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Posts posted by bassfunk

  1. Hi Guys

    We just bought a pair of Mackies so I'm selling our band PA. Its a HK Audio Soundhouse one Active PA system it looks like this but with HK Audio badges on the speakers:

    This PA is surprisingly loud and you can see a video of it in use here:


    and a review here:

    The sub is 300w and the satellites are 150w each, it has a built in crossover and is really easy to set up. The only thing that's wrong with it is the power switch doesn't light up when you turn it on but there is a fan next to it so you can 'feel' if it's on.

    With the seats down this fits easily into the back of my Astra along with my bass rig and a big bag of cables ets.

    Now For sale only [size=5]£500[/size]

    Let me know if you want anymore info



  2. Hi Guys

    Due to work commitments our current keyboard player is strggling to cope with our increasingly busy diary. So with his blessing we're trying to find a replacement. So if you're a multi instumentalist or if you have a friend who plays keys please pass this on.

    Here's some info:
    We’re a pro sounding function band with a pro attitude. We play a whole range of styles from Stevie Wonder to Foo Fighters, all with our own funky twist added. We’re looking for a creative, talented player who is confident in all genres. Own transport and pro gear are essential, we’re a fun loving bunch too so a good sense of humour might help. We rehearse at weekends every couple of weeks,and we aim to gig at least 2-3 weekends a month.

    You can hear/ see us here:

    and email me at [email protected]



  3. Hi Guys

    I've been asked by one of our regular bar gigs if I know anybody who is available for NYE. We've already been booked otherwise we would do it. So I thought I'd put out there for the wonderful world of Basschat.

    The Bar is in Macclesfield so would suit band in the Northwest, also as it's bar we're not talking megabucks!

    Send me a PM for more info.

    Please feel to hijack this thread and debate: the price you should get for NYE, the use of fingers vs picks, notation vs tab, bad technique/good technique. Fender vs Fenderalikes etc. etc etc. :P



  4. Do you have a good understanding of theory? I'm not a reader. But I do have grade 8 theory (a bit rusty now as I don't use it as much as I should do) I'm also trying to learn to read as I think it will help me understand rhythm and harmony a lot more, and I'm slowly getting there with Jazz and find it helps with Walking bass lines etc.

    IMHO If you're just going to stick to Rock/funk covers then maybe learing enough theory so you can figure stuff out from notation and see how the notes you're playing relate to the chord/key you're in etc. But if you're going to become a full-time working musician then I personally think reading is incredibly important.

  5. Hey Alex

    Congrats on leaving your band, I was in a similar situation and had exactly the same discussion but managed to keep my band going (they all pulled they're fingers out). It's hard work but an be very rewarding, As JTUK says it's not an easy market to break into we're in our second year and averaging 2 - 3 gigs a month.

    You'll probably have to do something to supplement your income - our drummer and guitarist both teach from home and me and the rest of the band have full time jobs. But the extra cash from wedding gigs etc is well worth it.

    If you haven't already look at what tunes covers/wedding band play (there are some staple songs) and learn as many as you can, that way you'll be able to slot right in with any band you join.

    Good Luck!

  6. I must be the only one who constantly has to ask our guitarist to turn up! In fact he's the one member of the band who doesn't cause any headaches, he turns up on time, learns the songs, he's never too loud and he has zero ego! The only problem is he makes me look bad :rolleyes:

  7. I'm with Lozz on this. We rarely play rooms so big that the backline needs to be louder than the drums (our drummer is a fairly loud player anyway). We EQ the kick so that it's just punching through a little. Then make sure vox are loud and clear.

    You mentiona keyboard amp, Does he not have a monitor? why use an amp? Our keyboard player uses a wharfedale powered monitor, the sound is directed to his hears not the rest of us/FOH so there are no sound wars! We also sound check a song that starts quiet, gets loud and has a keys and guitar solo. We always sound check with the same song too (not the newest one in the set for a bit of practice) so we know exactly how it should sound.

    But I'm no expert :)

  8. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1349352338' post='1825111']
    Never, especially with more modern stuff.
    But then my band seems to get work on the strength of 'our sound and vibe', as opposed to note-for-note covers.
    Of course there are exceptions though, you wouldn't change up the line to Billie Jean for example.



  9. Hi Guys

    I came across these guys yesterday: [url="http://www.dkmanagement.co.uk/"]http://www.dkmanagement.co.uk/[/url]

    It appears they get musicians together, get them to form a band and get them out gigging, they do all of the organising, you get paid a set fee and travel expenses.

    Has anybody had any experience with them or similar? I know opinions are going to be divided on stuff like this. And before anybody says just go out there and do it yourself I already play in and manage a function band and we do around 20 gigs a year. But I'd like more :-)



  10. We use Pro music Ltd, and a few others. But We've only ever had one agency gig in the last two years. We've quoted on plenty but I find having a decent website for the band that lands on page 1 of google searches and word of mouth has gotten us more gigs!

    Just call them and chat to them. I use twitter and facebook to network with them too.

  11. Not sure if this will help? I have no problem with grooves etc and have a pretty good knowledge of theory, but I really enjoyed the below lesson, might be something to get yourself started on?

    Then when you've had a go at both parts of the exercise and had a mess about, practice with stuff like this:

    Then try the same kind of thing but with a backing track over a Major chord, etc etc. Then go find a bass teacher who can really expand your mind and playing :-)

  12. Mine are:

    Flea - seen 3x
    Ben Kenney (amazing all round musician) - Seen 2x
    Geddy Lee - Never seen
    Bill Gould - saw a couple of weeks ago
    Lou Barlow - seen 2x
    Matt Freeman - seen 2x
    Mike Dirnt - seen 3x

    I'm sure there are loads more, maybe Sting with the Police as well?

    It's funny the OP mentions Steve Hanley, I do a bit of driving and backline teching for bands and I've worked with Steve loads. He's a great guy and a really great, solid player. Not many many people mention him on here but he was the longest serving Fall member (after Mark E of course) but then people son't seem to rate Punk players as much on here.

  13. I wouldn't play with the covers band for free, but I'd play a 30 min originals set for free. IMHO half the bands I see don't deserve to get paid anyway. They turn up late with sub standard gear (I mean broken/no leads etc. not cheap gear) get drunk and play a sub-standard set that only entertains the 15 or so mates they've managed to get to come and see them. If I took the same lax attitude in my day job I'd be out on my arse!

  14. I went from playing a Warwick to a G&L (both fat necks) to a squier jazz. The difference in my playing was amazing, all the band commented on it. Try a cheap squier jazz, you can always upgrade the pickups etc.

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