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Posts posted by grahamd

  1. [quote name='lanark' post='985339' date='Oct 12 2010, 09:05 AM']See - what's happened is that apparently "Punk" is now a definition of a rigid music sound rather than an attitude, which it was when it first arrived. Personanlly I always preferred what became known as "New Wave" than what now classes as "Punk" which is essentially pretty dull and mostly sounds the same. Greatest Punk bands? The Fall and Frank Zappa - just playing a guitar very fast and shouting doesn't necessarily make you punk.

    I find it frustrating that the same think has apparently happened to the term "Indie" too. Back in the day it covered everything npon-commercial, from the DKs to The Cocteau Twins, now both Punk and Indie apparently mean Green Day and The Killers. Boring both.[/quote]

    +1000. Generic = against the original spirit of punk

  2. [quote name='Clarky' post='971870' date='Sep 29 2010, 05:03 PM'][attachment=60165:snake2_1388468i.jpg]

    "buy thissssss basssssss"


    Aaah this is driving me maaaaad! I have a recently acquired Sadowsky MV5 in seafoam green, I believe it was the first entry in the Sad pr0n thread. Interested Clarky??

  3. +3 on everything everything, very fresh sounding, will be investigating further.

    Thought Jamiroquai were slick as you like as expected, but PT very muddy to my ears. Couldn't make out what he was playing either, was it an AC?

  4. [quote name='Spoombung' post='956440' date='Sep 14 2010, 07:34 PM']I still maintain I've never heard a Precision bass sound like his anywhere. It might be interesting to offer up a challenge to see if we can get any P-bass players here on Basschat to emulate the sound and then run a competition for the best effort.[/quote]

    Great idea. I'd pay a dollar for that!! Now where can I get a P...

  5. [quote name='Doddy' post='949420' date='Sep 8 2010, 01:44 PM']There are tons of great players who regularly play 12 bars-it's the bread and butter. But improvising underneath a soloist does not mean it moves into a jazz direction. A good player will still keep the feel of the tune while still being able to react to the music that is going on around them.[/quote]

    +1. Improvisation can also be subtle, within the parameters of keeping a song nailed, and tasteful. It takes both understanding and restraint, but the audience will feel it, whether they know what it is or not.

    It's not automatically Jazz Odyssey just because it isn't set in stone

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