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Simon C

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Everything posted by Simon C

  1. Excellent. I do like people sharing vids of their gigs.
  2. Well as you asked, I do quite like your hat. Hat opinion is mixed on here though: I was once congratulated for not wearing a hat.
  3. I use in ear ones by “Alpine”. PMT sell them. They have three layers of attenuation which you select by choice of insert - I use the middle one. They seem to attenuate the loud noises but leave lower levels alone. So at pub gigs I can hear conversations fine, but don’t have my ears ringing the next morning because the music has been ridiculously loud. At Jam Night I wear them the whole night, even when playing. They are joined by a chord: I thought this was handy for wearing, but note one of the above contributors thinks it may also be a safety benefit.
  4. “A second public spanking”. It’s amazing what one can get online nowadays.😜
  5. My main goal for 2023 is to improve my muscle memory and to trust it, so I don’t have to look down at the fingerboard all the time. It’s going ok. I video my self approximately once a month and post it to YouTube or Vimeo, and I can see improvement. However for this month’s effort it was a more complex bass line that moved all over the neck, so I went easy on myself and allowed myself to look down - I’d have never got the line down if I’d been looking up most of the time. I play fretted and fretless. I do think that having good technique and fretting just behind the fret (on a fretted bass) translates to better intonation on the fretless, so I try to be accurate when playing the fretted bass. In turn this allows me to trust my muscle memory when playing fretless.
  6. Are you using your cab(s) for FOH or just fold back? If it’s just fold back, have you tried the cab on a stand? I have one that angles my combo amp so that it acts more like a wedge, but without direct contact with the floor. The stand has rubber feet so I guess that acts as a bit of isolation. I’ve never felt the need to try any further isolation, such as a carpet.
  7. What a life - an international cricketer then getting paid for playing music. It's a shame I'm not good enough at either - or maybe the careers officer at my school didn't know it was a potential career path 😁. They both played in good West Indies teams too, particularly Richardson -though I'm sure Richie would think the pinnacle of his career was playing for Yorkshire😜 .
  8. I just put mine on the kitchen scales. 3.05kg or 6lbs 11 oz. I'm never really sure what is meant when quoting lbs in a decimal format but assuming 8oz is 0.5lb then mine is 6.7lbs. So it is in the same ball park as the Op's instrument. Mine is stock so has the Barts, a 9V battery and plastic knobs. And if balance is a thing for you: you can pretty much put the neck where you want it and it will stay there. I bought mine so that I had something light that I could fit in a guitar case so that I could take it when travelling for work. I actually use more than that though, as a Jam Night I play at is on a very small stage and it means I can stand up front with the singer without being too worried about whacking her on the head😀 . I enjoy playing it.
  9. It was Jam Night on Thursday. We had an early slot, and with it getting lighter it was the 1st time I hadn’t had to sit there pre slot with a UV torch charging the dots. A mate of my son played guitar with us for the 1st time. I’d heard him play before in a duo with my son and he’s done plenty of weddings and busking slots. (And linking to the previous post, I used to coach him at cricket). I assumed he’d played in bands before, but apparently this was his 1st time. He did a good job, and his US Fender is a bit of a looker. He’s up for playing with us next time which is a good, particlularly as he can sing and the singer can’t make it. 90s or so of clips below: https://youtu.be/niKZr2ZADVM https://youtu.be/jRGBNGUdiGg
  10. I used to. I coached it for 9 or 10 years too. One of the greatest ever fast bowlers is a decent bass player. I’ve a vague memory that his band once played at my cricket club. A guy called Curtly Ambrose. I’m not sure if he’s on this forum or not 😀.
  11. One of the sound-techs got back to me. The monitor mix is eq'ed, but not independently. So the monitor feed (IEM or stand monitor) will get the eq that the sound tech is sending to Front of House. The same is true for compression and gates. So the difference between monitor mix and FoH is that those of us in the band can put what we like in the monitor, at the level we want it, and wherever we want it in the stereo field. But it is eq’ed.
  12. I don't notice the "harshness" you describe (I have the KZ ZS10 pros - not sure I have a "X" model). I don't do any eq myself (other than the balance and stereo field separation of each band member), though I guess the sound-techs may be doing something with the monitor mix. I've asked one of the sound-techs if they do any "eq"ing of the monitor mix and if they do anything different for IEMs vs what they would do for stand monitors. I'll report back if / when I get an answer. Note that we have a stereo monitor mix. This means I'm able to separate different band members using the stereo field. I think this allows me to run the mix at lower volume than I would otherwise need to. I guess the lower volume would help to limit any harshness there may be in any particular frequency range (but I'm no ones' idea of a good sound-technician or acoustic engineer, so this is supposition on my part).
  13. Gratuitous, but well received. It looks gorgeous.
  14. Yes they are wide. It is quite thick too. The bass I had before it was a P though, so it felt normal to me in the shop. But I suspect I'm not overly sensitive to the width or thickness of the neck. I have a Sire V7 fretless Jazz and an Ibanez short scale headless which both have less wide and less chunky necks then the L2000. If I pick one of the basses off the wall or (in the case of the headless) off the stand, I never think about the thickness or width of the neck when deciding which one I want to play. My L2000 is one of the nicest instruments that I've ever played - maybe the nicest (and I'm including some pianos that would set you back tens of thousands of pounds).
  15. Here is my L2000 Tribute. I've had it since April 2021 - bought on the day the shops were allowed to re-open in the UK following covid. It's my number 1 bass - or maybe it's the 1st among equals of the 3 of them.
  16. I'm currently wearing a crap digital watch in sea foam green (nice colour, matches my short scale headless bass). I bought it for €9 in a Portugese supermarket last summer to get me through the holiday after I destroyed the one I took out with me after a mishap with the battery, o ring and the hotel swimming pool. So a new watch is a good shout.
  17. End of Q1 report: All was going well, but then I received a voucher for GuitarGuitar for my birthday from my eldest son (there is more on this in the thread above) . After a bit of rules reading, soul searching and thought, I spoke to GuitarGuitar and have booked my fretless in for a set-up. I'm happy this is covered by: "Maintenance/setups that only involve work on existing aspects of your bass (ie no purchasing a preamp to add to it)". So I'm still in - unless of course any of you interpret the rules differently and wish to eject me 😉. I'm still looking at the (almost) empty space on the wall (it's currently sporting a ukulele that no one has played for years) and thinking it needs filling. But I am enjoying my 3 basses. Ah, conflicts. I think I'm good until July time when we may get paid a work bonus (no birthdays or Christmas to navigate this quarter). I'll start looking at how I can spend it on cycling or skiing gear though in order to help manage the risk of an impulse bass buy.
  18. It’s oft’ said that a sentence from me can put people to sleep😄.
  19. Looking at the rules, I would say you would be fine for the tier 1 challenge (bass) but not for the tier 2 (other instruments).
  20. I think one of my 1st pub induced hangovers resulted from a few lunch time beers in the Royal Oak in Linthwaite. I was knackered that afternoon - I don’t think it had anything to do with the movement of clocks though.
  21. Top stuff. You guys rocked and really looked like you were enjoying it. That's brave using a new bass. I agree it's important to get your new basses into your playing arsenal (I think I've used all 3 of mine at the 1st live opportunity, all of which were live streamed on YouTube), but I'm not sure I would have done for a live TV show going out to a million people. Kudos.
  22. Here we are playing Valerie at Jam night on Thursday. It was the opening gig for McAfferty’s St. Patrick’s weekend in Epsom. They do a good job of putting live music on. I don’t think it’s my best work but we enjoyed the night.
  23. I feel in my case it would. 2 of the 3 straps are new. And the very old one (10+ years) is still in really good nick and well secured with strap locks. Maybe new strap locks to prolong the life of the straps might be possible. I'll see if I can square that with the rules and my conscience 😁. I think the pro set-up on the fretless is feeling like the way to go though.
  24. Happy Birthday to me. I was hoping to get to the end of March and give a Q1 report. But...St.Patrick's Day which also happens to be my birthday looks to have intervened. My eldest son has given me a Guitar Guitar voucher. I think it would be wrong not to buy something with it, just to try and last the year. I can't get strings as I bought some last week - so don't need them. Nothing is broken on any of my basses. The only thing that may stay within the rules, whilst also being worthwhile spending of the voucher is: "Maintenance/setups that only involve work on existing aspects of your bass (ie no purchasing a preamp to add to it)". I've been thinking of getting a professional set-up on my fretless for some time. But... if I do buy something else with it that's not in the rules, it does release me to buy a bass to fill the remaining gap on the wall - silver linings.
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