating a massively over long repair (thankfully still under warranty). We also borrowed a 410 version at a gig and one of the speakers started dying after a few minutes of playing which cemented my view of them.

    I'm sure a lot of Behringer stuff is very good for the price but I feel the alu cabs are so bad I'd go as fas as to warn anyone looking at them in a shop not to buy them, which is something I'd never do with any other bit of kit. I've never touched another piece of Behringer equipment since.

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