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Posts posted by iamapirate

  1. yeah, yeah I know that lol. But the problem is that if you have it on bypass mode, then there is no way of muting it from the pedal. Which IMO is stuuuuuuupid. I want to see if I'm out of tune whilest playing, and then be able to silently tune up inbetween somgs... do I made my own seperate mute (or 'moot' as I call it) pedal

  2. haha, probably just me but I really don't like line 6 tones. They just sound like a heavy metal tone (which is what I don;t want). It's that kind of over-the-top chorus flangy-thing that immediateltly goes into a searing hot heavy metal tone. I know for sure that it's that way on guitar, at least.

  3. hi,
    basically I want to make my own single loop selector. But the problem i'm having is that there isn't enough of those latches on the footswitch (it has 6 different things you can solder it to). all this time I've been presuming that the inside part of the jack lead is +ve and the outside is -ve and that you'd need both to make a sound. Am I right about this, because all the circuit diagrams I've seen have shown only one lead from each jack plug going to the switch.
    I'll find the link in a minute for the swich diagram.


    there it is


  4. hmmm, the guitarist in the band I'm in at the moment uses an Ibanez RG series with a tremelo going through a Marshall with lots of gain and distortion (but funnily enough doesn't play heavy metal) and he has the chunkiest sound in the world, so I don't have any need for distortion or overdrive. Actually, 90% of my EHX BMS gets lost in his tone (except when I have it on a very long sweep high to low. then it just sounds legendary). I think that just aving a clean tone is a lot more useful than trying to out-do his distortion or whatever.

    </my 2p>

  5. Sorry, I didn't quite catch what cry baby wah it was. Can you post a link to it please? And can you post a picture of which model the pedalboard is as there's loads of different sizes of them



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