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Posts posted by iamapirate

  1. on the first song on the myspace (not had enough time to listen to them all - very short on time) the violin sounds out, but I really like the song. Amazing that you've managed to get such nice quality. Very nice melodic bass lines - maybe just sort out your timing slightly.


  2. I know it's a bit different because it's a 3-piece, but the bassist always gets replaced for a gig or so all the time. Especially with things like international gigs with visas, etc. I mean, if I'm working on a night where the band has a gig, we either say no, or, if it's too late to cancel, get someone else to play... like the lead singer :) oh yeah... 3 piece...

  3. I have an american fender 2008 jazz that I bought new, and an ashdown MAG-300 EVOII with 4x10s combo... what does that make me?! I suppose if I have the money I go for something quality - never behringer or anything,. but I always look for a bargain. So for exam[ple my amazing pedalboard that can hold about...15(?) pedals cost me £20, and I've got 2 home-made pedals and 1 made by a BC member for a fraction of the price it should be.

  4. Right, thought I'd do a bit of advertising for my guitarist. The ad says it all, really. Just thought I'd add my personal comments: It's got such a lovely nice thick tone. Sounds sooo nice. Exactly like a vai or extreme tone. Bassists beware! You NEED to turn down the bass knob down on his/her amp before they use it!


  5. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='554146' date='Jul 28 2009, 04:41 PM']Someone's reading my posts... :)
    Tape is very rock and roll but the ol' tissue trick is more permanent, and is not likely to peel off mid gig which might give you buzzaw distortion when you don't expect it.[/quote]
    Well, it wouldn't affect my tone if it did :rolleyes:

  6. :) crazehhhh!! I had something happen to me similar, but completely musically unrelated and not very life-threatening... kinda.

    I was basically trying to move a computer desk out of the way. Now screwed onto the back of it were 3 wires in some kind of white plastic transluscent box. So I thought to myself - take it off with a screwdriver, surely! (with the mains still on) I proceeded, thinking it was some kind of internet cable fix (The rabbit has bitten many a cable in this 'ere house) only to find to my suprise that it was mains electricity that my Dad had decided to make a cable with - a kettle-to-kettle lead. So the wires connected, sparks flew (one down my hoodie sleeve - burning me - no marks) and others going everywhere - a couple on my face.

    The funny thing was that because they were metal screws, if I hadn't chosen to use the plastic screwdriver, (I was offered 2 different sizes - decided to take the one that was larger that hapened to be plastic), or only used 1 hand to unscrew it, or if I hadn't worn that particular hoodie, then I would have risked having an electrical spark in my eye, or having mains running down both my hands and through my body... which would suck!

    Come to think of it, i keep getting shocks from the HiFi every now and again. Also, when I was 6 I once got a shock from an 'unbulbed' lamp. AND my guitarists' JCB extension gave me a huge shock about a year ago *runs to get a surge RCB thingy*
  7. [quote name='alexclaber' post='557343' date='Jul 31 2009, 06:30 PM'](though I stomped out annoyed once when they wouldn't match their online price on a Line6 DL-4 (brought one back from the US instead, their loss)).

    Ah, yes the old 'why can't you match the online prices?' deal. Well, I think it's fair enough - seeing as gak.co.uk and the physical GAK are actually different companies using each other for reputation - quite clever, but I Feel sorry for the people who work in GAK always getting asked to match prices. Their service is excellent, though!

  8. IMO the best drummersare the ones that canmake the ximpest of beats sound like the best thing in the world. It's all about confidence. What YOU need to do is just follow whatever he's doing.

    The kick drum is always the best place to start, and if you're not hitting your note on almost every time that kick hits the skin, then you need to sort something out. Something I have noticed, is that f he's hitting it on 2 and 4 on a quiet section, hitting it on 1 and 3 actually works. It makes it sound like you're hitting it on all 4, but you're in fact not. it's a good way of building up.

    Now I have a question that is based on what this guy will probably experience: The lead singer/guitarist goes out of time. The drummer can't quite tell - but he knows something's gone wrong. The g-tard singer decides in his mind that he is right and everyone should follow him. The drummer's heard that he's the centre of the band and carries on. Who do you follow??

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