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Posts posted by GarethFlatlands

  1. Thanks for the advice peeps, I reckon a few lessons will go a long way for me so I'll look into teachers in Sheffield as well as checking out the books mentioned.

    And I fully plan to get a bow and using it, it was one of the reasons I wanted an EUB with a proper radius. I think I'll get some left hand technique down first before trying to bow, don't want to try and do everything at once and my pizz is alright from playing regular bass so I can concentrate on the fretting hand.

  2. I got hold of my first EUB this weekend (the Artisan, there's another thread which I'll update with a proper info once I've put the bass through it's paces) and am so far just enjoying noodling on it. The bass I borrowed before had bits of tape for the fret positions and I was basically treating it like an upright fretless rather than a double bass. I reckon I should probably learn to play this bass like I would a double bass so I can transfer to any other DB type instrument and was wondering how everyone got started on DB? Lessons are tempting but expensive but I think a few might be good, but are there any good books or online resources where I could go and learn the basics, scales, playing positions etc? I'm trying to avoid marking the neck and relying on that for note positions.



  3. [quote name='Roland Rock' post='1238774' date='May 20 2011, 10:06 PM']John Chambers should be able to build what you need, although he's always pretty busy. He may be in the mood to work on a small amp after finishing his [url="http://www.chambonino.com/construct/const17.html"]1000w valve amp[/url]![/quote]

    My Matamp could have it.

  4. It's missing an E but I've got a spirocore on the way from Ben Bastin on here so I'll see how I get on before I order anymore thanks. I also need to know what kind of pickup configuration it has and what strings I could use but a few weeks of living with the bass should give me a better idea. My guitarist will hate it, he thought the Palatino was ugly and this is more unusual.

    Picking it up this weekend and will keep my eyes on here and ebay (if I have to) for an alright bow.

  5. Form your own band? Only really advisable if you're 100% sure what you want to do.

    Learning theory and general practice for a while sounds like a good idea if you want to relax for a while. No point rushing into a new band you're not happy with. Something will come up, just maybe not straight away.

  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1258598' date='Jun 6 2011, 04:54 PM']I beg to differ, I can't think of anything he had the right idea about.[/quote]

    Controversial opinion on a bass forum! Somehow I've been playing bass for 12 years and don't think I've heard any Jaco.

    Agree with you on the scratchplate issue, Fenders look odd without it IMO.

  7. A friend (of small stature as it happens) used to play one of the natural finish ones, it was a really nice playing and sounding (and looking) bass from memory. Think he swapped it for a Curbow after a while but he sang its praises while he had it.

  8. Made a decision and won it, will collect it next weekend hopefully and put some more details on here in the hope it will help anyone looking for info for it.

    Edit:- any suggestions as to string choices or cheapish bows? For the strings, something fairly low tension that can do piz or arc and work with whatever pickup the bass has.

  9. [quote name='Mike' post='1257062' date='Jun 5 2011, 03:48 AM']Big G ! Great stuff.[/quote]

    Does everyone called Gareth get called this?

    Nice playing Bilbo, I know what you mean about DB for this kind of track. Did some recording on a very quiet song a few months ago and borrowed a friends EUB and it sounds soooo much better than a fretted electric it's not even funny. That was the recording session I got bit by the upright bug.

  10. I found a thread elsewhere that says they used to be the ones Harley Benton branded as their own before they moved to the Palatino style one they use at the moment.

    Thanks for your prompt reply, I might bid on it and see how it goes. My only other EUB reference is Palatino but there's a folding Bassix for sale on here and I'm torn between giving the Artisan a spin or holding out for the Bassix.

  11. Anyone had any experience of these? There's one on ebay at the moment but I can't find much details on reading around.

    Considering it as it's around the £250 mark at the moment and it's in my home town of Chester where I'm headed next weekend anyway to see the folks.

  12. Here's a couple of my guitars:-


    My Gibson Les Paul standard. Previously owned by no less than one of the guys from Mansun (no idea which) and bought for a bargainous £500 many years ago. Love this guitar to bits and would never sell it. Really comfortable to play, nice sound, the lot.


    1976 Ibanez Les Paul. Falling apart slightly, needs a re-fret and a few minor jobs that may add up in cost and make it not worth restoring. Still in 2 minds about whether to bite the bullet and sell it or fix her up. Someone buying my Rockbass would assist this!

    I like Les Pauls clearly. I also own a suburst MIJ Jazzmaster which has many quirks, some good, some bad. Apart from some amazingly daft design faults, a unique looking and sounding guitar.

  13. A friend got me into Metallica when I was 11 and I wanted to be Kirk Hammett, at the front of the stage playing all the awesome solos. After a few dull, traditional guitar lessons failing to learn 'Little Brown Jug' I put my acoustic in the corner and gave up for a year or 2. The same friend mentioned above and a bunch of his friends showed me how to play songs I actually liked on guitar and explained how tab worked and I spent the next few years learning grunge songs from tab books. Got an electric guitar and dabbled on a friends bass over the years, buying myself a 5 string bass just before coming to uni in Sheffield as I figured it might be easier to join a band as a bassist.

    Been in a few bands over the years playing guitar or bass and have picked up enough skills to get by on other stuff such as keys, mandolin and backing vox over the years. I gave up on learning to solos early on as I realised how pointless and self indulgent it was and concentrated on just making music I was proud of. I think of myself as a musician rather than a bass player but I enjoy bass as it has its own space in the mix of instruments and you can do some really interesting things with it in terms of the feel of a song/section.

    Oddly, my sister was always the young musical prodigy and now she never plays anything. I've never been naturally talented but have worked hard and put the hours in because I enjoy making music so much.

  14. [quote name='I am not excane' post='1253437' date='Jun 2 2011, 04:23 AM']Totally agree :)

    I'm so glad I got see Botch before they were no more.[/quote]

    I was very late to the Botch party, they'd been gone for 5 years before I got into them. Gutted as I don't think any metal band since has come close to what they achieved on 'Romans' and the last EP.

  15. [quote name='DangerDan' post='1252440' date='Jun 1 2011, 10:27 AM']I really wanted a set (green for a black bass, naturally), being a sucker for anything neon, but between 'Design the Skyline' destroying any 'cool' factor and losing warmth from your tone with them, i'm finding myself subtly dissuaded from using them. *sigh* and I do [b]SO[/b] like bright colours.[/quote]

    I don't think their bass player uses them. I'm considering orange myself just to distance myself from that band in any case.

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