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About Marvin

  • Birthday January 31

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  1. Maybe time to book an appointment with the dentist. The repair he did on my broken tooth (he drilled out the filling and put in a new one, that was it) has failed miserably from day one...and that was about 2 months ago I have a huge hole in my tooth and tooth ache every day, for the last 6 weeks. But I hate dentists...

    1. gjones


      I had a friend who went on tour with a singer who had a fear of dentists. He got severe toothache halfway through the tour and because he couldn't bare a visit to the dentist, asked my friend to pull out his tooth with a set of pliers.


      Which he did.


      Do you have any friends who are handy with a set of pliers?

    2. Marvin


      That's a bit extreme 🙂


      Extractions I can't sort of handle, it's the root canal and crown he wants to do that's put me off going back

    3. ezbass


      If there's not much salvageable of the tooth, a cap is the best way forward (or go with a gap). Root canal pre cap is also sensible, I speak from experience of having to have a cap drilled through to do an RC as the cap wouldn't come off. I'm an odontophobe too. At least I was. If you can find someone who is sympathetic to your fear, it makes all the difference. It took me years to find a dentist who understood my fear and I was happy to visit, but I did. Unfortunately, I then moved 500+ miles away. :facepalm:

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