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Posts posted by bassfunk

  1. Well guys, some of you will have seen the seperate thread for my new LPB PM/VM4. But Oli encoraged me to post here too.

    I've had it for two days now, It feels amazing and through headphones and an amp in bass direct it sounds amazing. I can't wait for band practice next Sunday, I'm gonna be pretty excited!

    Does anybody know what strings these ship with I'm sure they're sandberg steel strings as they have the silver/grey wrap on the ends. Just wanted to know they gauge, I'm sure they're 40-100 but I wondered if anybody on here knew for sure. Also is there somewhere in the uk that sells these? And what strings do others have on their bergs?

    Here's some pics:


  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1341775680' post='1723987']
    Understandable, but better in the long run to go out for a bit less and do more gigs, surely?
    I've had the same experience with keys players though, they think they're bloody Rimsky-Korsakov for some reason.

    Couldn't agree more, I used to play in a band doing indie/rock covers and a bit of our own stuff and £50 each was a big payer! I'd happily gig for £40 if I had nowt else to do on a Friday!

  3. [quote name='jonsebass' timestamp='1341761937' post='1723690']
    Well, we're a 5 piece and dont really get any more than £225 for a night in a pub or club.

    Unfortunately our Keys player won't go out for less than £50 so that kind of dictates what everybody else gets paid. We don't really play pubs as they're after rock/indie band more and they can't pay as much. We tend to go for classy bar/club type places where they can afford to pay a little bit more.

  4. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1341762075' post='1723696']
    It's the 'hard core' ageing that puts me off it. The 'Soft' ageing is a far as I could go, but I'd still have to see an example.

    I'm the same, Why pay more for it to look used! I love the look of real aged basses. But I wouldn't buy a new car with a couple of scratches on the bumper, some rust on the door sill and cig burns on the seat!

  5. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1341761292' post='1723672']
    Beautiful bass. What the hell is going on with the carpets there though? :D

    Ha I think the image must have corrupted on the one where it looks like two thirds of a neopolitan ice cream! but you're right I should have balanced the backgrounds before publishing these images :D

  6. [quote name='jonsebass' timestamp='1341761170' post='1723667']
    A combination of all 3 work best.

    What we tend to do is email first, then ring (to see if the land lord is in) and then actually visit the pub.

    It might be a bit of a pain in the arse, but its worth it - we only really go out to new venues now - we put the hard work in for the first couple of years, and now we get repeat business.

    One tip - if you "cold visit" a pub - make sure the landlord (or whoever) is in BEFORE you order a drink - you dont want to commit yourself to drinking a lonely pint if the landlord isnt - if he (or she) is in, then order your pint.

    One thing to remember is not to give up. We tried to get in with a pub once for 3 years (we had been bad mouthed by another band) - eventually we got in thru a friend of a friend that recommended us to the pubs landlord. We played our first gig there, and was offered NYE - and 5 gigs a year there, so it was worth all the effort.

    Most of the time you dont really need a demo either - just a good sense of humour and a good price.

    You could always try "supporting" another covers band to try and get in at notoriously difficult places - again, we've had to do that a few times.

    Just dont give up.

    Thanks for the tips, I guess a multi-channel approach is what's needed! We're not charging the earth so hopefully more will come our way.

  7. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1341758910' post='1723629']
    [size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][sup]Do the hard yards on the phone. Venues get to know who works for them and who doesn't so they may indeed have a reliable rosta and there are always news bands wanting in on that.[/sup][/font][/size]
    [size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][sup]You have to make your deal attractive over and above other bands to squeeze in.[/sup][/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][sup]Basically bands are two a penny and also a bit of a risk so you need to convince them otherwise... but without the BS...[/sup][/font][/size]
    [size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][sup]There is nothing worse than conning a venue when you can't deliver.[/sup][/font][/size]
    [size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][sup]Best tactic is to go in under budget for a one time intro offer only....but not too cheap as why would anyone want to book a band that is cheap and desperate?[/sup][/font][/size]
    [size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Well, some Landlords might do..but then you should be wanting to avoid them as much as some LL need to avoid certain bands[/font][/size]

    Thanks for the advice, funnily enough some landlords do contact me and they're exactly the type you mention 'we don't pay more than £200'! There's 6 of us! A place we played a couple of weeks ago normally doesn't pay more then £250 but the land lady had seen us at a wedding and said we were worth what we were asking.

    I'm going to get our singers onto calling some venues this week I think,

  8. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1341755769' post='1723577']
    Congratulations, she's a beaut!

    Make sure you post on the Sandberg Love porn thread.

    Cheers Oli, was wondering when the local Sandberg champion would be along :)
    [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1341759810' post='1723642']
    Strangely enough I was there at Bass Direct last Wed collecting my new roasted neck with Dave Swift (Jools Holland Bassist) and I pointed that same bass to him he said he tried it last week and liked it a lot.

    I have tried the exact similar one in Guitar Guitar Epsom and cannot fault their quality and the fact that they can be just about the only bass which can produce both a very good P bass sound as well as a MusicMan Stingray one. Oh and they have a Glockengklang preamp which is very good too. Beefy sound for sure.

    I can't wait to try it in anger then! Glad I got it before Mr Swift did then!

  9. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1341758917' post='1723630']
    Very nice!

    I keep looking at the California JM 4 on BassDirect's website...

    I didn't try it when I was in there, but I did try a similar one in PMT in Manchester. They're great basses and the ageing looks very authentic. Just go for it!

  10. Hi Guys

    I was wondering how those of you in function/wedding etc bands went about booking public gigs? Do you call venues, go in in person or just email?

    I've been emailing a few venues and don't really get any kind of response. I also find a lot of venues have a regular roster of bands and it's hard for a new bands to get in with them. We have one venue that keeps on booking us, and we played a new one last week so hopefully we'll be back there. But I want more!

    I'd be interested to hear how the rest of you guys get on with this?



  11. [quote name='bigthumb' timestamp='1341751967' post='1723525']
    This was the bass I used when trying my new Genz cabs, it was lovely! I'm very envious of you!

    I owned a PM 4 before some years ago and I had forgotten just how good Sandbergs are. Great choice of bass there. :)

    Thanks, those Genz cabs look great. I was with the wife so didn't get a chance to look at all of the amps/cabs in there. Maybe I should plan another trip down next time I have some money burning a hole in my pocket.

  12. It's a nice video, and I think you sound great without keys. We're thinking about getting a video done. I'm not sure whether to go for a studio type thing like this, hire a venue during the day, get our friends to pretend to be a crowd and film it like a gig, or just pick a gig we know is going to be a good one and film it?

  13. Hey

    Guys, I relived some GAS yesterday! I made the two hour trip to see Mark at Bass Direct and relieved some Major gas I've had for a while now right there in his shop! :P

    I'm now the proud owner of a Lake Placid Blue Sandberg PM/VM. Initial impressions are good, I haven't plugged it in yet but I've played it unplugged all morning. The neck feels great, finish is beautiful (the scratch plate has a nice green hue to it). I've got to wait a whole week to try at rehearsal though!

    Mark at Bass Direct was great, very knowledgeable. I tried a few of other basses (a Mayones, spector and Dingwall) out just to be sure this was the one.

    I'll probably do a full review once I've gotten use to this bass and tried it in anger. My only problem is, what do I GAS for now? maybe a new amp? an EUB? What am I going to do if this bass really is the one?

    Anyway it doesn't exist without pics right?

  14. I just called my insurance company (Admiral) as my insurance is due for renewal on Monday. I had a cheaper quote from Diamond and told them the details (they're all part of the same umbrella company) and they brought my premium down from the original renewal price and included business use and a 2nd occupation as a musician in a dance band! still bloody expensive but at least I'm being honest!

  15. I always struggle with NYE pricing. Last year we played a casino in Leeds for £1700 (we're a 6 piece) got offered it again in Feb for the same money but it was a bit of a sh*t gig so we turned it down. Now a bar we gig at regularly are asking for a NYE quote. We get paid £350 for a fri night gig normally - we treat bar gigs as free advertising - but as its NYE we're going to have to charge our 'proper' rate, not sure if they're going to go for it though. And I'd rather have a gig than not have one.

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