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Posts posted by bassfunk

  1. Hey

    Not used this in ages so I might as well move it on. Most of you will know what this does. It's a Boss Overdrive pedal, not sure on it's age but these things last forever right? usual scratches to paint but works perfectly.

    more info here: http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails.php?ProductId=155

    looking for £40 inc P&P or can be collected from Manchester

  2. Hey Guys

    I've get a pair of Event ALP5 studio monitors going spare. Great for small studios, bass sounds great through them. There's a SOS review of them here:


    £130 inc. P&P or £120 collected from Manchester

    I'm open to trades for:

    A decent small practice combo I can use for Double bass and electric bass
    A Markbass LM2 or 3
    A shaped hard case
    [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Wharfedale Pro Titan Sub A12[/font]

    Plus cash either way

  3. Hey ead

    Thanks for your reply, I've spoken to our sound guy about this. It's not going to be much cheaper to hire an engineer etc. (we'd still need kit mics and lights that come with the PA) than to hire full PA as we get such a good deal. And as the set up is going to have to be mega fast he'd rather use his own gear as he knows it inside out, and he knows our 'sound' too.

    I really appreciate your offer of going to check it out, but I'm going to err on the side of caution and take the full rig, it's somebody's wedding
    after all. We're playing another wedding there in may so I'll check it out with the PA guy on Saturday and see if we can agree on something for that date if the in house stuff is any good.

    It looks like a great venue, just had a full set up
    and fret dress on my sandberg so I'm really looking forward to it!



  4. Hi Guys

    As the header says, anyone played Rivington Hall Barn in Bolton recently? I've just spoken to the venue and they say they have a PA we can plug in to. But couldn't give me any kind of spec etc.

    We hire in PA and a sound engineer for weddings, but if the PA there is decent maybe I can save some money on this gig and put it towards a lighting rig. I don't like using house PA without knowing the spec. But it's also going to be a really tight room change over so anything to save time will really help.

    So in a nutshell, anybody played there recently and used the in house PA? Know what the spec is etc?

    Thanks in advance


  5. I've done a few tours as a backline tech both in splitters and Tour buses.

    What the rest of the guys have said about not drinking to excess and eating right is true. My frst tour I was doing backline and driving, the band were also doing DJ sets after each gig. I ended up staying up drinking with the band until the early hours then having to get up at 8/9 am to drive for several hours and then unload gear etc, and tech throughout the gig. I felt burnt out after the 3rd day!

    Don't abstain, just don't over do it! I would say take a laptop and a box set to relieve hours of boredom. Try and see something in the town/city you're in get walking around and you feel better and less bored. Also my favourite thing to do on tour is swim! the singer of a band I worked with swims everyday he's not on tour. find a pool at a hotel/leisure centre etc It makes you feel refreshed and clean, you can use the shower facilities and toilets for your number twos :-).

  6. Looks like one sold here for £330 a year ago:

    And a quick Google shows one being sold on eBay for £250 plus £20 p+p.

    I hope this helps.

  7. Back to the OP ...

    I use the same head as you (GK MB500) into a compact. I play all sorts of things in my band from Kings of Leon and Killers to Stevie and Luther and it covers everything I need. I play huge gigs with full PA support and small gigs with just vocal PAs and I've never felt the need for anything else cab wise. It's punchy and very loud. One sound engineer I work with loves the sound of my bass and only puts a little through the FOH to beef up the sound.

    A lot of people have suggested the super 12 but you may not have the room in your mini? A compact or midget should suit your needs.

    Good luck, I hope you find what you want.

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